Atheism 15 Day Atheist Challenge ~ Fanpop Style

misanthrope86 posted on Apr 13, 2011 at 03:26AM
Saw this on Tumblr and thought it might be cool to do here. For those of you unfamiliar with Tumblr, members often do these "challenges", which are like surveys. It's just a series of questions that you can anwer one at a time or all at once, it doesn't really matter.

So here are the questions from the Tumblr 15 Day Atheist Challenge:

1. At what point did you know you were an atheist? Why did you become one, what were the factors leading up to the decision, if you weren’t always one?

2. What religion did you grow up with? Did you have positive or negative experiences with religion?

3. Are you a more outspoken or more apathetic atheist? Why?

4. Do you think religion is obsolete and should be wiped completely off the face of the Earth, or does some good come out of it?

5. Did you lose any friends because you decided to be an atheist? Did your family flip out?

6. How do you feel about so-called “militant atheists” such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris?

7. Except for God, do you believe in anything supernatural or pseudoscientific? (Ghosts, alien abductions, spirits, souls, demons, psychics, magic, Harry Potter, etc.)

8. What’s your political alignment? Does your atheism influence how you vote and how you feel on issues?

9. Even though you’re an atheist, have you ever experienced a moment that could be called “religious?” Like an epiphany about the world or complete peace?

10. Are you spiritual, or are your feet always on the ground?

11. Do you have/plan on having a career in the sciences? Alternatively: which branch of science intrigues you most?

12. What happens when we die? Do you fear death?

13. Would you ever date/marry somebody who follows a religion? Be honest.

14. On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with life at this moment, and why?

15. Recommend a book. (Doesn’t have to be relevant to atheism, just any good book.)

I can't track down who came up with the questions on Tumblr, but credit goes to them of course.

So feel free to answer any/all of these questions in any order you want. Just make sure you tell us which question you are answering so that we can avoid major confusion!

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