Betty and Daniel Daniel & Betty's Differences...:)

BeSafe posted on Nov 30, 2008 at 05:56AM
Okay so I just felt like starting a forum about the differences between Daniel and Betty and why it makes them work so well together? What do you all think it is about their differences that works? What do you think are the biggest differences in them, personality wise, wealth wise, mind wise? Anything, I'm curious to see what other fans have to say!!!!

Betty and Daniel 9 replies

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over a year ago BeSafe said…
So it looks like I will have to start this off...hmmm differences, well they were raised in completely differnt family environments, while Betty was raised in a very rich, warm, loving environment, Daniel was raised in a cold, kind of fighting for attention, get ignored kind of environment, which has made them into the people they are today...

I think they have completely different work ethics...they have vastly differnt lifestyles, but in an odd way that doesn't make sense they are perfect, they are each other's missing piece of the puzzle...

Here is how I see it...

Betty is young and naive with big dreams and a hard worker, she needs somebody who believes in her, but someone who isn't as naive about life, the world, and the industry they are in in general, she also needs somebody who will let her relax and have fun, who will show her life isn't just always about work and so far Daniel fits this to a t!!!!

Daniel on the other hand is impulsive and reckless, he is also not as confident as he seems to be, he needs somebody to believe in him as well, someone to tell him he is worth it and he can do it, and Betty does that for him, he also needs somebody who will tell him when he screws up and that he better fix it and she does that for him as well, she improves his work life with her work ethic while his is more relaxed and she helps him to grow, because even though Daniel is older than her, he has had less growing done when he was younger...

Okay also Daniel is getting more mature and will be wanting a family...what better mom could he give his children than Betty, with her smarts and his eyes that kid would rule the world!!!!

So there you go, my pieces of the puzzle fitting together thing...I think they fit about you?
over a year ago DBLover said…
Wow BeSafe, I an tell you have given this some thought. That or you are just very nice at thinking on your feet! Anyway I can say I completely agree with you on that!
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Hehe nope you are right, well both are right, I thought about it before, but kind of put everything together on the spot.
And glad you completely agree with me on ALL of those fifty batrillion points that I made, I felt I was beginning to babble, and not make sense!!!!
over a year ago DBLover said…
No it made sense, to me at least, I could understand it because I tend to babble a lot as well, especially when it pertains to my favorite couples, namely Daniel/Betty.
But I think their differences is what makes them perfect for each other, if they were the same they wouldn't be nearly as interesting!
Like Cliff said to Marc when he was about to go out with the underwear model, "It's beauty and beauty, that's not a story, now beauty and the beast that's a story." Although Betty isn't a beast the analogy works you know. Going against societies standards and deciding for yourself which path to chose.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Yep I totally agree with you as well!!!!
I loved that line when Cliff said it, I was like aww how perfect for Detty!!!!
And yep it does fit into society, sometimes it's hard to go against what other people think is right as opposed to what you know is right...:0
over a year ago DBLover said…
Very true. And it was the perfect line for Daniel/Betty! And if you think about it Betty's favorite Fairy Tale is Cinderella how perfect is that for the Daniel/Betty relationship because they would be like the perfect real life story of Cinderella.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
OMG you are totally right, I was just watching that episode last night actually!!!!!
Gotta love DB!!!!
over a year ago DBLover said…
Oh you mean the episode, where they say Betty's favorite fairy tale princess is Cinderella. I love that episode!
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Yep that is the episode I was talking about!!!!!
I love that episode two...okay so I think Daniel/Betty are the perfect example of opposites attract...:)