Biggerstaff Family Things We Must Not Do At The Biggerstaff Estate

GemonkDruid posted on Apr 19, 2011 at 02:22AM
So basically, this is like "Things We Must Not Do At Hogwarts", except with us. :D

Biggerstaff Family 141 replies

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over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
1. It is not advisable to declare that it's Hug-GemonkDruid Day. *sprays with disinfectant*
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
[2.] It's not appropriate to support shippings pertaining real people
[3.] Recking Draco's room is going to lead to instant death - you have been warned.
[4.] It's not advisable to mock JB in front of a certain person
[5.] It's unlawful to touch or speak of Lobster in this household
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
(Does that mean I can't ship Frerard? ;~;)

6. A "YOU SHLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG" fight is required whenever a British Biggerstaff logs on.
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
(You can. Real people as in, us i.e not celebs)

[7.] We musn't forget - The last cookie is not yours ... remember that
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
8. Don't ever diss the song "Bohemian Rhapsody".
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
By Queen? I've listened to the Spanish one and didn't understand it. OR is that the original one?
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…

link <----- Here's the song. :P
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
9) whenever someone says something that is also a song lyric, the song must be completed by all present who are familiar with it. for an example see VR's answer to Ally's police car question and the following epic rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.
10) obscure "pop culture" references are to be encouraged and used as frequently as possible, especially in order to confuzzle outsiders. 
over a year ago alexthedog said…
9. xD
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
11) Biggerstaff pride must be first and foremost in all dealings on other websites :D
over a year ago PotterForever said…
12) Never diss potato.
13) It is not advisable to insult Green Day in front of PotterForever, or GemonkDruid.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
13 -- or GD :D
over a year ago PotterForever said…
^ yes, added that :D
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
haha :D
14) if you value your life, do not say anything dumb about Finland in front of me. especially don't imply that we're part of Sweden/Russia. in fact, don't say anything at all if you're unsure.
over a year ago alexthedog said…
15) To add onto 4, 8, 12, 13, and 14, don't diss Bellatrix Lestrange in front of alexthedog, KateKicksAss, and especially not zanhar1.
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
16)You are not permitted to touch my Mr. Cow without my permission. (If you don't know Mr. Cow, go check my room description!)
over a year ago xDark_Angelx said…
17. Whenever a new Biggerstaff is introduced into the family, he/she do not need to dance the Macarena. :)

18. Taking D.Angel's (add your name if you wish to) iPod will be announced as a felony and will lead to death!
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over a year ago zanhar1 said…
19. I must not Bellatrixify best's room
20. Best must not Mollyify my room
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
21)I must only do my art on paper, not on mommy's wall
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
22. I must not steal trampoliens for our yeard anymore

23. I will not dump my old Twilight crap on the neighbors

23. I must not tell lies

24. I wont prance down the halls singing Friday simply for the sake of irritating the residents of this household
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
25. I will not graffiti on our ancestor Sean Biggerstaff's face.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
26. I won't eat the gummy bares
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
27)We cannot steal each others wands unless we are using Expelliarmus because thats just...Different
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
28. You cannot say the word 'wand' in front of GD without her getting to urge to replace the d with g.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
29. I will not say Rebbecca Black pwns Greenday in front of GD

It's not true anyways

30. You cannot say Bellatrix sucks or anything of the sort in front of zanhar she will freak out
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
^ But she does pwn Green Day! ;~;
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
Number 30 was added already lol
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
31) I will not use the xbiggerstaffx account to go around telling Twihards to go die, no matter how much that may be my actual opinion.
over a year ago alexthedog said…
:O You'd better not...
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
31.2) I will also not get the xbiggerstaffx account banned with stupid trollfights etc. arguments. If I truly wish to participate in this fallacy, I will do it on my own account.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Emmy, where on earth do you get this thoughts from? :P
over a year ago PotterForever said…
32) I will try very hard not to make insulting jokes about the way many twitards type.
over a year ago alexthedog said…
33) Touch Xela(my guard owl) and you're going down, down, down.
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
^That owl is EEEEVILLLLL!
over a year ago harrypotterbest said…
I love numbers 19, 20, and 26 xD
over a year ago MissKnowItAll said…
34) I must not start long, in depth discussions about Glee in front of certain Biggerstaffs...
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
35. We must not act like a normal family

36. The trash can in the kitchen is not an atomic bomb used to destroy the Twililight spot.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
:P thanks Best
over a year ago xDark_Angelx said…
I like 35! XD

37. No one makes fun of my driving...or else! (I have my reasons...)

38. Angel's room is NOT a place to put stink bombs-for future preferences.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
39. Nor is zanhar's

40. We won't dress our cat up like a cow
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over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Lol at 40 xD

41. However, Emmy's room is the perfect place to put stink bombs in. ;)
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
42. We aren't allowed to troll the Twilight fans.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
42.5. The sane ones, anyway. ;)
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
43. I won't throw a house party while mommys offline
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
44. I must limit my pranking when I'm feeling like Fred and George *sniffle*
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
You better not. >[
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said… on Zan?
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Haha, I was talking to Zan, sorry niece :)
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
Darn :( I thought you were telling me not to limit my pranking :D
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Lol xD