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Alpha and Omega Question

I know this isn't really a question.

Hey, so I'ma still come here, I'm just not gonna be around as much anymore.
The R.M. trolls don't even know the real me or my TRUE colors, or the REAL me.
I feel welcome in the other club, even the first troll I met was nice to me.
It made me feel great, but you guys...
you don't... you trolls don't... Ignas357 is a great dude and I don't think of him as a troll anymore, because instead of judging him by behavior, attitude, by language, or cover, He's a really cool dude, and I respect that.
But you trolls don't deserve respect.
You don't even deserve the name troll, you deserve to be called nothing. Not even moron, or retard or retarded. you don't deserve that.
I realize now, that if I would have never come back to the club, I would have not known you, any of you trolls or how you really deserve to be called nothing.
All you deserve is nothing. But now that's all you will get from me.
I may leave and stay gone. But don't celebrate just yet.
Because one day I will come back. And I will have an army, and we will take you down. and maybe...
Just maybe.. you will realize how much you deserve to hurt. You will realize the pain you've caused me and others.

notyetforgotten posted over a year ago
I am not a sinner.
dovesjacob4ever posted over a year ago
 dovesjacob4ever posted over a year ago
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Alpha and Omega  best answer

SchutzderHeimat said:
Because one day I will come back. And I will have an army, and we will take you down.

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[i]Because one day I will come back. And I will have an army, and we will take you down. [/i]
posted over a year ago 
Nice pic.
ben14delas posted over a year ago
LOL! Best answer I have seen so far! xDDDDD
Humphrey__13 posted over a year ago
2Alex: Thanks
SchutzderHeimat posted over a year ago
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4-1-13 said:
Whoa... Harsh experience with a troll? Just remember these people have nothing better to do, and like you said they dont YOU so they can not make that judgement. Also Ignas is an old member of the club and is not a troll, he might down but thats his opinion. He was here during the golden era of this club and has a pretty good idea of what the club should be like. Again he is not a troll though.
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posted over a year ago 
I know, He's a really great dude.
dovesjacob4ever posted over a year ago
Couldnt comment earlier but well worded DJ.
OmegaLeader posted over a year ago
Neostorm said:
Aside the incredible hysteria, do you think anybody there takes your threats seriously?

@Post Above:
First, there is no even a single troll but Dove herself. This hysterical thread is a clear proof of this. It's not even a question, it's just a provocation. Second, we do have better stuff to do..

And finally:
We DO know enough about Doves to judge. Sadly that nobody but us knows Doves...
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posted over a year ago 
You are a NOTHING, and I will not listen to what you say about me.
dovesjacob4ever posted over a year ago
Lol, what is so funny is that techincally by those definitions, Doves was and is a troll herself.
Humphrey__13 posted over a year ago
@Country_Wolf, what's wrong boy? Raged out because i proved that you're wrong? Poor boy, you even forgot to capitalise the first word in the sentence. A logical outcome. If you had no logic to notice, it was a rhetorical question, it means that i already knew the answer. Try harder for the next time. @Humphrey__13, it's clear to see. I said that many times, but they didn't believe. Lawl
Neostorm posted over a year ago
DJ_Humphrey said:
Honey I know i havent been there for u im sorry about that u (can or not) tell me what happens i still luv u I wish people understand about life one time and its over people stop hurting, making fun, jugeding, or anything else lets just say im gay (not) would u pick on me? sure if there gay or something its life dont make fun of people its just hurtful we all have feelings people commit suicide for jugdeing people, bullying, harassing and anything else if they want to judge they can be a bad person only judge if u need to defend not for revenge its sick that people be means i troll sometime for joking not hurting if dove leave this pack i will too! thanks for reading, please understand this my real life friend took coke and almost kill himself and he 15 (i dont care if ur gay bi lesbian or anything wrong with u if u have respect i will respect u) bye
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posted over a year ago 
also for dove ill joim ur army
DJ_Humphrey posted over a year ago
-Yawn- tl:dr. Also the gay part. Doves will hate you for it and quote her bible on you of how you're going to go to hell becasuse you are not straight. Speaking of bullying. She pretty much bullies you for not being straight. I would be glad to go back to some of the earlier wallposts and find it, but it would be such a waste of my time to find it for someone who will just go into denial of the truth. And you know what I have to say about your friend? Biological trash. If he took coke, it's his problem. He knows the concequences of doing drugs.Although I do expect some crying and butthurt now after this statement. And more attemps to defend Doves because you are blinded by her lies.
Humphrey__13 posted over a year ago
I will be right one day, and you will be the one in the wrong.
Forever4ever posted over a year ago
notyetforgotten said:
come at me bro
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come at me bro
posted over a year ago 
Facepaw* Doves its the internet calm down dudet and DO something then do this. The flame wars or what ever is over... at least I think. But calm down do like most people and just chill. And this shit is ridiculuss now if you would of posted this post about a month ago sure I'd be like ^o^hell yeah nuthin better to do^o^ But now wow I think this is one of the lowest ways to ever go in life. Now calm down, sheesh. 0J0
humpherywolf34 posted over a year ago
Oh shit didnt realize It was to your comment. Sorry not yet for gotten. But dove read my comment to this.
humpherywolf34 posted over a year ago
notyetforgotten posted over a year ago
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