Biggerstaff Family Accio's Room

Italktosnakes posted on Jan 08, 2011 at 04:43AM
You walk up to the door, and give it a quick look before you knock. The door has a Gryffindor Scarf hanging write at the top. Underneath it has 'Heyyyy!' carved into the wooden door. around those it has a bunch of almost unreadable doodles from random friends that have come around. You knock, and you enter...

The wall facing you is covered of stuck on photos of all my friends- some with my muggle camera, some with my wizard camera. Occasionally there's a giant space of wall on that side. Where the spaces are, there are nice quotes from my favourite lyrics and movies in red permanent marker. A charm's been put on them, so they change every five minutes.

The other walls have loads of random posters and stickers (think charlieissocoollike original wall of things). On that wall, I have a giant scroll. When tapped with MY wand only, it opens to show my top ten fitties of the week. I update it every week.

Then on the ceiling, there are hundreds of glow-in-the-dark stars that cover the ceiling.

My bed is a single four poster, like Hogwarts. It's covered in Gryffindor coloured fairy-lights. It has red quilt, although you can't really see it from the amount of books and clothes on top of it. The books consist of Girly RomComs, Harry Potters, the Doctor Who annuals-with my current read, 'Where Rainbows End-Cecelia Ahern' is on my pillow, next to Michael-my giant teddy-bear, I've had since I was born. It also has all my overdue homework on there-which will soon be *under* the bed.

Other that my bed, it's reasonably tidy-unless you looked in my wardrobe. I have a nice telly, with a couple of red and gold bean bags to sit down. I have one little corner full of my little teddy bears.

You are actually astounded by the awesomeness of my room. You look one more time, in amazement. You run out of the room in jealousy. You WISH your room was as cool as mine ;) x
last edited on Jan 26, 2011 at 11:56PM

Biggerstaff Family 19 replies

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over a year ago 1-2vampire said…
*walks in* Auntie? Can I have a few Galleons? *realises you're not in room* *hears you downstairs in living room* *searches room for purse, and finds it by your bed in a handbag, but when I try to take the purse, the bag snaps at me and turns into a mini bear* *squeals and runs out room*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago harrypotterbest said…
*hammers on door* LEMME IN!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
^Vamp's my NIECE :O xx
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
What happened to us, you know? I don’t know who I am anymore, or how I got here. I miss who I used to be. I wanna have a home again, you know? And real friends. You know, the kind of friendships we used to believe in. I miss that, and I miss you. I guess I just miss all of it. Does any of that make any sense?
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
Everything is wrong. I am wrong. I wish I could change, we could change, into everything we wished we could be when we were young. Do you remember? We could be anything we wanted to- there were no limits to our happiness. But I don't even know who I am anymore. We're not even lbiving-we're surviving. I don't want to be like this, I don't want US to be like this. Not anymore.
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
I think I'm gonna ask my mom to go to the Doctor's. Or something. I'm just so unhappy. ALL THE TIME. I'm kind of worried, I don't know what's happening.

I've had a tough life. Maybe that's it. Just circumstance and situation.
Ever since Emily got ill, I've been sad. I don't think I've ever been properly happy since. I don't think there's been a day when I haven't thought about just breaking down into tears. And the worst bit is, nobody understands. They try to, but they haven't been through what I have. I don't know what to do. I just...I don't know :/

I guarantee nobody will read this, but it made me feel better. A bit/
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
My internal monologues really should stay internal :/ x
over a year ago alexthedog said…
What are you talking about, Accio?
Who's Emily, and why are you sad? I'll listen to you.
over a year ago TempBest said…
*hugs* Don't be sad, Accio! It's true you've been through more than we have, but we can still try to understand. We can still comfort you and make you feel better, because we're your friends. It's like you said to me, you should tell these kinda things to your friends because they just want to help.
And forget the bad times, remember all the good times. You had so much fun with your sister. Keep in mind what she taught you - to live life like it's a gift, to always be positive.
I love you, sis :) x *hugs*
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
I'm feeling like Fred and George...I'm a bad little girl...Tehe :D

Look at my art mommy! I drew it on the wall!

last edited over a year ago
I'm feeling like Fred and George...I'm a bad little girl...Tehe :D

Look at my art mommy! I drew it
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
Thankyouuuuuu, that was lovellyyyyyyy :D x
Well done babyyy :) x
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
Yay! Mommy likes my art work! }:D
over a year ago harrypotterbest said…
*barges in room and puts up picture*
*barges in room and puts up picture*
over a year ago harrypotterbest said…
I kinda ran out of room at the end O: Well I hope you still like it :L
over a year ago Quaila said…
*taps out a Zapfenstreich* Hi Accio, I'm just going to present a youtube video, lol. I hope you like Mozart. xD
over a year ago Quaila said…
Accio? *drums out grosser zapfenstreich, again*
Have you ever heard, read or seen of "the Horse Whisperer"?
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
HAI MOMMY! It's Mother's Day tomorrow (In the U.S. at least) soo I decided I needed to get you a present!

It's the golden snitch!
HAI MOMMY! It's Mother's Day tomorrow (In the U.S. at least) soo I decided I needed to get you a pres
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
AAAND I got you a pet unicorn...
AAAND I got you a pet unicorn...