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Advice on Love, Crushes, and More! Forum

Topics 1-100 of 288 Author Replies Views Last Post
JC's First Date Handbook: What To Wear  MileySelena982 14 879 over a year ago
What would you do?  MileySelena982 10 578 over a year ago
Where would you go with your guy on a first date?  vanillamoon08 8 783 over a year ago
What would you wear one a first date?  MileySelena982 4 796 over a year ago
Asking a guy out? help me!  AnimeFanime12 3 987 over a year ago
Some one just broke up with you over the phone. What do you do?  daddykat 3 792 over a year ago
What NOT to talk about on your first dates with a guy  vanillamoon08 3 672 over a year ago
My Awkward Situation  Solefitjar27 2 717 over a year ago
Are daily fights normal?  greg48 1 428 over a year ago
Age or Love? tying the knot... need help!  askingguy77 1 246 over a year ago
How do I impress my foreign in-laws?  imkatrain28 0 1161 over a year ago
Visited Thailand for the first time and admire its women!  charlesxx 0 611 over a year ago
Her parents make me feel I am after their wealth only.  frankdiaz 0 308 over a year ago
She wants a baby but I am not yet ready to be a father..  gregevans 0 489 over a year ago
My friend's boyfriend is hitting on me.  krizialopez 0 307 over a year ago
My girlfriend is in her monthly pain. How can I help her?  adampayne29 0 183 over a year ago
He's back and I'm confused again.  samforshort27 0 244 over a year ago
How do you know she's the one?  randygarcia25 0 488 over a year ago
Why am I not good enough for her?  simonf3 0 244 over a year ago
I want to ask her out but I'm doubtful.  blakecooper29 0 367 over a year ago
Is being conservative in a relationship bad?  conservative25 0 549 over a year ago
Do I still love her or is this just nostalgia having her again?  nath09 0 305 over a year ago
My family won't allow me to marry early  mandystewart26 0 428 over a year ago
I'm confused whether she likes me or not.  jamieson29 0 427 over a year ago
Why does he get so jealous easily?  msStaunch28 0 244 over a year ago
Caught in the middle of past and present lovers  imconfused 0 305 over a year ago
Should I take the risk of falling in love with him?  doubtfulwoman 0 183 over a year ago
Meeting my step-brother for the first time  lsmith24 0 305 over a year ago
Am I falling in love or I just got used to our setup?  echo94 0 305 over a year ago
I miss her but it feels like I'm just disturbing her.  doubtmind26 0 62 over a year ago
Dreams that turn into ashes.  lizzie29 0 183 over a year ago
LDR: Is it worth the risk?  riskingme86 0 122 over a year ago
How do I get rid of these lingering feelings?  lesterjr 0 61 over a year ago
There’s a third party involved and I’m giving up.  kemily90 0 1830 over a year ago
I long for a genuine kind of love. So lonely.  carl3 0 244 over a year ago
I want him to stop but I don't know how to tell him.  AverylovesMUSIC 0 366 over a year ago
My boyfriend is an idiot!  msfaith28 0 366 over a year ago
Going to a foreign socials. Any tips for preparing?  excited101 0 61 over a year ago
What's life after marriage?  jasonadler 0 244 over a year ago
I miss my ex-boyfriend so much  hawkgirl92 0 305 over a year ago
She's bossy and it's killing me.  ryananderson25 0 183 over a year ago
I'm hurting her and she deserves to know.  danielcooper 0 366 over a year ago
Got invited to ex's cousin's birthday. Should I go?  mrundecided00 0 427 over a year ago
Is she hinting? Are Colombian women really shy?  juvz223 0 244 over a year ago
A bf or sugar daddy?-- I dunno what I am.  bfdad40 0 305 over a year ago
It's just not the same without her.  mendheart 0 549 over a year ago
Chinese culture is giving me headache.  chenLee 0 122 over a year ago
I am torn between two lovers  marizdegamo 0 183 over a year ago
LANY's "Thru These Tears" is hitting me so hard  nikkiprice 0 183 over a year ago
