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Avatar: The Last Airbender Question

Ok so my question is why do you guys ship Kataang? I ship Zutara so I got no clue.

Well I ship Zutara<333333 cuz well...
1. Aang doesn't and probably won't really understand Katara's feelings.
2. Opposites attract.
3. Zuko feels the same pain Katara does about their mothers.
4. Aang is too young or too old for her.
5. Aang is kinda selfish when comes too things he wants
So I guess you could just tell me why you ship Kataang. And no "cuz I hate Zuko" or "cuz I hate katara" or "Zutara just sucks" those responses are not the ones I am looking for. And please leave a response!
 domodomo posted over a year ago
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Avatar: The Last Airbender  best answer

NightFrog said:
1. He does, it's shown several times. Unlike Zuko though, Aang also wants her to make the right decision when it comes to things that he knows will haunt her in the future (killing her mother's murder, is an example).
2. That's not a good reason, and it's not true all the time. People either say Zuko is like Katara, or they're opposites. People who are similar (though not completely alike) get along just as well. Opposites might attract sometimes, but they will certainly argue constantly.
3. Aang lost his ENTIRE RACE.
4. Two years apart. That's it. Zuko is also two years older. It's the same deal exept on different ends. Aang being stuck in an iceberg should hardly count. He didn't age physicly or mentally, his body was preserved. The boyfriend can be a little younger than his girlfriend, it's not uncommon.
5. Everyone has their selfish moments. He was asked to do so much for so many people, and he doesn't have a choice. He would probably like to make some decisions every once in a blue moon. Katara can be selfish, Zuko can be selfish, Toph can be selfish..etc.
6. I don't vote on lust, I vote on love.

I like Katara and Zuko both, but not together. I'm not telling people that they're stupid for liking Zutara, we all have opinions. This is just mine.
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posted over a year ago 
MasterRed posted over a year ago
ButterlessToast posted over a year ago
sakura50 posted over a year ago
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zanhar1 said:
Why I like Kataang;

- It was real, they started out as friends and it developed onto love as I personally believe a healthy relationship should.

- Aang had been helping Katara save the world from the beginning where as Zuko tried to kill them both numorous times.

- Air and Water is an original pair where as the Watet and Fire coupple has been done before.

- Katara really didn't trust him in the beginning which during coupple fights can be used against her.

- Aang and Katara have kids!

- Zuko already has a girlfriend whom he's known since he was little, one who risked all she had go save him in the boiling rock.

- Aang is cute and loveable he would never hurf Katara no matter how bad the fight. Where as Zuko is more likely to explode and hit or slap her of something out rage.

- The creators of the show had said they never even considered pairing Zuko and Katara.

1. Aang does understand her feelings. He shows this on various episodes one being the painted lady when he helps her save the village. Another being he knows how she feels about loseing family. He probably understands her better then anyone in the series. If anything Zuko doesn't understand her I man come on they hated eachother for most of the series!

2. Not all the time. A lot of the times opposites get into fights! Positive vs Negitive magnets totally defy eachother as would Zuko and Katara!

3. Aang lost his whole nation his mother probably included I think he understands.

4. Dude he's physically and mentally 12 thus Katara is only two years older. And besides age doesn't matter when you're truely in love.

5. So is Zuko... >.> Aang is probably the least selfish of them all.

6. That's all opinion really. I don't find him that attractive at all. Aang is hotter then him all he needs is a little hair!
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posted over a year ago 
And what aang need is a growth spurt and a face transplant.
domocrazed123 posted over a year ago
Tee hee
domodomo posted over a year ago
Thanks tiff.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Emseeem said:
I don't ship Kataang actually. I don't ship Zutara either. They both suck.

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I don't ship Kataang actually. I don't ship Zutara either. They both suck. 

