Acheron Parthenopaeus Updates

a pop quiz question was added: What did tory's friend give ash one night when he was guarding tory? over a year ago by OulawKing
an answer was added to this question: can anyone tell the name of the song acheron sings to tory in "acheron" the book? over a year ago by OulawKing
a comment was made to the poll: blonde ash or redhead ash? over a year ago by Gothgirl29
a comment was made to the poll: Who is hotter ash or styxx? over a year ago by cunha27
a comment was made to the poll: if artemis and tory ever got in to a fight, how would win? over a year ago by cunha27
a comment was made to the video: Ash's song by Warchild over a year ago by NMC315
a comment was made to the photo: Ash's Symbol over a year ago by NMC315
a comment was made to the wallpaper: immortal over a year ago by black_13
an answer was added to this question: can anyone tell the name of the song acheron sings to tory in "acheron" the book? over a year ago by StarburstKitty
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: what drink acheron drank that made him drunk? over a year ago by StarburstKitty
a pop quiz question was added: What song did Ash dedicate to Tory when he subbed for Cult at the Sanctuary? over a year ago by HeatherCrouse
a poll was added: Who is hotter ash or styxx? over a year ago by Damionhunter
a pop quiz question was added: Why did Ash kiss Artie the first time in her temple? over a year ago by steffy1984
a pop quiz question was added: How did Acheron break himself away from artemis over a year ago by lori38
a comment was made to the photo: Ash over a year ago by marina09141993
a comment was made to the photo: acheron over a year ago by marina09141993
an answer was added to this question: can anyone tell the name of the song acheron sings to tory in "acheron" the book? over a year ago by katej1975
a question was added: can anyone tell the name of the song acheron sings to tory in "acheron" the book? over a year ago by karab91