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Against Horse Slaughter! Question

Why would people kill harmless horses for food? It's barbaric!!!!

 EmoBabe123 posted over a year ago
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Against Horse Slaughter! Answers

harold said:
People kill domesticated animals for food because that's one reason animals were domesticated in the first place. Animals were domesticated to provide food and to perform that order. As humanity developed better and better agricultural practices - eventually inventing bread and other high-carbohydrate foods that made civilization possible - it became possible to have animals for companionship. Different countries have different mores at to which animals are more acceptable for food. While many English-speaking countries have an aversion to eating domesticated animals usually thought of as companion creatures - horses, cats, dogs - other populations do not make the same distinctions. As a result, many large food animals - the ones that need significant resources to breed, raise and keep (like sheep, pigs, cows, buffalo and horses, but not cats, dogs or goats) are shipped from every country that can support them to the countries that eat them. We in the US, Canada and the UK find it distasteful. The argument in favor of slaughtering animals for food for export follows two precepts:

1) Humans need protein to survive and thrive. We are omnivores, designed to eat both meat and plant matter (as well as fungi).

2) Domesticated animals that can do no work must be disposed of, somehow. The argument flows like this: not all animals that are born can be pets, especially not animals that require huge resources to maintain, such as horses - not even close to all of them. Only domesticated animals which are pets are buried when they die (not even all of them) - there certainly isn't room for burying all the horses born in the US. So the horses get sent to the knacker yards when they die, for the fat to be rendered, and the bones used for gelatin, cosmetics, and other useful items. The meat is lost, as the meat on an animal that dies naturally isn't particularly healthful. So if an animal is going to die, why not slaughter it so that people can benefit from the meat as well (both sellers and consumers)? If that's palatable, then the question becomes: why should the owners wait to slaughter an useless animal (can't be sold as a pet, can't do work) until the animal, given the expense and resources needed to sustain the animal until that point?

I should add that there is a corollary argument in countries that actually eat horse meat: that is to say, domesticated animal meat is meat to eat. I myself, while I would have a hard time stomaching horse meat, have eaten alligator, ostrich, elk, bison, rabbit and various others. So for me, at least, it's a double-standard.
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posted over a year ago 
I'm going to see if I can start a debate about this in the debate spot. Historically, there's very little interest in debating there, but I'll try nonetheless. I'll post the link here once I do.
harold posted over a year ago
and K5-HOWL, if I were dying from some hiedeous disease, I would much rather be put out of my misery quickly than die a slow, painful death.
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
@snusnu Okay whatever Im not even going to bother to read what I wrote cause I dont feel like it KTHXBAI
K5-HOWL posted over a year ago
Berni said:
To me it's simple,they don't see the horse for the beautiful animal that it is,they see it simlply as MEAT to fill their greedy stomachs and also the horrible people that sell the horse meat do it to simply fill their greedy pockets with the money they make! Nothing more nothing less!!It makes me boil!
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posted over a year ago 
I Agree!
Mallory101 posted over a year ago
I agree as well.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
I agreeeee!!!!
IAmWolfgirl99 posted over a year ago
carllisleiscute said:
I really don't know. My friend and I were in Italy over the summer, and one restaurant we went had HORSE pizza. We were both dumbfounded
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posted over a year ago 
Horse pizza? WTH???
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
What is WITH people?
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
IAmWolfgirl99 posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
Because some people are fucking sick-minded, low-life assholes who see anything beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, yet defenseless as either trash, food, or punchingbags >:(

I apologize for my language, but this kind of thing makes me go BALLISTIC!!!
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Because some people are fucking sick-minded, low-life assholes who see anything beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, yet defenseless as either trash, food, or punchingbags >:(

I apologize for my language, but this kind of thing makes me go BALLISTIC!!!
posted over a year ago 
I AGREE !!!!!!! Gorgeous image xo
Berni posted over a year ago
love the image
K5-HOWL posted over a year ago
I dont blame you I'd probably say the same thing!
IAmWolfgirl99 posted over a year ago
K5-HOWL said:
They do cause they think they need protein to survive and we eat pigs and cows and other animals but when it comes to horses thats when it matters? I'm a vegatarian and I say no to all slaughter.
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posted over a year ago 
No words can express the how i feel,it absolutely breaks my heart to see such cruelty.I am a firm believer in "what goes around comes around" these evil people will get what's coming to them !
Berni posted over a year ago
Alexyss_Cullen posted over a year ago
Ur right! It did make me cry! How can people b doing this? Get a life & open ur eyes u f***** a*******! pardon da language but stil! I Neva cuss but this is way 2 far!
pokeyanimal posted over a year ago
kaedekat said:
Trust me before you read this- I am completely against horse slaughter. I own a beautiful horse and have ridden horses and loved them since I was very very little.

But... Why is this only to end slaughter for horses? Each animal is majestic and beautiful in their own way. Why do we slaughter millions of cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, and even goats every day? All animals deserve to be treated with respect, just as we humans deserve to be treated with respect for them.

