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Barack Obama Question

I am scared to join this spot. Not because of Barack Obama, believe me- Im one of his biggest fans. I voted for him in a heartbeat. But because I am a die-hard Democrat and I see sneaky Republicans make it on here, should I join?

I am scared to join this spot. Not because of Barack Obama, believe me- Im one of his biggest fans. I voted for him in a heartbeat. But because I am a die-hard Democrat and I see sneaky Republicans make it on here, should I join?
Sneeky admin closed it's doors during a PUBLIC Meeting?...Democrats....Which admin had pre picked questions to be asked to Obama?....Democrats.....Which admin does not allow certin media to join in the white house?......Democrats...Which admin associates them self with well known, America hateing radicals?.....Democrats. So i think you need to look at your own parties track records. Yall are just mad because that doosh bag is being called out. Dont be mad, Just be smart and look at the man you love so much and really understand what he is all about.
noobamagygi posted over a year ago
^ I think you completely missed the point of the question, you douche.
MissKnowItAll posted over a year ago
noobamagygi: linkAnd that's just George Bush.
LoopyLuna96 posted over a year ago
 Flounder13 posted over a year ago
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Barack Obama Answers

Cinders said:
I think the kind of comments your question is getting has answered this question for you.

Don't be deterred by the haters, though. And embrace those non-Obama lovers who just want to engage in interesting discussion. I completely know what you mean. I see a lot of hate and slander on this spot, and if it's not relevant, I try to report it. I think it's disgraceful, to be honest. Anyone who knows me, from the debate spot, the Christianity spot, or anywhere else knows that I not only respect but welcome dissent and different opinions. But some of the things I see said about Obama and his supporters on this spot is absolutely unfair. And I am definitely tired of a lot of the abuse. People aren't making intelligent points-- they're regurgitating lines their parents and television told them that neither make any logical sense, nor have any actual facts to back it up.

So... as some have said... do what you want. But remember, not everyone who doesn't like Obama is cruel. And not everyone who doesn't like Obama is a moron. Some are intelligent, tolerant individuals. I just wish THEY were the ones criticizing him on his home turf.

And also, there are us. You know, the actual FANS who join spots that they are a FAN of to talk about things that they LIKE. Not bashers who join spots that they HATE to insult the people that LIKE it.
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posted over a year ago 
Twilight_Dream said:
do whatever you want. and btw, ive been waiting for you to reply back in that other conversation. dont keep me waiting too long. and that picture should be replaced by no good obama's cheese grinning face.
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posted over a year ago 
What has this man done for this country besides make us look week. The sooner you idiots see that this man is a radical, Self absorbed, Money spending, Tax hiker, Socialist, The better. I could not vote for a man that puts himself in a circle with people that on the record have said that they hated america, And groups that promotes CHILD prostitution (Acorn)! But i do think in 4yrs everyone will see what this doosh bag is really like!
noobamagygi posted over a year ago
well im glad some people have seen what a horible person obama is for this country.
Twilight_Dream posted over a year ago
noobamagygi: As we all know, calling the opposition idiots is always the best way to make them side with you. And what's wrong with Socialism? Both of you learn how to use grammar and spell correctly, then come back.
LoopyLuna96 posted over a year ago
cruella said:
Do whatever you want. I am a conservative Republican but a member of a lot different political spot including the Bill Clinton, & Barack Obama clubs. And I'm not a member of those clubs because I want to make fun of the democrats. I like some of the more liberal politicians I just disagree with their beliefs.
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posted over a year ago 
partydiva said:
if you wanna join go ahead if your a fan go right ahead and join because obama is truly a great man and if i was old enough to vote i would have voted for him too so go right ahead and join!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
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