When do you know it's time to move in?  handsomebf 0 122 over a year ago
Classic or modern wedding dress-- which is better?  crissalee 0 244 over a year ago
How should I tell my parents not to have divorce?  scareddaughter 0 305 over a year ago
Considering settling down with Ukraine lady.  edwalters 0 61 over a year ago
Is dressing well in a date important?  carljv 0 244 over a year ago
She thought the phone call with me was over.  craigjr 0 488 over a year ago
Is it normal for exes to be friends?  mariomacey 0 854 over a year ago
I got her pregnant but she's not ready yet.  ryanjr 0 427 over a year ago
Can I ask her to unfollow her ex?  cushionlove 0 305 over a year ago
My best friend got pregnant by an irresponsible man.  alexpacker 0 0 over a year ago
Meeting her parents for the 1st time. Any pointers?  cannyace 0 366 over a year ago
I can't let the "win-free-tour" to LONDON slip away!  ollieDswimmer 0 122 over a year ago
Does age really matter?  mannyo 0 183 over a year ago
Need creative marriage proposal ideas!  brettlove 0 61 over a year ago
I am shouldering all the expenses for our wedding? No way!  bradxx 0 244 over a year ago
Her materialism makes me sick.  materialismgf 0 183 over a year ago
She’s back but I’m taken. What should I do?  welsh1982 0 122 over a year ago
Should I give her another chance?  connor88 0 62 over a year ago
How do I escape from a toxic relationship?  mar28 0 122 over a year ago
Ex still listens to playlist for her  orientedman 0 0 over a year ago
She wants us to stay in her country after marriage  kevin79 0 61 over a year ago
Need help impressing my boss.  theemployee 0 61 over a year ago
I think my BF is thinking of cheating on me.  womanmisery 0 366 over a year ago
My mom dared me to date women from USA.  ali72 0 122 over a year ago
How should I tell her I want to quit?  jessie1983 0 244 over a year ago
Should I continue or just stop hoping?  marga93 0 122 over a year ago
How to know if she blocked me?  arthurcollins33 0 183 over a year ago
I caught my best friend cheating on his girlfriend.  concernbff 0 183 over a year ago
Will a foreign bride be worth all the struggles?  dave89 0 244 over a year ago
Being a wallflower does not have perks  arvin012 0 0 over a year ago
My best friend got mad at me over a Peruvian  clyde1986 0 244 over a year ago
HELP! I don't know what to wear on our first meet.  jane012 0 61 over a year ago
Found a top foreign dating coach in a personals column.  searchingalias 0 488 over a year ago
How to tame a Mexican girlfriend?  nico00 0 183 over a year ago
She’s back. Should I give it a try?  alanjr 0 488 over a year ago
My girlfiend’s family disapproves me.  sadbf789 0 122 over a year ago
I’m having difficulties on finding the right one.  dexter707 0 122 over a year ago
Is she falling out of love?  civilman34 0 183 over a year ago
How will I tell my brother I’m in love with his girl?  drewxx 0 244 over a year ago
Will Filipina women commit with you for lifetime?  TJforshort 0 0 over a year ago
Can foreign brides be trusted?  imcurious 0 244 over a year ago
My Mom wants me to date her Peruvian goddaughter.  tyler00 0 366 over a year ago
I’m old and my mom wants me to date every girl in town.  kurtisontrial35 0 122 over a year ago
My foreign stepmom is a shopaholic.  stepson333 0 122 over a year ago
My girlfriend slept with his best friend.  dion11 0 244 over a year ago
My girlfriend signed up for internet brides.  georgebailon11 0 122 over a year ago
Need tips in dealing with Ukraine women  curiousbf 0 122 over a year ago
Are Chongqing women worth marrying for?  loverman03 0 488 over a year ago
Looking for a shenyang woman to date with  jamesosbourne00 0 305 over a year ago
Does any Latin American singles club exist?  brokenman33 0 366 over a year ago
I will be joining Philippine wife tours and I want to give my date a special gift.  tom06 0 305 over a year ago