Avatar: The Last Airbender NEW ZUKO IS TERRIBLE!!!

Azula_19_2009 posted on Apr 07, 2009 at 05:41AM
He looks more like Soka!!! What the crap??? Jesse looks so much more like Zuko than Dev does. Jesssseeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe this! Ugh see what you losers did! Now he's not going to be in the movie....Dev should totally have replaced Jackson Rathbone and they need to get rid of the Katara chick cause she is terrible too. What is wrong the casters of this movie???

Avatar: The Last Airbender 28 replies

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over a year ago SylarNight said…

just have Dante play zuko, i mean SERIOUSLY!!!

as my friend said, a goofy indian kid playing a grumpy ASIAN prince DOES NOT WORK!!!! ><
over a year ago shortynme said…
LOL HAHA! Oh my gosh! Ok sorry not meaning to laugh but this: "a goofy indian kid playing a grumpy ASIAN prince DOES NOT WORK!!!!" killed me! Seriously, I'm not too worried. I'll give the actors a chance before I dog them. I love Avatar a lot so I'm hoping that they will respect the characters and work hard.
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
well they should have kept Jesse. He could play the part so much better and looks so much better. Why couldn't Dev be Sokka instead???
over a year ago ktlady said…
I'm actually happy that they got rid of Jesse. I have never liked him and I don't think having him ruin one of my favorite avatar characters with his terrible acting would have helped him in my sights much.

Of course, I don't really know about this new guy either.
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
Well Jesse hater, I don't think this new guy will be very good as Zuko. As I have said, he should play Sokka instead. Jesse would do much better as Zuko than 'this' guy.
over a year ago shortynme said…
Sokka is my favorite character from Avatar and I have high hopes that Jackson will do a good job at portraying him. I'm happy that Jackson is playing Sokka, I think he takes his job very seriously. Plus, if he botched Sokka I would shave his head lol jk.
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
He just doesn't seem like he will do a good job. He doesn't have that brilliant personality...and frankly...he doesn't cut it. Sokka should have been someone else. And KATARA just makes me sick. BLONDE darn it BLONDE!!!!! What are they thinking??? At least Jesse looked the part and could act the part for Zuko. But because of all the loser complainers about racist and whites ruined it. Now the movie is going to totally suck because of them. Ugh...I am so offended by this. Really I am. I shouldn't be but I am. I wish they would just make a season 4 anime and leavethe live action alone.
over a year ago 18wanda said…
It is too bad the movie was thrown in a hole. Oh well. The ratings will be terrible because it is an outrage!
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
Well I don't know about outrage but it is really stupid the way they have done it. As far as the nationallity goes I think everyone should just shut up because even in the show it says the whole world not just Asian countries. The whole world does not consist of just Asians. That really makes me mad when people get on that kick. I just wish they would get actors that actually fit the part.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SylarNight said…
even though most ppl i talk to our hating hte cast though, we're all gonna go see it still, admit it.

cuz we luv the show. XD we have to see it b4 we judge fully. XD i made tihs pic, or those of u who say Jesse would not work. what do u think?

see, he looks like zuko, doesnt he? XD'

darn u for being on tour!
even though most ppl i talk to our hating hte cast though, we're all gonna go see it still, admit it.
over a year ago Equus said…
sorry for sounding like a loser, but what are y'all talking about? what do you mean someone plays zuko? is there a movie coming out?
over a year ago stoner said…
From what I heard, Dev Patel (from Slumdog Millionaire) has been casted to play Zuko in the upcoming live action film, directed by M. Knight Shyamalan. Nothing against Dev, but the voice behind Zuko - Dante Basco - is a good actor in his own right. I think he would make a good Zuko, not just off screen through all three seasons, but on screen as well. Just my .02 cents.
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Jessie would be better than Dav for Zuko, but I agree with SylarNight, Dante would be the best choice. He looks, and obviously sounds like Zuko! I also agree with shortynme, before we start hating on all the actors, we should see it first, and give it a chance. :)
over a year ago shortynme said…
Thanks Nadia!
Well, I watched Slumdog Millionaire and I thought Dev was brilliant. He portraid an inner turmoil and pain over his love for the girl he couldn't keep for more than a few days at a time. His facial expressions were wonderful, his body movement, I even like how he speaks. It's the first thing I've seen him in and honestly, just from that show, I think he has the makings of being a wonderful Zuko.
Zuko's totally tormented by his life, which Dev can portray. At least that's my take on it.
over a year ago Equus said…
Ohh cool I can't wait to see it! I love Slumdog Millionaire and I love Dev Patel, but I don't really think he would make a good Zuko. I think Dev would be great as Sokka though!
over a year ago SylarNight said…
XD i so cant wait, though.

dammit, M. Night, canst DANTE!!!
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
Dante is too old for Zuko's character. Dev just looks like a big dork...again I say sholud play sokka. Jesse would be the best candidate. It's the anger in his eyes that gives him that edge. There is no anger to Dev.
over a year ago kel-c said…
I know, and if they're going to cast them wrong, they shood just make the movie in cartoon. And even if they get people that look like the real characters, they're not going to sound like them, this sucks, the movie shood be made in cartoon like the simpsons movie!
over a year ago ClonedPickle said…
The casting in my opinion is bad. That is one of the incentives for me NOT to see this movie. The only reason i would see it is if it could extraordinarily good reviews.
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
I usually wait until I see a film to form opinions on casting. Casting, (for me, anyway) has more to do with acting than race. From an actor's standpoint, being told you can't play a certain character because of your race is a knife to the heart. I understand that we should respect a writer's work be respecting their choices in race, but we should still be flexible.
over a year ago avatar2012 said…
omg i just looked at the cast list. The girl playing katara is to young, aang's arrow doesn't show and he's to young, Zuko's scar doesn't show and his skin is to dark, and sokka is to light. They need to switch them!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
No kidding! I wish someone else would pick this movie up and re-cast it all together!
over a year ago 18wanda said…
We all wish, don't we? Well, frankly I'm sick of wishing for it.
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
ah yeah but i just can't help it.
over a year ago roguexraven said…
yes he looks terrible!
over a year ago lex23 said…
@stoner is COMPLETELY right!! Dante should totally be the actor and has the look (well, to me). I think Jackson will be a good sokka, and since when did the girl who is playing Katara have blonde hair?!?! I thought it was brown! and what up with aang's arrow? its fancy smanchy and black.
over a year ago SergeantJz said…
no .. please, not jesse
Dante is way too older for Zuko's role

why dont they look for some chinese teenager ?
Fire Nation peoples are Chinese
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
Jesse would be a much better choice compared to the guy they have playning him. And Jackson is not funny enough to play Sokka. Katara's actress is ridiculous as well. I think a bunch of cosplayers should get together(that actually look like the characters...and can somewhat can act), and make their own movie.