Against Animal Cruelty! Wall


Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 180

fassmackey said …
There is a place in Texass, called Jordonton, in this little shitsplar town the head of animal control was seen by two youths drowning disabled and sick animals in a sawage plant! Their excuse? It only happened once! Imagine the terror these furbeings felt before they died!!!!! Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
shitsplat. wtf do you expect from the state that gave you both Bushes? over a year ago
Gothic-Cherry said …
Omg I didn't know about this club until now I hate animal cruelty it's sickening I have a dog and a cat who I love very much and the thought of something bad or cruel happening to them makes me sick just like all the other animals out there who r neglected and abused and starved its just sad if u love ur pets treat them the way u would like to be treated Posted over a year ago
MIZU-LUV commented…
it is veryyyyy sad :( over a year ago
fassmackey said …
fassmackey said …
IF. YOU. LOVE. THEM, LEAVE. THEM. HOME!!!! Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
fassmackey said …
Pets most at risk include, puppies Elderly or overweight pets, those breeds with short muzzles or those with thick or dark coloured coats!
Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Don't risk your Furbabies life! Shade offers little to no protection on a sunny day and pets cool themselves by panting which is less effective then sweating like humans do. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
85 degrees, a beautiful sunny day...But did you know it can quickly reach 102, even 120 degrees inside a parked car! Your pet could easily die from Heat exposure. . .even if the windows are open an inch or two.
Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
I just saw the movie K-911, if what I heard was true police dogs are trained to "take the bullet, that's what they are there for!" My husband said at least dogs in the Militery get to wear Kevlar or bullet proof vests while in the field! Andpolice dogs don't? That is just plain cruel!! What do you think? Should all police doors get to wear Kevlar? Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Remember Summer weather is here!!! Water, Shelter from the Sun, and food are every Animals right. LOVE Them, Care for them! Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Every thing on the face of the Earth, is connected to every other thing be it trees animals or people. So as we strive to be kinder to each other, let's be kinder to the planet and all living things. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Every pitbull, poodle, boxer, chichuachua, collie, german shepard, bulldog pikanese, irishsetter, bloodhound, your pets all have a common ancestor: The Wolf. think about it Conserve and Prptect!
Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
opps i ment Protect! over a year ago
fassmackey said …
I can respect that Shan, but its not possible, I had 25 dogs in a two room apt. If one got sick they all got sick. And they died. So be compaasionate but be logical as well. Goddess bless you, luv. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
opps one A in compassionate. over a year ago
shanispectrum said …
I always want to adopt ALL OF THE ANIMALS THAT HAD A HARSH PAST Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Love all animals , No exceptions! Posted over a year ago
Boltdoglover said …
who agrees with this punishment to animal abusers... all that is done to the animal is done to the owner of abusied animal and left to die a slow painful death...aka tourtured to death Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
Hell yes! I say take them out where noone can help them tstake them to the ground by a fireant mound, cover them in honey and let Nature take irs curse over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
curse? i ment course. over a year ago
kaily3 commented…
I agree, payback is a b****! they deserve it! over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Protect and love all Animals, even preditors like wolves. Conserve not disturb the wilderness within and without. We were wild once too. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
The greatness og a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the it:s Animaals are treated. M. Gandhi.
Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
typo over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
typo of animals over a year ago
mika-chopper said …
join my club animal lovers army if you love animals. speak up for those who can't.
