Biggerstaff Family Wall

Displaying wall entries 131-140 of 3227

Gred_and_Forge said …
Happy Birthday Keanu Reeves :] Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely said …
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!I can't stop laughing!! NOTHING!! I repeat NOTHING is more funnier than David Tennant acting like a woman. xD Will this show ever NOT be funny! xD Posted over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
It's great ^_^ over a year ago
GemonkDruid said …
Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
I think...I'm scarred..... over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
I remember this song xD over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
*chokes* over a year ago
Lunalovely said …
"So if anyone's gonna shut up, I'TS YOU!! Okey doke, so where we?" xD God,does he have some bipolar disorder? He goes from yelling to smiling in like half a second!! Man, I love Doctor Who. Posted over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
I don't remember that line, did he say it to Mickey? xP over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
OHEMGEE WAIT I GOT MY DEDICATE HERE! :D <3 I love you guys! Posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
wotcher-tonks said …
rapunzeleah123 said …
FUNNEH-IST rejection ever.

Kid: What'cha reading?
Me: *shows book cover and looks down*
Kid: Cool. That's an awesome book.
Me: Yep. *looks back down*
Kid: You have a boyfriend?
Me: Yes. A husband, actually. His name is Legolas. *walks away*

(Seriously, the kid's a creeper.) Posted over a year ago
athena305 commented…
AMAZING! This is pure inspiration... over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
xD Awesome! over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
@Kate - yeah, I guess. XD over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said …
Hygienist: You have a small cavity.
Dentist: You have 3 cavities.

What did the hygienist miss????
I went almost 15 years without a cavity. D:< Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
Omg same here. over a year ago
simpleplan said …
I just bet Fable <33 Posted over a year ago
GemonkDruid said …
3 MORE DAYS TIL MY B-DAYYYYYYYYYYYY Posted over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
What time is the party? over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
athena305 commented…
Early, that is. over a year ago
Fenrir said …
Today in Anatomy I had to disect an eye...from a cow .____. Posted over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
lol I love disecting. You mad? over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
You did not have to disect a pig fetus, now did you? Thatpig was not small. I had to take it's heart out. over a year ago
simpleplan commented…
And you did not invite me why XD over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
so, my to-do list for tonight:
1. read the stupid finnish book in the stupid dialect (a few hours, at least)
2. do maths homework (an hour or two)
3. wake up in eightish hours for school and not be a complete zombie.
to-do list for tomorrow after school:
1. bake lots of cookies
2. pack

which would you rather take? :p Posted over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Tonight, I have a date. My ass will meet the couch and hang out all night. XD But I can't bake-cooking of any kind is disasterous when I'm around. :3 over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
I'm jealouuuuuuus x_x I still have 100 pages to go and I really hate this dialect >< but I do love baking<3 over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
yeah, cause we had a book to read and I kinda left it to the last minute... :p over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
hayhayhayyyyyy I'm too lazy to upload this here AND on reasons so you guys just get a link ;)
link Posted over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
lucius_malloy commented…
TIS SKILLZ ;) over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge said …
In 1 week at about this time, I will be on an airplane. Seattle here I come.

Mood: Excited Posted over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
harrypotterbest commented…
xD over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
LUCKY I LOVE RAIN over a year ago
GemonkDruid said …
BIRTHDAY IN 4 DAYS BETCHES Posted over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge commented…
Well then, Happy (early) Birthday! over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
alexthedog commented…
^^ Yeah o_o over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge said …
I suck at potions Posted over a year ago
VampiresRevenge commented…
I do, too! I screwed up my first one and then blew up my cauldron. My only successful one was the cure for boils, only because I had the recipe memorized from practice, haha. over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge commented…
I'm having a hard time with the Forgetfulness Potion. I have a Macbook and trying to put 2 drops into the cauldron is frustrating with this trackpad D; over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
Me too :P over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 said …
Fried pickles.
Funnel cake.
Fried ice cream.

I'm hungry… for foods with F-names. XD Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
Fen. What? I didn't say that...*cough cough* it was that person over there * points at a wall* over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
XD over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
LOLFEN over a year ago
kris10853 said …
People! New ship: We have decided to name it Silex ;) can you figure out who the couple is? Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
Silex...Silex...Alex and....ermm...Ssss....Ssss....SIMPLE? over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
o.o over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
Aww xD over a year ago
athena305 said …
Wow. We are all officially the same people. HP freaks, MCR lovers (some a bit more than just lovers though *cough*GD*cough*), singers, and various other stuff that I'm too lazy to name right now.