posted over a year ago 
Lol! Nice..........:D
domodomo posted over a year ago
Win :)
SkyBendingVee posted over a year ago
I don't ship this ,but i agree that is Aang´s character would be a girl and Katara a boy,people would ship this instead of Zutara
lililc posted over a year ago
zutaraforever said:
i totally agree
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah I agree to myself too:3
domodomo posted over a year ago
your name is wrong, zutara never happened
Lecci posted over a year ago
fhghu said:
Well, I agree with everything except age difference. XD Zuko and Katara are two years apart too. And it doesn't really matter to me whether a character is hot or not, but whatever, haha. Yeah, Aang/Katara is a terrible pairing to me. Aang really only cares about Katara's looks, and Katara's feelings for Aang come out of nowhere. Zuko and Katara have a much deeper connection. So yes, in conclusion, Zutara.
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Well, I agree with everything except age difference. XD Zuko and Katara are two years apart too. And it doesn't really matter to me whether a character is hot or not, but whatever, haha. Yeah, Aang/Katara is a terrible pairing to me. Aang really only cares about Katara's looks, and Katara's feelings for Aang come out of nowhere. Zuko and Katara have a much deeper connection. So yes, in conclusion, Zutara.
posted over a year ago 
Yeah I guess aang does only care about kataras looks, cuz when he first was her it was love at first sight. As in looks. But like I said aang doesnt really understand her feelings yeah....(zuko is still pretty smokin:)
domodomo posted over a year ago
True. Haha!
fhghu posted over a year ago
for azula for get your facts first, before you say it. Guess only tru Atl fans know there info. Also i bet you didnt find zuko "smoking" in season 1
allisonwelsh posted over a year ago
smartone123 said:
i like tang better :3
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posted over a year ago 
f456- said:
i dont understand your question

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posted over a year ago 
I guess u could just tell me why you ship Kataang or if you don't.
domodomo posted over a year ago
MasterRed said:
What NightFrog said is true. And it's already canon so..
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posted over a year ago 
domocrazed123 said:
So um to agree and disagree with NightFrog
1. Yes only to killing her mothers murder. But in amber island players katara tried to tell him that it wasnt the right time to have a relationship. But he ignored her anyway and kissed her!
2. Yea opposite and alikes do attract
3. Ok yes but to katara losing her mother was practically the same thing. Actually to her it was probably losing half of her soul!
4. Ok I believe that age and love don't matter but he is still 112. He also is very immature in very many ways. For example in the beginning he asked katara to go penguin sledding and in the theme song or um title song he does air bending and crashes into a statue. You don't see zuko asking katara "can you please go penguin sledding with me " (with puppy dog face.)
5. Yes but his selfish moments are more like "I am the avatar so I get what I want" and zuko wanted to have the avatar for himself cuz he needed to restore his honor so he didnt have his own dad to be on "zuko's list of people who hate him" I would have done the same. And aang probably done the same but not killing the person.
6. And I think Domodomo was just adding humor is all. Is that really any harm? And yes Domodomo he is "hot"! :3

