Bangel vs Spuffy Another question for Spuffy fans

mandapanda posted on Apr 28, 2008 at 01:19AM
How come everyone say's Angel lusted after Buffy when she was at the foot of school being called to be a slayer, when Spike kept pictures of her and was studying her in his crypt?

Bangel vs Spuffy 8 replies

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over a year ago nosemuffin said…
We never said that Spike didn't lust for her. Role-playing games with Harmony.. if that's not lust I don't know what is. But that was after she had grown up a bit and he knew her pretty well.
over a year ago mandapanda said…
well, alot of spuffy fans say that Spike didnt lust and that he loved her SO much, but im glad you admit, as a spuffy fan, that it was lust.
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Oh there was lust, most definately. Capital L kind of Lust but, once again going with nose, it was more developed. Sure you have lollypop sucking which is a rather big sort of....well I'm not going to finish that sentence. James has said that there was a sort of sexual hunting in School Hard, the lust has always been there, just no Spike lusty action until he knows her better.
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
Let's backup a second. I never said he didn't love her. He proves late in season 5 that he did.
over a year ago mandapanda said…
i didnt say that he didnt love her.. he loved her so much that he became sort of obsessed with her. Ill admit that as a Bangel fan. lol. But, she didnt love him as much as he loved her.. i gotta say, the things he said to her probably developed over the years as he saw he grow into a kick butt slayer and he saw her in her weak points and strong points. im not saying spuffy was a weak relationship or that it wasnt authentic and loving. it just didnt sit well with me. i still respect those who like spuffy, because we all have different opinions... ill try to clarify on my comments about the spuffy parts
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
I'm not anti-Bangel either. I just prefer Spuffy because like Arabella said, it felt more organic. I'm generally always more fond of the relationships that come into play late in the game, because by then we know the characters so well and also we get to watch the development in depth. That's all. =D
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i'm only anti-bangel in season 3 otherwise i quite like it
anyways with the lust, spuffy is defitley about lust but i think we always bring up the lollipop thing because bangel fans always seem to talk about love at first sight which well when i a guys watching a 14? 15? year old cheerleader sucking a lolly i don't think it's love lol well i don't believe in love at first sight but that's not the issue
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
I think Angel saw Buffy as a way to redeem himself and he did fall for her. I have no doubt that there is a deep love there, but it started with light and a lollypop, not automatic love. It grew.