Okay, bye. Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
Well I not an MCR lover so I feel left out *tears* over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
I don't even like MCR much, the only thing I have in common with people here is my HP love xP over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
I think I can rival GD as an MCR fan :P Although...I don't have the medal to prove it xD over a year ago
VampiresRevenge said …
House: We may be able to fix his impulse to say his thoughts out loud, but he always gonna be the guy who thinks them.

Wilson: But he's also going to be the guy who doesn't say them. If he's spent his whole life constructing this nice-guy persona, isn't that as much who he really is as anything else?

Kutner: I agree with Wilson. This guy's a Harry Potter. The Sorting Hat was going to put Harry in Slytherin based on his nature. He refused so he ended up in Gryffindor through choice.

Kutner ftw Posted over a year ago
Italktosnakes said …
I'm sorry everyone. I can't do this anymore. I'm a failure of a person. I'm sorry I've failed you all as a friend. I'm selfish, I'm a bitch, I'm a slut, I'm the opposite of what you guys need. You deserve the best, and I'm not good enough :/ x Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
WHAT?! You're not a failure! You're not selfish, a bitch, or a slut! You're wonderful! Amazing! Everyone here loves you! You;re funny and awesome, and I couldn't ask for a better online-family mother! You are THE best anyone can ever ask for :) <3 xoxo over a year ago
MissKnowItAll commented…
Accio no. You are one of the most amazing people I know. Don't ever say stuff like that about yourself. ♥♥♥ over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
WTF are you talking about?? Do not say that about yourself!! Don't forget that we all love you, and despite what you think of yourself (even though it's not true. You're not selfish and you're great!), EVERYONE on here appreciates and loves you. <3 over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
I did it! My first day=over! Even though it was kind of nothing. All we did was meet our teachers :P And my Global teacher said he was giving us homework every night, and in my mind I'm like "FUUUUUUUUUUUU BITCH". Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
You should have yelled that! over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
^I would have been kicked out of that school so fast... over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
i had a teacher like that (giving us homework every night!), so good luck with that. But like my teacher, he might not even check it all the time. :3 over a year ago
harrypotterbest said …
GUYSSSSSSSSS what colour are your eyes? xD Posted over a year ago
MissKnowItAll commented…
Brown. :) But I hate them so...what're yours? over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
Mine are the colour of unbarfed chocolates. over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
^????? over a year ago
MissKnowItAll said …
Bloody ship wars on tumblr. :( Me no gusta.

Have I told you guys my GCSE results yet? :S Posted over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
No, what are they?? over a year ago
MissKnowItAll commented…
I've only gotton a few so far: Maths- B History- A* RE- A* Physics- A Chemistry- B (I'm gonna resit that one :S) But overall I'm happy so far. :) over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
Awesome x] over a year ago
Italktosnakes said …
Dear Fenir and Alexthedog,
I can safely say that I am EXTREMELY jealous of you right now D:
Siriusly, it's unreal how much PAIN I am in right now :/
Owwwwwsdkuasdukajdhlalsdkj;ljhd @$#!! Blehhhhhhhh D: x Posted over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
at first I was like, huh? but then I was like, ohhhh. then I cracked up : over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
Oh I dont know that for sure. I just love that movie. over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Worlds most incredible movie in the entire world. Other than Mean Girls. But that's not just a movie. That's just pure epicness. over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
so we were in psych class, right? and the teacher randomly asks "what would it be like if people had tails?" and my first thought was oooh, a whole new level of kinky ;) Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
O____o over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
*blinks and coughs* *chokes* *barfs* Sorry. over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
I know, my mind is dirty xD over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge commented…
My first thought would have been Dudley's pig tail in SS x] over a year ago
Lunalovely said …
FINALLY!! I DID IT! I'm almost finished with my summer work, and right on time too, school's in a week. God, i was stressing so much over it. God, I'm such a procrastinator. it wasn't even hard either. Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
I have to interview my mom and write a 2 pg summary on it by to Kerrie over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
Tomorrow* over a year ago
Italktosnakes commented…
You have Summer Work? Your school is EEEVIL :L x over a year ago
IzzyOzera said …
My mum agreed to let me have singing lessons :D :D :D :D :D Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
AWESOME!! over a year ago
1-2vampire said …
Strangely excited to go back to school. Mainly because I've dropped the shite lessons and have more awesome lessons :P
But I'm dreading seeing people. I'm like the opposite of an average teenager :') Posted over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
sounds familiar... although, this year we have a new class -- so far, so cool (y) cause we're all nerds xD over a year ago
IzzyOzera commented…
I'm only looking forward to drama. :L Not lessons. Not seeing people :) over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I'm only looking foward for Art Class, Everything else sucks over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …


