Biggerstaff Family Jacob/Alex's Tardis Adventures RP

alexthedog posted on Oct 13, 2011 at 08:23PM
Welcome to my blue-box time machine, bigger on the inside.. There's room for companions, and not in the weird way o_o
So this is basically a Doctor Who RP.
And I'm the Doctor, you guys can be companions, ones from the series, or original characters.

P.S. I'm not roleplaying as a specific incarnation of the Doctor.
Welcome to my blue-box time machine, bigger on the inside.. There's room for companions, and not in t

Biggerstaff Family 7 replies

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over a year ago 1-2vampire said…
OH WOW it's bigger on the inside! Why's the pool in the library?
over a year ago alexthedog said…
That's what they all say! And, I... never, er, really thought about it..
over a year ago alexthedog said…
That was a close call! Those Cybermen almost got you.. what's your name?
over a year ago 1-2vampire said…
Madeline ;D Madeline Biggerstaff.
over a year ago TempCC said…
Hi, um Doctor? Who are you?
over a year ago alexthedog said…
@Madeline- Beautiful name, very fairy tale.
@CC- I'm a mad man with a blue box, of course!

Come on in! Big day tomorrow!

Who are you roleplaying as? xD
I think you would make a great Amy, :P

over a year ago 1-2vampire said…
OOC: I'm being ma own companion, so I pwn.

There are bunk beds... really? Any rooms without bunk beds, Doctor?
Hello CC/Amy/whoeveryou'reRPingas, *see if we can get him to get rid of the bowtie*