Posted over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
Save ALL the animals! Not just the deer this girl is saying! over a year ago
Red_Pyramid206 commented…
Also just so you know, she says that she wants wolves and their pups mutilated and ripped apart so they would die slow deaths. Last time I checked wo over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
lol I hope you get what you wished on wolves in full, we would not mourn or miss u. over a year ago
Scoobert-doo said …
SAVE THE ANIMALS! Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
All the Animals, no exceptiond!!! over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
typo exceptions over a year ago
Scoobert-doo commented…
reah! over a year ago
giantrobots74 said …
Animals have feelings too. They deserve love and appreciation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hippie (even though I do have slightly long hair), I just think that animals ought to be treated right. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
I couldn't agree more luv. over a year ago
Mrs_Styles22 said …
As I'm reading this in rl I'm crying my eyes out! Posted over a year ago
KymanFan1 said …
Animals deserve love and care not abuse and neglect! :( Posted over a year ago
SaturdaySurpris commented…
Totally right!!!!! over a year ago
KymanFan1 said …
It dosent matter what pet does or acts like love them for who they are... Posted over a year ago
BeautifulBlaze commented…
Thank you for saying that!! Seriously. over a year ago
KymanFan1 commented…
Your welcome at least you and me have a HEART some people dont :( over a year ago
Mrs_Styles22 commented…
I do once I was walking down a alley after a party and I saw a shot dog with scars all over its body over a year ago
KymanFan1 said …
BeautifulBlaze commented…
They do have a heart..... it's just that they choose not to do the right thing. But you are right though. Nobody, not even animals, deserve to get hurt, nor die. Look at my profile motto. It says the same thing. over a year ago
KymanFan1 commented…
no animal should suffer through pain and abuse :( over a year ago
KymanFan1 said …
animals dont deserved to be abused! Posted over a year ago
BeautifulBlaze commented…
They're here along with us in this earth! They deserve kindness and respect. As a matter of fact, they've been here longer than any one us!! GIVE THEM SHELTER AND RESPECT, NOT PAIN AND SUFFERING!! I'am with you on this, 100%11 over a year ago
KymanFan1 commented…
Animals dont asked to be beaten or killed They just want Love and care over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
couldn't agree more. over a year ago
fassmackey said …
To hell with anyone who expiriements on, is cruel needless to, or harms animals in anyway! May you get Aids, be stigmatized, deserted by your friends and family, to die Alone and Silent!!! Billions of furbeing do every moment of every day!!! Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Posted over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
=^^= over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
^×^ ^{• •}^;+^¥=^ ^=^~ over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
the ASPCA commercials with Sarah McLaughlin make me cry. I wish I could help every dog or cat, animal ( except snakes..they scare me). Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
The one using Sorry seems to be the hardest word by Elton john kill me everyttimre. over a year ago
trixieKitten commented…
I have to change the channel when they play the Arms of an Angel one or else I cry too! over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
How about Your always on my mind by willie nelson. over a year ago
Tomsgirl2012 said …
Why would people want to hert poor animals? They are so helpless, and those you know what holes holes, go and hert them! I bet they wouldn't like it if we hert them... Posted over a year ago
NocKairu said …
The more I see of man, the more I like animals. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
well said, my friend well said.. I think with very very few exceptions people suck as well. over a year ago
fassmackey said …
I say every drug dealer, every rapist, every murder, every pedophile, every child abuser, EveryAnimal abuser, every single deathrow inmate without exception should be expiremented on!!! FREE THE INNOCENT!!! FREE ALL ANIMAL TESTING SUBJECTS, THEY ARE INNOCENT!!!! Posted over a year ago
NocKairu commented…
I agree. Those which you mentioned don't deserve to live, experiments should be made on them, not on innocent animals. over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
nice to see someone who cares luv. over a year ago
fassmackey said …
And read the bill of rights instead. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
If my opinions shock or offend, please either don'tcontinue to read my post, andd the Bill of rights instead. I am intitled to my opinion. For the furbabies who have no voice of their own I'd offend jesus chirst if I could save even one of them. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
There is a place in S.A. Tex ass, called Jordonton. Some mexican fencejumper was killing dogs and cats by taking them to the local sewage treatment plant and lowering the cages into the untreated sewage vats! Naturally no one did anything about it because because they were being paid off. When this atrostrosity was baught to light. THE WOG got a cushy desk job and a slap on the wrist. I say flood Jordonton animal control with emails. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
My furbabes are rescues. Sorry typo demon strikes. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
There was a photo here last night of a beautiful dog, hanging by its neck from the shovel of an earth moving tractor. Where has it gone? Some little Pussi was offended? Tough fucking shit. These beautiful creatures need our help!!! If ypur some weak little pussi, maybe u should go to the Justine Assburger page and leave the real work to those who truely give a damn. FYI All my pets are rescues, I belong to five trap nauter and release orgs.All m.furbabies are.resces. Posted over a year ago
brembo123 said …
Treat animals the way you want to be treated. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
well put brembo, well put. over a year ago
brembo123 commented…
thanks very much over a year ago
brembo123 commented…
Zindinacle what do you mean. In what way is that Karma? over a year ago
rexsgirl123 said …
No offense but the people who hurt these animals need to go 2 hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Tomsgirl2012 commented…
Well said! over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
no they need to contract aids and die slowly and alone. over a year ago
gwendiamond said …
I am a vegetarian for the animals
Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
swan gets bill blown off by fireworks? Dog starved to death for art? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ASSHOLES? Posted over a year ago
rexsgirl123 commented…
Fuck yes!!! over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
Thank you kindly,luv. over a year ago
Ginnyweasly44 said …
It is sooo horrible to look at poor anbimals beening trreading badly,they don't have voices so they can't spaek for them self,some day i hope to use my voice to speak for them Posted over a year ago
friendlydreams said …
It is horrible to even look at the pictures here, but it shows us how much animals need protection from certain people of our kind.