BRING IT OOOOON. Posted over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
GOOD LUUUUUUCK. over a year ago
IzzyOzera said …
To Biggerstaffs' starting High School, it's not that bad, some teachers don't even check if you've done your homework. I've hardly done any maths homework for the last 2 years. :D Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
xD over a year ago
MissKnowItAll commented…
lol Lucky. At my school you get a detention if you don't do even one piece. :/ over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
^ Same over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
how can you teach IB maths if you don't even know the terminology in English? o.O Posted over a year ago
GemonkDruid said …


WUTT Posted over a year ago
TempCC said …
I had a weird dream last night :P I was going to a new school with Best and Kate. I was talking to Best and I was trying to guess her name and her name ended up being Hannah. ????? Totally random :P Posted over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
LOL XD over a year ago
GemonkDruid said …

Let's just say it involved jacking off and MCR. Posted over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge commented…
Ohhhhhkayyyy then, I'm not gonna ask x] over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
I'm curious xD over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
ME DUN EVEN WANNA KNOW over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge said …
I hate CM Punk, I really do Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
What is CM Punk? over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge commented…
Who :p He's a wrestler from the WWE. He's very cocky; I don't like him. over a year ago
traceyhp commented…
I think creative needed a cross between Chris Jericho and Bret Hart and he accepted the mission 8D over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
Okay guys.

I iz ready for high school.

I have my Spongebob band aids on my legs for my shaving cuts.

I have The Deathly Hallows on my shoes.

I am awesome.

BRING IT ON. Posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
*head bangs* EPIC EPIC OF EPICNESS over a year ago
athena305 commented…
YOU GO GIRL! over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
Lol I'd be going into High School in America but I'm going into Upper School xD over a year ago
athena305 said …
Fine! Fine! Since no one seems to have responded to my previous wall post about THE HUNGER GAMES TRAILER, I'll just post it here.

Damn, I really wanted criticism for that article. Rowling knows, I need it. Okay, so I'll post the link for the trailer now. *Hangs head*


And just for good measure, I'll put the link for my article too. :)


Enjoy! Posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Oh and I'll read yo article :) over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Yay! You might have already read it though... over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
Tomorrow is freshwomen orientation for me :S (We're called freshwomen cause it's an all girls school. What did you expect from a school run by nuns? xD) Posted over a year ago
athena305 commented…
You excited? Or frightened that you will be facing champions not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself, but to have mastered spells that you wouldn't attempt in your dizziest daydreams? Concerned...? over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I read it in her voice xD over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
Yay! Now I'm not the only one to go to a single-sex school. over a year ago
athena305 said …
So...Anyone wanna see a Hunger Games teaser trailer? Well if so, click this link...


Yes, this is a ploy to get you to read my article. The link is buried deep...within the maze, that is. Read to find it! And comment to make me happy. :) Posted over a year ago
kris10853 said …
HIGH SCHOOL IS DEPRESSING. Im only on my second day and I got a shitload of homework. Wonder what I'll get during the middle of the year *looks terrified* Posted over a year ago
Italktosnakes commented…
Trust me, you get less homework. They try really hard to scare you out, but then they stop bothering ^^'re only eleven :L x over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
I'm getting kind of frightened :/ I don't start school work until the sixth, but every girl I know (my high school is all girls :L) says the first week of work is hell, especially for my high school because mine gives the most wrok out of any of the schools in my city D: over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
No...almost 15 over a year ago
GemonkDruid said …
Lol I'm tired of skype already. xD Posted over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
You can't really do much on Skype. It's pretty similar to facebook xD over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
but -- but -- but -- you can hear people's voices! over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
LOL over a year ago
1-2vampire said …
I found I do have OONNEE talent.
Not getting my fricken Pottermore email. Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
Same :( over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
HEY I HAVE THAT TALENT!!! over a year ago
athena305 commented…
OMG DID YOU WATCH PLL? SO GOOD! over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
ugh. I have this theory that people shouldn't have to make more than one major life-affecting decision per year, as it can't be healthy to worry that much all the time. I've already had to pick which high school to go to this year, and now I realised that I need to pick my subjects for next year in a few months ><
which, considering most uni prerequisites, means I basically have to decide whether or not I want to go to med school. which I thought I did, but now... I DON'T KNOW ANY MORE. Posted over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge said …
I was with my cousin as she took her test to get Sorted and she got....


