Bert Stern Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Do you think that Bert Stern is only remembered for the work with Marilyn Monroe? over a year ago by makintosh
an icon was added: MM black dress over a year ago by SalMineo
a link was added: Bert Stern; Original MadMan over a year ago by SalMineo
a comment was made to the poll: Marilyn Monroe or Lindsay Lohan? over a year ago by SalMineo
a poll was added: Bert Stern's work for... over a year ago by SalMineo
a comment was made to the poll: Marilyn by Bert Stern with... over a year ago by Gabri3la
a poll was added: Bert Stern's work with... over a year ago by SalMineo
a poll was added: Marilyn by Bert Stern with... over a year ago by SalMineo
fan art was added: Banner over a year ago by Gabri3la
a poll was added: Marilyn Monroe or Lindsay Lohan? over a year ago by SalMineo
an answer was added to this question: Which is your favorite photo took by Bert Stern? over a year ago by SalMineo
a poll was added: Do you think that Bert Stern is only remembered for the work with Marilyn Monroe? over a year ago by SalMineo
a question was added: Which is your favorite photo took by Bert Stern? over a year ago by Gabri3la