Thanks for creating this club, we still need awareness. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
I have three cats and a small dog, in the coming year I plan on adopting another dog. Make adoption your first option. You won't be sorry. Posted over a year ago
friendlydreams commented…
Good point and am glad you are doing this! over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
baby lilly is feeling better today. thanks everybody for your support. over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
defenseless in any way possble. ( sorry for typos. my Pc is acting up today. over a year ago
fassmackey said …
that last sentence is If i could give up eating meat, i would for them. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey said …
Animal abuses will never stop unless we all say no more! Think about that the next time you wake up an hour before school or work to apply makeup thats been tested on a helpless animal. Or the next time you wan t to buy a new leather jacket or shoes. I'm banging my head against a wall that refuses to be broken but ill be damned if ill stop trying. I dont wear makeup period. (my husband says Im beautiful without it) I'm not a vegetarian, for medical reasons. If i could give meat i would.
Posted over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
Well u are still awesome 4 lovin those poor animals. Me and my fam are all vegetarian over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
thamk. you. zim. over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
thank over a year ago
zindinacle commented…
yeah...we love animals over a year ago
taini said …
animal cruelty is wrong and the people who do it are stupid! they should just hurt them selves...we have to speak for those who cant speak joining up is just the beggining! i hate those people who hurt animals...what have they evet done to us? repost this if you agree Posted over a year ago
koolkat-1104 said …
OMG this is so sad how people treat these animals it isn't fair they deserve better lives :'( i hate people who abuse and neglect their pets. Posted over a year ago
streetwalker189 commented…
thnx for the add koolkat_1104 over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
ANIMAL over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
ANIMAL over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
ANIMAL over a year ago
SRMCR said …
this is so sad Posted over a year ago
MindlessSmarty said …
everyone needs to stop animal crulty!! And if you want to, then join my club "Animal Abuse No More" and the first 20 people to join gets added to my fan list. Posted over a year ago
SuperSonicGirl commented…
:) I am part of that fanclub :) over a year ago
MindlessSmarty commented…
Gracias!! Thanks!! over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
I was the first to post there:) over a year ago
Sagiwarrior said …
I swear if I know who did this to those poor defendless creatures, I am so gonna shred them to pieces then burn them to ashes. You hear me you animal hater?
Posted over a year ago
Aquathehedgehog said …
omg when I see the pictures of the animals up there who are hurt and dying it makes me wanna stab the person that did that to them and throw them in a shark tank Posted over a year ago
SuperSonicGirl commented…
Ok, I do not want to be a killer, but i do get what your saying and I agree -_- over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
why make the sharks ill? I mean really. over a year ago
Sandfire_Paiger said …
A guy who lives across the street from me has the SWEETEST boxer puppy. But he's always tied up outside. And whenever someone comes outside, he going BONKERS with excitment! But the man is always kicking and hitting him! :( The dog can fit through the porch boards! Posted over a year ago
Neil_lover commented…
i hate those bastards who hurt poor and innocent animals if they dont like them well give them to a family who will duh over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
its not excited its deperately crying for help! call the police for christ sake. over a year ago
pollyky said …
hey i went to my aunts house.. and they have 2 outside dogs.. the dogss had no water.. the food was inside my aunts house. there never allowed in the house. i gave them some water and brought their food ouside... they drank up the water within 10 minutes they were thristy& hungry!!!! i helped them.. Posted over a year ago
cassidy86 commented…
that was a great thing you did, i know i feel so good after fedding a couple of homless cats here! when i open the door and see them waiting to be fed and watered.. i call my house 'Susan's kitchen' if any animal show's up at my door.. they will always have food and water! great thing you're doing, Molly! over a year ago
cassidy86 commented…
as far as your email to me.. i understand! :) u have a good night! over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
FURBABIES4LIFE!!!! over a year ago
pollyky said …
today i just raised $236.00 for animal cruelty.. my fourth year in finding a way to stop animal cruelty... i love u animals.. animals the pain and suffering will end soon. talked to my friend in texas bull fighting ended in houston......yay!!! Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
good for you lv, excellent job!:) over a year ago
pollyky said …
June 4th,2011. My fourth year in finding a stop for animal cruelty. we raised $530.00 dollars. A great amount of money. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
U also dear, the animals need more people like yoy who luv them. over a year ago
pollyky said …
we must stop this crap. it makes me ill to see those animals in that condition. Posted over a year ago
megadezi123 said …
ANIMALS' HAVE RIGHTS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