I honestly thought she would get Gryffindor or Slytherin based on her personality and what answers she chose, but she got into my House. Add her? She has no friends besides me and yeah. Please? :]

OwlFirebolt152 Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
I just added her :P over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge commented…
Haha thanks ^_^ she seems to like potions though (the practice one lol) over a year ago
Italktosnakes said …
So I'm going to my Aunty's mansion. I'm bringing my wand, and me and my brothers and sisters are gonna have a duel in her forest. SUUUUPER excited ^^ x Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lucky! over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
That's awesome! :O over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
NICEEEEE over a year ago
VampiresRevenge said …
Why did I get sorted into Hufflepuff? I don't FIND that it fits me at all. :( Posted over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge commented…
Aww, that sucks. Sorry :[ over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Awww :( over a year ago
VampiresRevenge commented…
That depresses me more to know that others think it's sad, too, haha. over a year ago
TempCC said …
What happened to DL?? She hasn't been here for ages! Posted over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
I've been wondering, too. Where is she? ... over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
ughhhhhh skype needs to stop killing my ipad >< Posted over a year ago
simpleplan said …
I wish I had a Pendragon book Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …


NOW ON WITH THE SHOWWWWW Posted over a year ago
MrsPadfoot said …
Who wants to help me name a character? I need a last name for a rugged, tall, broad, soldier in an alternate dimension. His first and middle names are Emerson Ashlan. Help me?
Posted over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Do you want it to be significant, maybe having to do with the color of his hair or eyes, or something to do with war? Or do you just want it cool and interesting. over a year ago
MrsPadfoot commented…
Something different is all I care for. The first and middle names cover meaning enough. over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
Emerson <3 I'm actually planning on naming my kid that over a year ago
MrsPadfoot commented…
I literal completely forgot about the name until I was trying to manipulate the towns on the back of the softball tournamen lt tees that were worn by the two girls in front of me. over a year ago
athena305 said …
Can someone give me a link to AVPT info? I really really want to see it. Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
They have on on the Harry Potter vs. Twilight spot :D over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
I cant its from FB and I'm on iPod. But I'll just tell you what I know: Evanna may be ^In it, they can most likely get Darren, but Bonnie may not play Hermione over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Lunalovely said …
Is the Doctor always so funny? God, I love his sense of humor, and the fact that he literally laughs in the face of danger Posted over a year ago
Italktosnakes said …
So I just filmed a video. It contains- my accent, how I pronounce GD's username, a drawing by my brother and a bit of singin and everything ^^ I'll post it tomorrow :P x Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
Yay :D over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Coolio. :) over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
YAYYYY xD over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
My Dumbledore's Army poster is HA-UGE.

Today was an awesomesauce day so far, I got my e-mail, I found my true house, I got my wand (Alder, phoenix feather core, 14 1/2 inches, surprisingly swishy), and I got my poster in the mail!! Posted over a year ago
TempCC commented…
wotcher-tonks commented…
They might have smaller sizes, you have to search :P over a year ago
athena305 commented…
I HAVE AN ENORMOUS HP POSTER TOO! Draco and Snape. over a year ago
TempCC said …
I freaking LOVE the TV show Miranda. :D:D Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
I was put into Ravenclaw!! :D :D :D I finally know my true house!! Posted over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
aww, I don't like ignoring people -.- over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
I sowwy :( over a year ago
athena305 commented… over a year ago
1-2vampire said …
Okay... Skype wont let me add anyone... add me? :)
I don't have many contacts... and I only like to speak to my rl friends in person, or not at all, so :P Posted over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
nerdfightermadeline over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
I willl :p over a year ago
TempCC said …
Where has Joda gone? She's been gone for months!!! Should we be worried?? Posted over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
I KNOW, I was wondering that a couple days ago, actually xD over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …

