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Advice on Love, Crushes, and More! Question

hey girls ;) ehhh I was wondering..... how can u tell a guy u're actually into him???

the thing is that in my hole life I've never done that cuz I'm a little old-fashioned when it comes to ask out...... and cuz of that I think I've lost great oportunities and a friend of mine just let the guys know she likes them and she always ends up with the guys she likes but I have no idea how does she do that and I feel kinda embarrased to ask her ...... do u have any advice???
 soffi posted over a year ago
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Advice on Love, Crushes, and More! Answers

MileySelena982 said:
Well, you can use the direct, straight to the point option. Say, “I really like being with you.” If that to gutsy for your taste, finish text massages with smiley’s, :) Winks, ;) and Giant smiles, :D You drop hints that way.

Hold hands, smiles at him, ect. Make him know you like him. And if all of the above fails…. Say, (and sound like mean it.)


If the guy still doesn’t get it, I don’t know what to tell you. –JC

P.S. I’m sending vannilamoon08 a message with the link to this. She’s GREAT at advice.

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posted over a year ago 
Winkies work the BEST if you're going to get flirty, if I might add. XD I Smilelies usually mean friendship, while winkies are more of a flirty approach to talking to somebody. :)
vanillamoon08 posted over a year ago
yeah........I'll try ha ha ha ^^
soffi posted over a year ago
lol!! :D It's a start! :)
vanillamoon08 posted over a year ago
vanillamoon08 said:
I'm old-fashioned too, hon. XD I think that a guy should ask out a girl first. But I also think that it's TOTALLY fine for a girl to tell a guy she likes him.
And, don't be ashamed to ask your friend. :) It's okay, and since she's your friend she'll probably help you more than anything.
So, to be honest, I never have ended up with any guy I like. XD (but at the same time I haven't told all the guys I've liked them, there was other things going on the prevented me from telling them). However, I will try my best to answer your question. :)

First, when you tell a guy that you like him, go with a way you're most comfortable. Like, texting, chatting online, talking in person (if you're good like that lol). When you tell him, don't just blurt it out lol. It might freak him out a bit. Try building up to it. Start off with a conversation, then tell him that you have to tell him something. Once you've confessed how you feel, wait for him to ask you out. :)

TIP: Before you tell him, make sure that he might be interested in you too. Drop some hints or some signs. Flirt a little. See how he reacts. :)

I'm sorry is this wasn't that good. XD I'm very tired right now lol. :) Here's a website that will help you out further: link

Good luck!!! :) I hoped this helped some...
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posted over a year ago 
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