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Avatar: The Last Airbender Question

Who is gonna see Avatar the last airbender movie?!!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!(I might i'm gonna begg my mom 2 let me see it)!!!

im gonna see it =D
MerlinLemon posted over a year ago
tomarrow! 6-1-10
Chase_D posted over a year ago
 iluvhellowkitty posted over a year ago
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Answers

130575 said:
i saw it at the midnight showing in 3d. the effects were amazing, the casting was good- with exception to the entire fire nation that look nothing like thier caracters. but it wasnt that great. in order to understand it you would have to be a huge fan of the cartoon- in which case you'll be dissapointed in how much they left out. the story line was veeeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyy weak. and also there was very little dialoge, so none of the caracters really established thier personalities that we know and love. BUT YOU SHOULD GO, it's like one time when all of avatar fans can get together, be nerds, and have fun!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
good review
dustfinger posted over a year ago
18wanda posted over a year ago
I agree. The movie wasn't as terrible as the outraged reviews said it was.
18wanda posted over a year ago
KataraLover said:
I'm going to see it no matter what those loser critics say it's going to be an awsome movie
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posted over a year ago 
it was the worst movie i've ever seen in my life.
princesslullaby posted over a year ago
amen to that comment
vaiobands posted over a year ago
which comment
KataraLover posted over a year ago
Bbruce08 said:
I just want to say that I am a HUGGGGGGGGE fan of the cartoon Avatar and i almost flipped out when i seen the first trailer for this movie. M. Night let us down in the worst way. I want him to admit that he made a bad movie before i even consider seeing one of his films again.
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posted over a year ago 
zaun123 said:
meeeeeeeeee im goin 2 see it da first day it comes out avatar the last airbender ROCKS HARDER THEN ROCKS!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
ClonedPickle said:
It's got a 7% rating from Rotten Tomatoes...I'm not paying to see a bad movie. From what I heard, the script is the major problem, and bad scripts = bad acting.
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posted over a year ago 
those morons don't know anything
KataraLover posted over a year ago
what do those critics know, I'll tell you what they know NOTHING
KataraLover posted over a year ago
Considering that the critics and regular moviegoer reviews are largely in agreement, I would say that those *morons* actually do know what they're talking about here. I actually exchanged my tickets that I had to see Airbender for a different film after seeing that the critics and moviegoers agreed that this movie was sucktacular. When they are in agreement, believe that it's either really good or really bad because those agreements do not happen often. =\
shieldmaiden posted over a year ago
18wanda said:
Totally today! I am psyched!!!
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posted over a year ago 
don't be they killed the movie hecka bad just ook at the reviews
samoangirl96 posted over a year ago
18wanda posted over a year ago
that is too bad
18wanda posted over a year ago
FireByrd15 said:
i dont think it'll be that good.... but i still wanna see it... lolz :P
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posted over a year ago 
i know i still wanna see it i hope that when ppl start not likeing it the boo it, throw popcorn at it then leave. i'll be one of those ppl
samoangirl96 posted over a year ago
lol samoangirl u probably would! haha
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
in TOTAL agreement with samoangirl196. I basicly just went to see if it was as bad as everyone said, then after the first 10 minutes of the movie I just stayed to see who would start freaking out and booing the screen ^^.
blind_beauty78 posted over a year ago
zapporias said:
me i have all the espodes on dvd
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posted over a year ago 
um.... we mean the movie.... not the cartoon
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
i think he;s just pointing it our
samoangirl96 posted over a year ago
oh... ok
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
dustfinger said:
i'm going to see it dispite the reviews i've heard.

god damn movies can't be perfect
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posted over a year ago 
yeah..... we werent saying we wanted it to be perfect.... we're allowed to express our opinions... thats what "REVIEWS" are for!! smart one
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
some ppl think were crazy for giving it bad reviews they think the movies going to be great what do those ppl know? if they really thought avatar is going to be that great they thinking wrong
samoangirl96 posted over a year ago
Honestly how are the going to put around 20 episodes averaging about 20 mins each episode in about 90 mins of a movie? That just isn't going to work!
Bloodbender posted over a year ago
princejsgrl said:
im gonna go see it but its gonna be really bad. i can tell. but since im such a huge fan im gonna see it.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree with u ....
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
DestinyGirl said:
Heck yeah I'm gonna see it!!! I've been waiting a long time for it to come out and hopefully I'll get to see it this weekend!:D
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posted over a year ago 
vaiobands said:
Oh my god that was such a terrible movie! It was completely out of sync with the actual cartoon. I don't care what anybody says, if M. Night was willing to take the risk he should have known that he would have a big task on his hands. Anybody who is a true Avatar fan, not Aww-vatar as they pronounce it, should agree with my opinion. This movie was a terrible take on a masterpiece of an Anime show.
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posted over a year ago 
Aang_Airbender said:
I Am A True Fan Of The Avatar Series.But i was so hurt watching this movie."The Last Airbender" IS THE WORST MOVIE OF 2010 SO FAR.M NIGHT SHYLAMAN RUINDED THE MOVIE, IT IS A DESCRACE TO THE NICKTOONS NETWORK SERIES, I CNT BELIEVE THEY ARE SUPPORTING IT. ITS HURTS TO WATCH IF YOU ARE TRU AVATAR FANATIC.NOT VERY PLEASED, THE BEST LOOKING CHARACHTERS WERE MOMO AND APPA.thw changed the story and rushed it, he took the life that made the cartoon series out of the movie.i couldnt wait til the movie was over, it was soooooooooo boring. dnt waste your money on the 3d, it made the movie even more horrible.i knew it was gonna be afailar because of who the director was, but for one minute i had hope because i figured you cnt go wrong with avatar, but M. NIGHT SHYLAMAN proved me wrong!!!and the characters pronouciation was changed a little too, like who the hell is Ong??????? its Aang moron!!!!! he just cant go around changing names like that. i felt as if everything was a lie about the movie. the cartoon series is way better.I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU TO WATCH THE CARTOON SERIES BEFORE THE MOVIE.M .NIGHT SHYLAMAN, IM REVOKING YOUR DIRECTORS CARD PERSONALLY MYSELF!!! YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i had hope, and gave it a chance, but it let me dwn horribly.i cried actually i was sooooo upset. the y definately rushed the movie!!! it frekin sucked!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
heck yeah!!!!!!! i havent seen the movie yet (gioing to though) and i know it's going to suck
samoangirl96 posted over a year ago
THANK YOU. this wasw the worst movie i've seen in my life
princesslullaby posted over a year ago
i dont care about the actors, as long as they can do Kung Fu
SergeantJz posted over a year ago
just saw it they didn't even get the names right they called Ang Awng
mizzsalvatore12 posted over a year ago
coraline711 said:
ME! i have to see it, it looks so cool!im obbsessed with the avatar series and now i have to see this movie. I was mad when Avatarcame out and it wasnt Avatar the last airbender.
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posted over a year ago 
lol i know your pain but you'll even have more pain after you see the movie :p
Bloodbender posted over a year ago
SergeantJz said:
until they change the director to be someone as good as Yuen Woo-Ping, i will do anything to buy the premier show.
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posted over a year ago 
I heard they are making it a Trilogy............They will get a new director
Bloodbender posted over a year ago
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