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Avatar: The Last Airbender Question

If you could be best friends with anyone on the show, who would it be and why?

I can't decide... but probably Ty Lee, because she's so bubbly and happy... plus the best person out there! And Toph, because she's awesome. And Zuko, cause he's so damn hot, plus he'd be a great boyfriend. And... wow, better stop while I'm ahead of my self. What about y'all?
OMG, how could I forget Azula! I love her, and the rest of the Fire Nation peeps!
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
 SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Answers

XxGuardianxX said:
Toph, because she's pretty damn epic, and I think we could actually get along pretty good. XD
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posted over a year ago 
Haha yeah, I love Toph.
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
Same. and Mai lol
XxGuardianxX posted over a year ago
Ty Lees my fave, but Zuko, Azula and Mai rock too... I guess I like the Fire Nation gang. And the Aang gang. Actually, I love everybody.
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
Animetama said:
Ty lee for sure! cause she is bubbly and friendly, and if she needed 2 get something off her chest id be there :)
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posted over a year ago 
Fellow Ty Lee fan! Yay! And I totally agree, Ty Kee would be an awesome friend- really loyal, sweet, and smarter than she let's on. ;)
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
yah! XD
Animetama posted over a year ago
xVanilla-Saltx said:
Honestly, despite loving Toph, Mai, and Azula, I would probably be close friends with Ty Lee, Suki, and Katara. While Mai and I would be close, since those kind of people are attracted to me, I could see either Ty Lee, Suki, or Katara and I giggling over girly things.

Though I'd just love to spend time with Toph all the time. Just go around and do epic things with her.
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posted over a year ago 
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
SacredDawn said:
I would totally want to be best friends with Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors! I'd want for them to teach me! :D
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I would totally want to be best friends with Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors! I'd want for them to teach me! :D
posted over a year ago 
Yeah I think Suki is awesome :D
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
Azula - we're both paranoid dislike our brothers and I just love her.

Toph - we are both tomboys and don't care what we look like.
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posted over a year ago 
I'm not a tomboy, I'm the most girlish girl ever, but they still rock. :)
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
Glad you like them ;)
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
NightFrog said:

Or, Zuko or Aang.

Half of me is like Azula, while the other half is like Aang. So I'm basicly at war with myself- like Zuko..
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Or, Zuko or Aang. 

Half of me is like Azula, while the other half is like Aang. So I'm basicly at war with myself- like Zuko..
posted over a year ago 
Yeah... :D
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
Zutaraisbest said:
I think first I'd be friends with Ty Lee, Zuko, and Sokka, cause Ty Lee is just so bubbly, Zuko cause I have a habit of bringing people out of their shell, and Sokka cause we're awesome like that.

After that, it'd be Katara, Aang, Toph, and probably Teo. I'm just friendly that way. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Nice, two out of three of my choices! Smart people... :D
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
Mistery17girl said:
It would be Katara cuz i am as pretty as her (not lying)

Zuko cuz he is hot and i love him so much<3<3<3

and everyone but Zuko and Katara the most
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posted over a year ago 
-_- I bet ur a Zutara fan... and u shouldn't b friends w/ someone because theyre PRETTY. But Katara is nice.
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
i'm not. my friends i hang out with are ugly
Mistery17girl posted over a year ago
conceded much?
cjmit21 posted over a year ago
FeelmySwagger said:
Azula for sure! we got something in common..hmmm wats the name....confidence yeah! self confidence! the second ranking would go to Aang, then Sokka, then the rest guys!
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Azula for sure! we got something in common..hmmm wats the name....confidence yeah! self confidence! the second ranking would go to Aang, then Sokka, then the rest guys!
posted over a year ago 
I just KNEW you would say that... :)
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
lol it dosent beat my imagination that u were expecting dat!
FeelmySwagger posted over a year ago
temari7 said:
i was with katara because she is waterbender and i like water
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posted over a year ago 
I don't know how to respond to that.
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
MusicGirl33 said:
Toph for sure. She would help me in battle. Hmm....and Zuko. He'd be the quiet and temper boyfriend to always be by my side.

Aaaand Tylee. She's so cute and happy all the time. ^-^
Ok, ok last one ! Sokka, 'cause he would drink cactus juice with me. =D
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posted over a year ago 
It's the quenchiest! If that's how u spell it...
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
maribert said:
Probably Ty Lee be quad she's such a sweetie and she'll always have your back.
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posted over a year ago 
See? Ty Lee is awesome, everyone agrees! Ty Lee 4evah!
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
Zukania99 said:
Katara, i don't know why, though. always pictured myself as her best friend :P
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posted over a year ago 
Katara would be a really sweet friend, she's awesome...
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
JediWaterBender said:
Hmmmm...tough one...I'd have to say Katara or Toph though.
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posted over a year ago 
Toph definitely... I'm surprised more people haven't picked Katara though! She'd be totally cool!
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
I know!
JediWaterBender posted over a year ago
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