Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 3

Zaynah posted on Jun 20, 2007 at 09:27PM
Does anyone know when season 3 comes out? Or any information at all would be nice please!

Avatar: The Last Airbender 26 replies

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over a year ago ktlady said…
On Wikipedia: --A third season, "Book 3: Fire," is scheduled to air in 2007.-- not very helpful.

Some of the titles for episodes in Season three are: (found at: link)

41. 301 The Awakening
42. 302 The Headband
43. 303 The Painted Lady
44. 304 Sokka's Master
45. 305 The Beach
46. 306 TBA
47. 307 The Runaway

They're also planning on making a live-action avatar movie in 2008. Wikipedia says this:

On January 8, 2007, Paramount Pictures' MTV Films and Nick Movies announced that they have signed M. Night Shyamalan to write, direct and produce a trilogy of live-action films based on the series, the first of which will encompass the main characters' adventures of Book one. The film is now in a dispute with James Cameron's film Avatar regarding title ownership.

Hope some of that is useful/interesting.


over a year ago Zaynah said…
A movie! I am going to look v. good going to see this, lol still totally going though! Thanks Katie x
over a year ago Kirsty said…
A movie! EXCITED!
over a year ago ktlady said…
M. Night Shyamalan did Sixth Sense, the Village and lady in the water... Do you think this is his sort of thing? I hope he can pull it off. More on him at: link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kirsty said…
OOoo thanks for the information by the way, didn't say that before!

Hmm, I liked The Village the first time but when you watch it again you already know the twist so it's kinda anticlimatic. Has he ever done cartoon animation before? Sorry forget that I'll look on your link!
over a year ago ktlady said…
Well... I think it's going to be live action.
over a year ago onestopshop said…
umm...i never trust wikipedia so i dont believe this at all
over a year ago ktlady said…
if you type it into imdb.com it shows up, with little information, but it is there. link

So, we'll see, I guess.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dacableguy said…
the movie is true, and yes its going to be live action with actors! wow i cant wait, i hope the special effects are good!:D
over a year ago ktlady said…
ooo, if the special effects are good... well, I can just imagine water-bending. :D
over a year ago dacableguy said…
^lol me too
over a year ago DiaDuit said…
Does anyone know a website where you can watch Avatar Season 3 that would be great thanks if you can
over a year ago Kirsty said…
Lol I am a dimwit at times. I'll try and post S3 when it starts, but it may not be immediately after it airs, will do my best though.
over a year ago Kirsty said…
PS 30 fans! Wohoo! There was about 8 for ages!
over a year ago ktlady said…
lol... how did that happen anyways?
over a year ago lala29 said…
my friend does voice overs 4 avatar, and season 3 should come out on july 29th 2007
over a year ago lala29 said…
o and yes there is going to be a movie...after M. night finishes "the happening" he is going to make a live action avatar movie. i called his agent and the agent said he hasnt started on it yet.
over a year ago x-sAr-x said…
well i am on a different forum and weve found out that book 3 should come out on the 16th of september and also iroh is ment to be anggs fire bending master

hope that helps you !
over a year ago RandomAvatarFan said…
Well Paramount announced that the DVD will come out October 30th with the first 5 episodes, The Awakening, The Headband, The Painted Lady, Sokka's Master, and the Beach. That means that it premieres at the latest the last week in September. Yes, they are making a live action movie. And DiaDuit, that would be called Bootlegging. no matter how much you want to see it before anyone else does, that's pretty wrong of you.
over a year ago sjfreeman said…
To all you Avatar fans, IMDB.com shows the names of several new episodes and the first to be aired is The Awakening on Sept 7, 2007. That is the date TV.com gives. I hope it's true. See, Aang the Avatar, does give hope!
over a year ago ktlady said…
over a year ago rubenator06 said…
It's good to know I'm not the only adult excited to see the third season!
over a year ago ktlady said…
looks like its gonna be on friday, september 21. thats what quite a few sources are saying. hmmm...
over a year ago x-xmEx-x said…
yr i really hope its on 21 sept iv already been waiting ages

*spoiler dont read if u dont want to no whats going to happen*

in the movie angg is going to die he kills the firelord but also kills himself because of the comet and that is the end of the avater cycle also momo leaves and finds his family and live with them
and 1 last thing zuko kills azula ( about time)

i dont no if its true but thats what iv heard
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ktlady said…
Sept. 21, baby!! Who else is ridiculously excited for this friday???
over a year ago Kirsty said…
Hahahahahahahahha! So happy! Just seen Ep. 1 and posted, enjoy!