Betty and Daniel 4.17 Million Dollar Smile

RpattzIsLove posted on Mar 18, 2010 at 03:39AM
Now you know by know what these posts are for...

One word. Multiple syllable. OULALA!! I can't wait!!!!
Although, the promo left me with mixed feelings, why are they all making disgusted faces?! Especially Daniel, shouldn't they rather be blinded by Betty's shiny teeth??!! Although, Marc did say something about those "shiny teeth" at the very end of the promo...

Betty and Daniel 4 replies

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over a year ago RpattzIsLove said…
big smile
Jumbled mess of thoughts here...

First off, when Betty FINALLY took off her braces, monumental event here so bring on the drums, she craned her neck and took a look at Daniel for support, coz she'd have to take them off in public, in the Guggenheim no less during a million dollar bra shoot, plus, he had his hand on her shoulder the whole time... And whom did she look to, first, when taking them off, AT DANIEL!!!!
Now if this is a totally random, meaningless act, then please UB writers let me live in my dream state a little more... A very touching and meaningful scene!!

Of course, I totally wanted to hit Daniel's head after he went after Amanda... now I miss those Suarez-Meade reunions back in Queens...

As for the dream, well, how about this for an upcoming roller coaster?!!?!!! Beyond any of my expectations!! Betty as Willie's assistant was brilliant, Papi as a WANNABE MAFIA GUY (I kept picturing Papi cooking in his kitchen the whole time! Twilight Zone!!), Hilda as the new Betty, Justin wiped off the face of the Earth (a human being we're talking here!), Betty & Daniel at each other's throats...and sleeping together, like once... I WANT THE REAL THING, both as DETTY and Betty's real life!! So I was kind of clapping when she woke up and yelled that she could "see" and still had her braces... Nope, Daniel, you didn't need to bring her to the hospital lool

A thing that really stunned me, was that in the BETTY DREAM, while Mandy was having some Tyler on the side (not far from reality there..) the "tooth fairy" said that Daniel was having some too, with HIS ASSISTANT...a.k.a. Betty 2.0 (the one his father ended up hiring while Betty with her "beautiful white teeth" scampered after Willie!) So this made me think, it's possible for Dream Daniel to eventually fall for his assistant, sooo, real Daniel could do the exact same thing, mmm...

I REALLY hope the tooth fairy wasn't referring to Vain Betty's one night affair with Daniel & that I've totally read too much into this scene...

So over all, one crazy episode!! The orthodontist was wonderfully delaying everything, yet, it all came around! I'll have to see this episode again...

Vain Betty looked absolutely gorgeous of course, but I'll take sunshine & butterflies Betty any day of the week over her...otherwise, the world as we know it may just die or something!
over a year ago detty4ever said…
I loved, loved, loved, loved this episode!!!!! Did I mention that I love it?? Let me check..Ok I did! lol!!!

I don't know from where to start!

In the dream sequence:

Daniel hates Betty's guts and confronts her for sabotaging him..I found that very intersting, cause it was so different from the usual admiration/trust type of relationship that they have! We got to see some intensity there!

And when Daniel said the freaking fantastic line "I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVR SLEPT WITH YOU", I actually realized that one of the reasons why Daniel hates her is because she broke his heart or something!LOVED IT!

And yeah, It totally stunned me that Daniel had sex with his assistant! I was like "Really?? How come?" Isn't she supposed to be a Betty clone? So in her dream Daniel DOES sleep with the ugly assistant.. Foreshadowing??

After the dream:

Daniel was there for her, he had his hand in her shoulder..Like she had it,when he lost his father! Of course this was a totally different situation, but still it shows how much they support each other!!

But that was a typical behaviour from his part..It was from the moment she removed her braces, that HE SEEMD DIFFERENT TO ME!! First of all, he looked at her in such a way, that she had to ask him if something was wrong and then he totally LOST his words for a moment "No It looks...Betty you look great!"

And later while he was approaching her, he first has this charming smile in his face and then he BITES HIS LIP!!! You really have to notice that!! It happens in 6:20 link Hmmm..Sexual tension?

And did you notice that he was about TO SAY SOMETHING right before Betty interrupted him?? I saw his akwardness/confusion when Betty told him that she had to leave...And Betty herself seemd to me that she was feeling awkward and she was trying to avoid him..Did you see how she looked at him? It was a very weird look!I felt that this was the beginning of the Detty!

Now, you seemed not to have liked the fact that Daniel rushed himself to Amanda..I found it great! Think about it..Betty leaves and he's standing there looking at her with a meaningful smile and all of the sudden he decides to end the casual thing with Amanda! I saw it like an epiphany! As if he finally woke up!