Aang is a good person to learn from. i dont hate him....but i dont like him either. But I do like Zutara as a couple if u haven't already seen that(idiots). So if you hate my opinion.....then easy.......... DONT RESPOND. K? Thank you.
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posted over a year ago 
Gracie! Stop commenting on my post!
domodomo posted over a year ago
That is awesome......:D
domodomo posted over a year ago
Katara is till a kid she was only 14 years old, and Aang was immature because thats the age he got trapped at but he really matured throughout the seasons. Zuko was 16 and had a lot of issues ofcorse he wouldnt of done that, he was set on capturing aang and getting his honor.
allisonwelsh posted over a year ago
Killmenow said:
Who the hell is Domodomo and why is she everywhere!?!
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posted over a year ago 
I am Domodomo and yes I am everywhere. And at least I don't live in Disneyland. :3
domodomo posted over a year ago
I'll have you know Disneyland is an amazing place for a hamster.
Killmenow posted over a year ago
That's awesome!
domodomo posted over a year ago
allisonwelsh said:
Kataang is perfect for eachother. Aang brought hope into Kataras life, he was the hero she looking for, if you seen the first episode she says she didn't give up on the Avatars return when others did. Aang does understand Kataras feelings he lost ALL HIS PEOPLE, he knows what it's like to lose the people you love more than anything. Katara and Aang had an undeniable bond when they first met. She was the only person who calm Aang down when in the Avatar state. Aangs not selfish at all! He was always selfless and helped people, if anything Zuko was selfish to try and capture the worlds last hope for peace and he betrayed katara in the catacombs, stole her necklace. Zuko was also always so mean to his uncle, when all his uncle did was want to help him. When Aang almost died at Ba Sing Si you could see the pain on Kataras face the exact moment he went down, and when she revived him the relief in he face was evident. Aang always tried to make Katara happy. Without Aang Katara would have never became a master waterbender because she would have stayed in the southpole with a boing ,life, Ozai would have probably destroyed the world. Aang SAVED the world for god sake! He saved all their lives by defeating Ozai. Zuko would probably still be trying to please daddy if not for Aang. by fate sokka made her mad in the fist episode, she water bended out anger and surfaced Aang. He bought fun back into her life, in a world torn by war. When they went penguin sledding she said she haven't had that much since she was kid, Aang reminded her she still is one. Yes theres a height difference but you have to remember Aang is a male, so he grew to be taller, he just had to hit puberty. They both saw each other grow into strong people, because from the first episode to the last they both matured a lot. They end up being together if you watch Lengend of Korra. Ya this is long and I can go on forever, but I bet you didn't find Zuko hot in the First season. I used to be a huge Zuko fan but now Im a Huge Aang because he went through a great struggle, realizing hes the last air bender, Saving the world, and he really grew up through the series. Also Aang has a really sweet personality, hes nice to everyone, gives second chances, he was willing to forgive Zuko after all he did, tracking Aang and shit.Defeated the fire lord with out killing him, he has a lot admirable traits. he doesn't even hate the fire nation after they committed a mass genocide of hiss people. Ya but heres few of the many reasons why I ship Kataang
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posted over a year ago 
SophiaHe said:
Kataang is better bc:
1.Ok Aang DOES understand Katara's feelings I mean he never forced her to love him
2. U say opposites attract then you say both feel same pain?? confusing
3. Aang's age difference is the same as zuko's difference .-.
5. Katara was a friend of aang way longer than zuko
6. How is he hot if he has a freaking burn on his eye?
7. Maikos cute <3
8.The show ended in kataang
9. Katara and Aang had three kids :/
10. Don't you dare say aang is immature didn't zuko have a TERRIBLE temper at season 1 and 2?
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posted over a year ago 
lililc said:
Now,.i respect everyone´s ship and even if i don't like Zutara i do understand why people ship them and does make sense
but you should make better arguments

1-Well,Aang saw all his people dead (and didn't have a clue of that) , even the one who was a father to him,so i guess he actually understands,not the same way but still an horrible thing,even worse ,the only one who exactly understands is Sokka ,so you see what is wrong here?
2-can you say Katara and Aang arent oposites? they are more oposites than katara and zuko
3-Nice point, though Aang doesn't know how is having a mother , which also should hurt
4-the diferences between the two couples is 2 years , and Aang is biologically 12 years old and does have the mind of one
5-Katara also can be selfish when she wants (like every human) and don't tell me Zuko is not selfish sometimes , he betrayed Katara and Iroh (not hating on zuko ,he did the rigth thing late) but pointing Aang´s bad traits is bashing and not defending your ship (which is wrong)

6-That couple be an argument for every Zuko couple,not just Zutara , and a character´s looks shouls NEVER be a reason cause it makes think people that your OTP is shallow ,i don't think you are but for your sake just erase this reason

PS: and sorry for my bad english . In case you think i´m Not bashing Zutara ,i´m actually trying to help you to make good arguments
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posted over a year ago 
Lecci said:

1. yes he does, he said it himself
2. humans aren't magnets, it doesn't work that way
3. Aang literally lost his whole culture so i think he understands the pain (do people really forget that) and zuko even doesn't understand it because his mother is back
4. he is 2 years younger, thats the same difference as zuko and katara have. and if you say it's because he is younger over all, then you are just shallow and telling me that my parents make a bad couple
5. uhm, where? He always tries to help and takes the blaim when something goes wrong
6. Have you watched the nolan batman movies? do you know what twoface looks like? there you have zuko in real life. You still think he's hot. also you are just shallow

my reason for kataang
1. its the ship thats literally built from the moment they first meet
2. I like to base my ships on the main theme of the show, which is personal groth and we all can agree that katara and aang influenced each others character development the most.
3. Its just so cute
4. The kataang relationship fits into my perception of a good relationship. I think it's a good thing that your romantic partner is also your best friend. Their relationship is not purly based on excitement and pleasure but it's one based on comfort and they can lay down their guards in front of each other and show themeselfs with all their vulnurabilities and get nothing but unconditional love back
5. Zutara is a crack ship and we all know they are basically jokes (just like mai and koh, or appa and momo
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posted over a year ago 
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