Horses are not any new exception. Everyone slaughters their own unique animals in their different countries. If we went to India, i'm sure they would be just as against slaughtering cows there.

Point is.. Why should we be trying to save one type of animal when all of the before mentioned animals do things for us, too. While horses may seem so much more useful and beautiful, all animals get slaughtered- and every last one of them can feel it just like a horse can.

People kill them for meat and nutrition, just as we kill millions of other various types of animals in our own country.
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posted over a year ago 
Horses are not the only animal with a spot on here trying to help them.There are many other spots on fanpop dedicated to helping various other animals,such as Save the Alaskan Wolf,Animal Rights, etc.You are so right all animals feel pain just like we do.We can survive without eating meat and personally i feel that if we respected all life then there would be no need for spots like this one or any other.
yorkshire_rose posted over a year ago
i agree with you horses are my life but i love animals
Alexyss_Cullen posted over a year ago
actualy we dont need them for protein because nuts have the same protein as meat!
K5-HOWL posted over a year ago
snusnu13 said:
Horses aren't slaughtered in "first world countries" because they are seen as beautiful, smart, majestic animals, whatever!! I love horses but saying that they are "Too smart to be slaughtered" is nonsense.

Pigs are smarter than both dogs and horses and we slaughter them without a care or worry. More pigs are kept in foul conditions than horses are.

What about chickens, or cows, or lambs? Ever heard of veal? That's a tortured baby cow but do people care....nope.

Chances are that most people had some form of cow, chicken, lamb, or pig on their plate for dinner and ate it without a care.

Does anyone own a dog on this spot? Do you feed it tin food? It is highly likely that this food was made from horse meat, that is what horse meat is used for, dog food. So, your scooping out horse meat to give to your dog.

Either we slaughter all animals or slaughter none, because slaughtering should not be good for one animal and good for another.
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Horses aren't slaughtered in "first world countries" because they are seen as beautiful, smart, majestic animals, whatever!! I love horses but saying that they are "Too smart to be slaughtered" is nonsense.

Pigs are smarter than both dogs and horses and we slaughter them without a care or worry. More pigs are kept in foul conditions than horses are. 

What about chickens, or cows, or lambs? Ever heard of veal? That's a tortured baby cow but do people care....nope. 

Chances are that most people had some form of cow, chicken, lamb, or pig on their plate for dinner and ate it without a care.

Does anyone own a dog on this spot? Do you feed it tin food? It is highly likely that this food was made from horse meat, that is what horse meat is used for, dog food. So, your scooping out horse meat to give to your dog.  

Either we slaughter all animals or slaughter none, because slaughtering should not be good for one animal and good for another.
posted over a year ago 
pokeyanimal said:
Because some people r just inconsiderate fools who care only about themselves. I had 2 explain y a bunch of plants were dying & there was trash everywhere & animals were dying frm it today & it broke my heart doing it. Y can't everyone b in harmony in nature? Dat sounds cheesy but da horses!
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posted over a year ago 
But y stop there? Save all of the animals! Guys I can't even kill a spider without praying for it's soul 2 go 2 heaven when I am forced 2 kil em for my litl sibs & parents! I cry 4 SPIDERS! Just think how much it hurts me 2 c this guys!
pokeyanimal posted over a year ago
Yeah okay but it was really hard to read this
K5-HOWL posted over a year ago
IAmWolfgirl99 said:
*stands up on box* Why would u ever pick yes to slaughter???? There is NO REASON. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! NO animal deserves to suffer they deserve to live a long healthy live and have the chance to be loved, to be loved for who they are, to be loved for what they do, not to be tortured or slaughtered or burdened, except with a loving and responsible rider. People should love them. They were put on this earth to show us beauty, love, and appreciation and that is what we should return to them. And now people want to TAKE THEM OFF THE EARTH?No one even has a good reason to slaughter these poor creatures. It's just terrible!
I hope those who hear my words will pass them on somehow. I can't believe people sometimes. >:(
Fucking asses!
Excuse the language please, I'm just enraged! PEOPLE.
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 *stands up on box* Why would u ever pick yes to slaughter???? There is NO REASON.  NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! NO animal deserves to suffer they deserve to live a long healthy live and have the chance to be loved, to be loved for who they are, to be loved for what they do, not to be tortured or slaughtered or burdened, except with a loving and responsible rider. People should love them. They were put on this earth to show us beauty, love, and appreciation and that is what we should return to them. And now people want to TAKE THEM OFF THE EARTH?No one even has a good reason to slaughter these poor creatures. It's just terrible!
I hope those who hear my words will pass them on somehow. I can't believe people sometimes. >:( 
Fucking asses!
Excuse the language please, I'm just enraged! PEOPLE.
posted over a year ago 
nameena0135 said:
because they don't care about animals. and it might be because horse meat is very tasty......................
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posted over a year ago 
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