Atheism What do you think of this?

coriann posted on May 01, 2013 at 11:57AM
i think they have a good point, shall we try to justify our position?
i think they have a good point, shall we try to justify our position?

Atheism 7 replies

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over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Where do you believe the "good point" lies?
over a year ago coriann said…
lol miss, i know this seems like a straw man argument but, you know how atheists keep talking about how Christianity and religion is a bunch of magical, fairytale crap with no grounds surrounding the theory? while most atheists rely on science for their views on the origins of life and the creation of the universe, when you go back to the very beginning, the actual creation point of the world, we actually don't make that much more sense than die hard bible believers
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
This all stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of atheism. My position is that we don't know, and probably can't know, exactly how the universe was created. To me, it makes perfect sense to admit that (because it is factually correct) rather than claim to know that a god of any kind decided to create the universe. And scientific explanations of the creation of the universe are supported with observable evidence. Those scientific theories are continuously being re-tested and revised so as to gain a clearly picture of what happened. In that sense, scientific explanations make much more sense than religious ones. This is all beside the point here because atheism =/= science.

This image doesn't support the idea that atheism doesn't make sense, because it doesn't provide a description, jokingly or not, of atheism. You could possibly argue it describes, jokingly, the big bang theory. If you look at the link, however, there isn't really anything in there that isn't a direct, if melodramatic, interpretation of christianity. The problem with the atheist version you gave here is that the maker of it did not understand atheism. So the image doesn't make a single point, good or bad, about atheism, because that isn't even an hyperbolised definition of atheism.
over a year ago coriann said…
actually you have a point, atheists, well, most atheists anyways believe in science, and science includes the big bang theory, however, the fact that some Christians have this idea that atheists have a set of rules to follow or that we are all one in the same set is entirely wrong, atheism is simply the absence of a belief or disbelief, it's an empty void, lol sometimes it can feel empty for me (im still new at this atheist game) also, assuming that all atheists believed in the big bang theory as a possibility (because a LOT do) that doesn't mean that the science can't change over time and evolve into something that fits the evidence, Christianity cannot evolve it is meant to stay they same, which is why the only way we can make way for the new *wipes tear* sadly enough, is to let my old religion die (sorry if i sound sappy
enough) im still connected, it takes a long long time to break free of such a strong held belief, and because atheism evolves it may stay around for much longer, i am not denying the existence of a god, i just choose not to acknowledge an existence in him. hence i am not trying to make myself ultimately "right" or else i would be no better than a fanatic
last edited over a year ago
actually you have a point, atheists, well, most atheists anyways believe in science, and science incl
coriann commented…
i believe, based on the evidence that Christianity is either changing or dying, i think it's dying, slowly, but humanity should find something to fill this empty void, if you look at the history it seems as though human beinga always needed something, lol they both snds like silly straw man agrguments though *look up* only, atheism is theorie's built up to support facts, religion is facts mustered up to support a theory, and that's where i think the problem lies, you don't start off saying, alens are real so let's make up a bunch of ideas why we think so, you should start by saying, we live on a planet, there are millions of different undiscovered planets, it's more than likely at least one of them has conditions similar to ours for the creation of life, and there for, the alien theory :P XD over a year ago
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Atheism shouldn't be an empty void. If you are transitioning from a religious belief system to an atheistic one, I can see how you would be in the process of figuring out exactly what you believe, but I would encourage you not to think of atheism as emptiness. It involves the freedom to choose what you believe based on what you believe is right and wrong, based on your personal experience of the world. I live my life this way because I find great meaning in that.

People will always assume that atheists subscribe to the big bang theory and evolution because, you're right, the majority do, at least to some extent. But isn't correct to suggest that atheism is the same as any given scientific theory.

Christianity has evolved though. Old testament vs New Testament is an obvious example. Also the fact that there are so many different denominations and different types of churches that call themselves christian churches. There are lost of examples of religions changing over time, they just lag behind science, society and culture because it is difficult to manipulate doctrine without in some sense admitting that that doctrine was wrong in the first place.

I think you have your definitions of atheism and religion the wrong way round... Atheism is the denial of theories proposed by other belief systems. Atheism doesn't exist until someone makes an extraordinary claim about the existence of a god that cannot be verified. Atheism comes about when facts (scientific, experiencial etc) contractict religious theory. If you think about the first people who challenged the christian religion, they merely followed scientific inquiry. They didn't theorise that there was no god, they theorised about the sun and the earth and universe, and what their theorising and experimentation showed what that the church was wrong about the universe. It wasn't specifically their intention to disprove religious doctrine, it simply happened when they investigated their world. The facts contradicted religious theory and craeted space for more people to be honest about their denial of gods and religious doctrines.

Maybe link might help you out. I'm not a fan of slapping labels on people or shoving them into boxes, but some of these ideas might help you understand how you are feeling about religion and atheism.
over a year ago coriann said…
thx this really helped a lot
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
You're welcome.