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Animals Question


alright, i'm guessing pretty much all of you know by now that i have 3 lizards. 2 green anoles and a midnight blizzard leopard gecko.
but, dusk, my male anole isn't acting like himself. and i don't know why! he is almost always brown or dark brown and he lays on either the bottom of the tank or on the hammock. yeah, he still runs whenever i put my hand in the tank, but i've never seen him like this before! dawn is fine, she's always by his side ever since he started acting like this. when i mist them with water, he drinks as much as he can. and, usually he closes his eyes during the daytime. sometimes he's green, but he mostly brown now. again, i usually find him on the floor, but sometimes in the hammock. and i keep the tank clean. WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?!?! i know alot about anoles, but i can't figure out what his problem is!!! please! HELP!
i don't want him to die! (tearing up and about to cry) i LOVE him to death!
101trx posted over a year ago
I hope i helped!!
scalesandtails1 posted over a year ago
 101trx posted over a year ago
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Animals Answers

Stan_M said:
Well, I don't mean to be rude AT ALL, but maybe you're overreacting a little. From what you said, they sound just fine to me. Nothing you said is something worth getting worked up about. But if you really think that something is wrong with your lizard's health, then try doing some research. This is the Internet, after all (:
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posted over a year ago 
scalesandtails1 said:
Ok. PUT HIM IN A DIFFERENT TANK! If he has something, you DO NOT want the others to get it. Put the tanks beside each other (really close together) so the feel like they are close but they are separated . Take him to a vet or to the pet store. (sometimes they have vets working). Provide him with extra water, mist him more often than the others, and give him LOTS of places to sleep. Maybe he is not as rested as he needs to be. Has he been in a room with any windows open this year? Since it is spring-time, he may have an allergy that the others don't. What diet is he on? Are the others eating too much and not letting s/he have enough to eat? Make sure he is getting the nutrients he needs. That can make all the difference.

I found this information on another website. Maybe you can give it a try. Here is the info from the other site:

With out knowing why he was laying there, its kind of hard to treat. You need to hydrate him first, its not good to feed a dehydrated animal. You must understand that the mere fact that you are trying to force feed him in this weakened state, could kill him. What happens is more energy is spent fighting than he is gaining from the small amt of food he is getting. Ideally you should take him to a vet, but they may just have you continue supportive care. I dont know, its up to you. Soak him in gatorade or pedialyte, some of the electolytes will be absorbed by his cloaca, warm it up alittle, NOT HOT. Also make sure the cage humidity is high, this also helps with hydration. Keep the cage at the higher end of the perfered optimum temperature zone for his species, this will help his immune system fight.

Try and make the feeding sessions quick, remember energy fighting is valuable calories lost. Small frequent meals is key. You can mix some gatorade to the baby food, just make it a thin consistancy.

Oh and dont give any medications, you dont know what he has, and you do not know the correct dose. It will either damage his kidneys, or create a resistance to te medication. If you think he needs medications, take him to a qualified reptile vet.
Also remember he probably has internal parasites which will flourish with his compromised immune system. Another reason to go to a vet.
Please do not use otc dewormers, the concentrations are so weak as to prevent an overdose by the consumer, it ends up creating a parasite that is resiatant to the medication. They are the same meds that vets use, but the only benefit is to the store that you are buying it from, not you or the lizard.
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posted over a year ago 
boytoy_84 said:
This video may help you. In fact I had them once a long time ago. I had three anoles and when they aren't healthy, they look bonyish. Your anole may be a little sick, but I hope it gets better.
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posted over a year ago 
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