He didn't seem sad for doing this, but on the contrary he was relieved! Just notice his smile in 6:44!! He had to do it immediately!:-)

So what happened this time?Did we switched roles or something?:-) I'm the one who is super excited and you're rather causious...Well, did I help?? Was it a Dettyfantastic eppy or what?? I think it was! Now I can't help having my hopes up for the Detty! They have to be together! It can't be any other way!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RpattzIsLove said…
Yes, you helped!!! And after rewatching the episode in minute details, I'm less cautious! Remember when I talked about having "Detty Glasses", well, as much as it's not always good to have them 24/7, I should've have them on this week... I got caught up in the Betty World storm and was wee bit less attuned to the detty whether imaginable or not!!

For the DREAM: That's indeed VERY TRUE that when Daniel showed Betty the news of their affair, he looked HURT.. As though, he couldn't really believe she hurt him this way. Pained expression, "how could you?!?!"

The thing with their radically different relationship in the dream sequence is the fact that "There's a fine line between hate and love" And perhaps, the Willie & whole animalistic affair about "presenting, offering" and whatever else, few episodes ago, foreshadowed this week's episode. In which sense that, since they're always at each other's throats, hating & constantly humiliating one another, perhaps there was some underlying disappointment & frustration of not having their feelings returned... So I felt that Betty & Daniel's dynamic was reminiscent of that one between Daniel & Willie. But, you replace Willie with Betty and somehow it feels right & it's foreshadowing for the detty if they were to live in that dream!

And about the sleeping with the assistant, THAT'S TOTALLY FORESHADOWING!!! It's Betty's clone so if somehow Daniel could possibly sleep with that girl, than he can certainly sleep with the "real thing" which is Betty, ex assistant extraordinaire!!

As for REALITY: I'm glad we both picked up on the shoulder thing, aww now I missed that Bradford reference which is totally obvious!!! I knew I had seen this somewhere... The only thing that made Betty go through with removing her braces in public, is not so much the 2nd look she gave at that friend-assistant, but the 1st one she gave to Daniel. It implied "Ok, if you're there, than I can do it!"

And now the Daniel-gets-the-first-look-of-Betty-sans-b­rac­es, upon second watching, he does STALL & STAMMER and has that whole amazed expression, as though he'd just discover a jewel that was hiding in plain sight under the tip of his nose!!! I swear, he's mentally swooning or something!!!
This could be IT, the second he realizes his feelings for her!!

And the whole biting of the lip!! Well, he was kind of far from the camera when it happened, but after rewatching it a couple of times (thanks for the link!) Yes, he's totally biting his lip, for a sec. there! He's NERVOUS... he's unsure how to approach this new "obvious" beautiful Betty!! And Betty does seem like she's stalling waiting for him to say something, anything!! One great missed opportunity, wonderful built up for sexual tension!!

And yes, you are absolutely right for the Amanda episode. When Betty leave and he takes a look at Amanda across the room & then follow her to break things up. Well THAT look is as though, "what the heck am I doing with her??" It's like he's realizing, at that moment, the futility of their relationship...of course this is right after the most charged relationship he has with another human being leaves the room. But, because of this minor event, he now realizes what he has with Mandy.

Yup, he does smile at 6:44. Now that this is over, he's finally completely free to do what he wants & go after Betty.

Now this was a DETTYFABULOUS episode, thanks for the different perspective!! By bouncing ideas off someone else, is the only way to truly update & ameliorate one's thinking!!

Now it'll be extremely interesting to see what happens next week, coz besides seeing Daniel reconcile with Tyler, I'd looove for him to do some major thinking of his own while Betty is off in Londontown!

over a year ago detty4ever said…
"...that when Daniel showed Betty the news of their affair,"

OMG! Is that what the paper headline meant? I didn't get it! Thanks for mention it!So, the guy that was so close to Betty in that picture was Daniel?? I definitely have to rewatch that moment!

" though he'd just discover a jewel that was hiding in plain sight under the tip of his nose!!!"

You created a great image there!That was totally a moment of realization for him, I don't want to get too excited, but I really think that it was in that scene that his heart(finally!)told him the truth!

"Yup, he does smile at 6:44. Now that this is over, he's finally completely free to do what he wants & go after Betty."

I felt the same way! It's like he smiled to himself and thought "Betty is the one..How could I not see it??" He finally understood what he really wants!

Of couse there is the possibily of us reading too much into that episode..But what the heck? We're so close to the finale, we have to make the most of it!;-)

Now apart from the Detty:
Since we're not gonna see Betty completely transformed in her "real" life, I found it a great idea to give her a complete make over during the dream! Cause in that way, we got to see how she would look like if she was to change completely, whereas in "reality" she won't have to lose what characterizes her bubbling personality: the cute red glassses and the bright/colourful outfits!
last edited over a year ago