MerlinLemon said …
Just voted in seven polls to ban horse jumping in VIC and SA. I hope it has some effect. Posted over a year ago
gleefan1998 said …
We must stop animal cruelty i makes me sick to see what these sick people do to these helpless animals im sick of it Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose said …
We must stop cruelty to animals....or cruelty of any kind ! it's a cruel world in which we live,and i for one am SICK OF IT !!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Anyone who hurts a child,an animalthe elderly or anyone who carn't stand up for themselves must remember this ! WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND !!!!! over a year ago
funkyrach01 commented…
I agree with you Berni. over a year ago
yorkshire_rose commented…
Thank you sooo much Ana,you are always very kind hun <333 over a year ago
Aimee147 said …
I read a story in today's newpaper that almost made me sick with disgust:- A group of yobs threw a cat to an angry pit can people be so heartless!? They need to learn that animals are living creatures too and need all the emotional love and care that we humans have! Some people in this world sicken me to my stomach,we need to make a stand and protect all the gorgeous creatures of this world! Posted over a year ago
pollyky commented…
i tottaly agree!!! over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
mem or guys most likely little pussies have to prove how big and bad they are. over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
what's wrong gelntlemen? can't get it up, or feel manly unless ypur hurting somethimg that can't. fight back? Fuck you all. I hope you contract. something that kills ypu. Balless wonders. over a year ago
rosethorn said …
I can't stay on this sight for more than 5 min, without my stomatch turning inside out Posted over a year ago
earthangel said …
Lisseth said …
I support this club with all my soul! Thanx for create this spot!
Animals are so so so cute and precious! We have to love them! NOT HURT THEM! Posted over a year ago
Lustful commented…
I agree over a year ago
greatfanofdemi said …
Very nice club so good of to make this club. Posted over a year ago
rosethorn said …
where a gloomy bunch aren't we? but if i could i would join this club a million times over Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
fassmackey commented…
we are gloomy? Go back to the Justine assmuch page, I agree with Rose We are realistic. over a year ago
Ajita18 said …
Why r such people even born??? Posted over a year ago
cleo-mermaid said …
if i would hurt poor animals i would have to kill me first Posted over a year ago
sassycassie said …
people who are mean to animals shound die

Posted over a year ago
sassycassie said …
i HATE people who harm animals i LOVE animals Posted over a year ago
haha_price said …
i hat epeople who harm animals Posted over a year ago
chris2010_2010 commented…
I agree I belive that ppl who harm animals should be beat to death. over a year ago
Pupchik said …
me 2. people r just so, so, mean!!!!! Posted over a year ago
dollie99 commented…
it is not right to kill or punish a animal !!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
jbieberluver94 said …
i am SO againt animal crulety!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Marionexis commented…
ME TOO!!! over a year ago
ma24 said …
i love animals i have rescued about 4 dogs and cat cuase my neighbors are dumb ass to hit there dog in the face how can they do that to a dog. my father is a dumb ass too he would make dogs fight and lose money and i moved away from him and made him stop . ppl are crazy to do this to animals they are mans best friend its sad Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
CullenProperty said …
These babies don't deserve the pain dumbass ppl enflict on them.

I would rather kill a person than an innocent animal.

They deserve all the love in the world b/c they are loyal & lovable creatures. Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
You'd rather kill a person rather then an animal? Me too luv, me too. over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
Finally someone who holds Furbabies in the same regard as I do;) over a year ago
billiejeandacat said …
all animals want is love and were not giving it.were is the love????????? Posted over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
You want the truth? please brace yourself. If you can'rt make a slave out of it, Make money off of it, use it in some way that benefits you or Goddess help me if you can't Fuck it. humans will leave it to rot. That's why if the world ended tomarrow. I wouldn't care. over a year ago
iamagagamonster said …
it makes me wonder how ppl can go on wit their lives knowing that they're killing an animal by neglecting and hitting the dog etc. their soul is burning some where (like hell). Posted over a year ago
SouthParkSmart commented…
That's what I think, too. over a year ago
harrypotterbest said …
siriusly, i don't know HOW sick a person has to be to abuse animals - any kind of them!!!!! Posted over a year ago
lukacalypso said …
im not against animal cruelty cuz im cruel to ants all the time Posted over a year ago
YAYMONKEYZ commented…
ok GO TO HELL over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
luka if ypu came here to. pick a fight ypu gpt it. Now be a good little. piece of. white trash and come. go fuck the family member of your choice ok,. over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
Nothing that walks, crawls, creeps, flys, or swins, be iit animal, bird, reptile, fish or insect deserves to be mistreated, harmed or killed, tortured or forgotten. Albert Einstien said that if ihoney bees were to become extint, the human race wpuld follow in. a matter of months. over a year ago