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Avatar: The Last Airbender Question


avatar i hate naruto it suck and wat katara690 says aang can go to the avatar state.Plus if you have all the avatar gang avatar will win
iluvhellowkitty posted over a year ago
Naruto, the characters are more developed and the plot is more emotional. Both are great, but I think they are just meant for different age groups (Naruto is for teens-past youth, while Avatar is for children-teens).
Angel_19 posted over a year ago
 ghalia posted over a year ago
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Answers

Zuko14 said:
Avatar is 4000% better then naruto. Avatar rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah what he said.
LRotermund posted over a year ago
zuzulover900 posted over a year ago
I like this answer!
18wanda posted over a year ago
Katara690 said:
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posted over a year ago 
(SMILING)yes ,i could see really shocks me.
ghalia posted over a year ago
that scene was awesome :)
volleyblue13 posted over a year ago
avatar, hands down.
volleyblue13 posted over a year ago
Avatar duh...
LRotermund posted over a year ago
hahah said:
UMMM...NO!! naruto will kick avatars butt. The story line is much better, its alot of action, it gets tense and it gets serious in battle. i like avatar too but naruto will win in a fight. just think of it. Naruto Using the Rasanshuriken against Avatar. Ang will die, and if ang uses the avatar state, naruto will release the nine-tailed fox. with 3 tails ang is dead no doubt about it. naruto is like 10, 0000 times better than Avatar. they are both great shows though but for me NarutO Shippuden or just naruto by itself
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posted over a year ago 
18wanda said:
Avatar no question. Avatar kicks the crap out of any other how I know of.
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posted over a year ago 
Anng_is_num_1 said:
Dude... This is the avatar FAN CLUB !!!
OF couse avatar is going to kick nuruto's butt !!!

Woop!! Woop!!
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Dude... This is the avatar FAN CLUB  !!!
OF couse avatar is going to kick nuruto's butt !!!

Woop!! Woop!!
posted over a year ago 
That picture rocks my chili bowl
18wanda posted over a year ago
Hockeysnipe said:
Naruto is much better, get your facts in line, then you can distort them as you please:

•    Avatar is childish; lame and overemotional characters, babyish plot
•    Naruto characters are thousands of times stronger than Avatar's characters-Ninjas are superhumans. The characters from Avatar are regular humans-without their bending, they'd be powerless. I don`t really need to elaborate more on this, but for those of you who haven`t watched Naruto (which is the majority of the people on this page-you idiots are voting when you only know about one of the options), Bending is a flame, compared to Jutsu, which is a flamethrower....
•    Naruto is meant for an older audience. The only reason teens like Avatar is (at least for 95% of the time) for the romance, which they elevate to nasty intimate relationships that never really happen in the show. Avatar fans are lame, hopeless 15-year old girls with dirty minds.

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posted over a year ago 
Aisuanime said:
Well, they aren't really the same. Naruto and Airbender are both awesome. I love to watch them both.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
avtar is better but i love them both
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posted over a year ago 
LRotermund said:
Avatar is 1,ooo% better than Narato. Avatar is way cooler by a long shot. I mean come on.
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Avatar is 1,ooo% better than Narato.  Avatar is way cooler by a long shot.  I mean come on.
posted over a year ago 
saske22 said:
naruto did u see his ultimate rasengan

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posted over a year ago 
codename12 said:
I think i choose both of them because all the characters in avatar and naruto are very COOL
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posted over a year ago 
zuzulover900 said:
uummm its obvios AVATAR WOULD WIN HELLOOOO! this is in nice voice
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posted over a year ago 
blind_beauty78 said:
AWW that ones hard :P
because of the movie i would say Naruto
but i havent finished the Naruto season and i HAVE finished Avatar
so just because of that Avatar ^^
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posted over a year ago 
invaderzimroks said:
Avatar is way better than naruto
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posted over a year ago 
Roxas_X_Roy said:
That's not even a question. Avatar is better without a hint of a doubt. Naruto has been stretched out waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. And also, the fight scenes in Naruto take like 12 episodes to finish. its like, "OMG COME ON WILL YOU JUST FINISH ALREADY??!!" in Avatar it gets straight to the point. and the fight scenes are 20x more awesome. And in Naruto, their abilities are limited because of that chakra thing, while in Avatar, they can keep going until they pass out...or until their scource disappears :3
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posted over a year ago 
hogwarts62442 said:
Avatar definitely! I'm sorry Naruto fans, but for me Avatar is just more enjoyable to watch.
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posted over a year ago 
bryanr3 said:
Naruto will win, naruto can transform into 8 tails now , sasuke also obtain the mangekyou sharingan and he can unleash Amaterasu and susanno,the giant monster,Obito can summon the demonic statue of the outer path and can travel to another dimension to hide.for more information,go to narutopedia.
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posted over a year ago 
chbftw said:
Avatar!!!!!! Not only is Avatar my favorite show, but the one time I tried to watch Naruto, I never even made it past episode one.
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posted over a year ago 
101trx said:
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posted over a year ago 
adventuremaster said:
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posted over a year ago 
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