Bangel vs Spuffy Role Reversal : Really Test Your Buffy Debate Skills

amazondebs posted on Mar 09, 2008 at 11:23PM
sometimes when i'm argueing for spuffy i sometimes forget that i do like bangel and still love the first three seasons so on this forum it's role reversal and you have to argue (and i mean really argue) your favorite thing about the couple that you don't ship and the thing you like least about the your favorite couple

so as i am a spuffy fan here goes

the best thing about bangel is that it's clear that they will both always love each other in one form or another as buffy couldn't kill angelus until she absolutely had to as she still loved him and even though he was disgusted by it i still think angelus loved buffy
angel is always the person that buffy turns to even years after they parted as she does when joyce dies, and as she does when she dies and of course the famous cookie dough speech in s7

the worst thing about spuffy is how hurtful it is to both of them, obviously spike is being constantly shot down and refused by buffy and not only is buffy dealing with being bought back from heaven but she is also trying to understand why she is with a souless vampire
also the relationship is physically abusive to both of them as well
last edited on Mar 09, 2008 at 11:27PM

Bangel vs Spuffy 16 replies

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over a year ago NikaDawson said…
I agree that that is the worst thing about Spuffy. Also, that Spike will always be second best in the eyes of the women he loves, Buffy and Drusilla.

And that no matter what he does, he's never as loved in return. How hurtful it was to both was the worst thing, but it also allowed them room to grow and move beyond the hurt into a beautiful relationship in season seven.

The best thing about Bangel, I actually can't think of one actually, cause I really really don't like Bangel. I guess cause they set the whole arc of the show maybe. I'm trying to think of one, but I just really don't like Bangel.

I guess the best thing about Bangel was that they were the first real relationship either of them had, which allowed them both to grow as people and form new relationships later on.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ha ha ha aww come on with all the lengthy essays you write i know you could do better than that lol
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
Yeah, but that's for Spuffy. Lol. I don't know, I've never really thought about any positive traits of Bangel, because I never did like it. I'm going to have to think somemore, lol.
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
Alright, the best thing about Bangel is that they really did love each other, and even if they are no longer in love, they can always count on each other to help the other one out if they are really in trouble.

And that Angelus did love Buffy, but that he would never admit it to himself and would never want to, because it shows that more soulless vamps besides Spike can love.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
there, didn't hurt did it? lol
hopefully a bangel fan will share now
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
lol, who says it didn't hurt? jk.
over a year ago Joker said…
The best thing about Spuffy is that they both get to have good sex for a while and Spike in Season 6 is the only person who can relate to what Buffy is going through, being the only one of her inner-circle, who has ever crawled their way out of their own grave like she did. Buffy relates to the person she least expects because she can't relate to those closest to her. In Season 7 Buffy helps Spike deal with having a soul and believes that he can be better person, which is exactly what he needs.

The worst thing about Bangel is the fact that as long as Angel is cursed, and a vampire...the relationship is doomed. Buffy would never be able to have a normal life with Angel unless he achieves shanshu and then we've just got I Will Remember You all over again. Because of their positions as champions Buffy and Angel constantly need to put the fate of the world before their own needs.

See, I can play nice!
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
wow this mite be hard, ok here it goes

the best thing about spuffy is well theres the very good sex, guessing its very good cuz she always went back for more, he did alot for her like helping her understand why vampires wana kill a slyer and going to kill dru for her, and then there the whole bad boy thing!

the worst thing about bangel is that he saw her before she came to sunnydale (ive never liked that, i like dhow it grew in season 1 and then that just went against everythin i thought), then theres the curse thing (no sex) and there was alot of drama
over a year ago amazondebs said…
*applauds mkena, and joker* come on spuffy fans lets give it up for the brave bangel fans :D
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
lol. *claps*
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
Thank youand same to you brave spffiers!
over a year ago Jillywinkles said…
Lol okay I'll have a go--this shouldn't be that hard because I'm not that hardcore of a Bangel shipper, in fact at one point in time I even was a Spuffy shipper. Anyway here goes:

The best thing about Spuffy is . . . that Buffy and Spike had a real understanding, and in some ways Buffy was closer to Spike than Angel. For some things. Their relationship was really beautiful in the 7th season, and I think given time, Buffy could have learned to love Spike.

The worst thing about Angel is . . . the occasional bad writing that affects plot points. The reason they broke up is...they can't stay in each other's company without having at it and Angel losing his soul? Give me a break. Get some will power for christ's sake.
It also annoyed me that there were opportunities for them to get back together on Angel (him turning human for one) and neither of them wanted it enough to get back together. And the whole Angel having other relationships thing was annoying too. It makes sense for Buffy to have other relationships because Angel was her first love and she needs to try different things. But if Buffy was Angel's one true love in over 200 years, it makes no sense for him to fall in love with the next girl that comes along.

How'd I do? ;)
over a year ago mandapanda said…
spuffy had the sex.
Bangel had the true love.
*gosh, i cant say the rest*
over a year ago amazondebs said…
very well jillywrinkles! come on mandapanda, get in the buffy love spirit :D
over a year ago mandapanda said…
okay, the best thing about spuffy, is the understanding. They understood each other, and they fought alot hence the humor.

the worst thing about Bangel is that Angel was cursed with a soul, as Joker said. hmm...and what sucked was that Angel left.

there, I said it...
over a year ago amazondebs said…
high five!