OMG YES. Posted over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
xD over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Read the comments. Even more epic (if possible). over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
I knowwww :p over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said …
COMO RASCACIELO! Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …

pottermoreeeeeee Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
Under ScarletHallow96 over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge commented…
Congrats! Add me? i'm mobile now so yeah. SnitchProphecy78. I'll accept when I'm online again :) over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
Lucky bitch... over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
:) over a year ago
TempCC said …
What colour should I paint my nails?? You have 2 hours to decide. Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
Yellow because of your Hufflepuff pride! :) over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
Purple, Red, or Black over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
PURRRRRRPLE <33333 over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
so apparently, some 13-year-old kid just hacked YouTube and deleted all the Justin Bieber videos.
WIN xD Posted over a year ago
TempCC commented…
Siriously?? xD over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Ohmygosh, that's hilarious. xD over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
THATS AMAZING!!!!! *gives kid chocolate* over a year ago
1-2vampire said …
WOW Ziggy just WALKS in here and she stinks up the place.
Stupid dog. Posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Also.......when did everyone start getting Skype? Posted over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
Well... I did a while ago, but I don't like people irl... ;P over a year ago
KateKicksAss commented…
?? over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
I have had onefor months over a year ago
KateKicksAss said …
Did anyone else hear about the MONSTER HURRICANE that's sweeping the East Coast and was due to hit NY yesterday?

ALEX LIVES IN NY!!! *majorly paranoid* Posted over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
I was thinking something along the lines of that, too, like "OMGOSH WHAT IF A BIGGERSTAFF DIES FROM IRENE?!" over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
It wasn't that bad, I'm in NYC xD over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
I'm okay :P over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
Me too, thanks for caring over a year ago
FallenLove said …
I really want Skype so I can talk to all you guys but I'm not allowed. I hate being 13! :( Posted over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
Being thirteen IS rather dull... but at least on most websites you're not lying about your age from 13 onwards... ;) over a year ago
Italktosnakes said …
So I'm now on Skype ^^ My name is 'AccioYourFace' ^^ x Posted over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
Italktosnakes commented…
okay :D x over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
Italktosnakes commented…
I added you :L x over a year ago
Fenrir said …
Does anyone else notice how we keep losing fans? Posted over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
WHAT. lol I'm so unobservant., over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
We were at 147 yesterday. 148 a few days ago. over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
it's a good thing though xD over a year ago
Lunalovely said …
Guys I had to delete Skype. It was messing with my internet, it may not do damage to your computers, but my laptop is SO fucked up, that if it were a book it would be falling apart, you know, pages falling out, the spine is messed up..ect. Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
So no skype for me over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
I get what you mean... it used to do that for me, but then I re-downloaded it and it's fine now... over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
My Skype turns my wifi on and off when I call people :\ over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
^^ same over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
mesmerized Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
I am absolutely mesmerized.


O.O Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
Why.....? over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
The Show Must Go On over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
Awesome!!!! Guess what song is going on my Itunes? over a year ago
Lunalovely said …
20 seconds. That's all we get? Man I watched TWO HOURS of crap for this!! I hate MTV Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely said …
The only people in the VMA's that I DON'T despise are the rock bands, the Hunger Games cast, and Adele. The rest can rot in hell and I wouldn't care Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
I pretty much missed all of it. I saw Adele, then walked away. Then saw Brittney, then walked away. over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Didn't watch it, don't care. :P over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
I got into a car accident just now. :/ The thing I remembered most was the sound of glass shattering and lots of smoke. The smell of gas and dust and smoke mixed togather. I'm gonna miss that car I put it through a lot in the past month. Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
YOU OKAY!? over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
My glasses flew from my face to the back seat. When I got out there was glass everywhere and this girl was apologizing over and over. She thought my dad was driving when she found put it was me she felt really bad. Im not hurt to bad my lip is cut a little and my nose and chin are sore from where the air bag hit it but other then cuts and bruises nobody was hurt. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Yup the other person said she does too. over a year ago
athena305 said …
Pitter pat the angel on my shoulder that's haunting me tonight, tick tock the clock that's getting louder ready for me to decide.
-Pitter pat, Erin McCarly


Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls, every time that we lose it sing it for the world. Sing it from the hear, sing it till you're nuts, sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.


Baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, baby, baby, no. I was like, baby, baby,baby, oh, baby, baby, baby, no.

Oh, world...Why? Posted over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Sorry for spamming the wall so much... over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
*Majorly confuzzled face* over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I hate the fact a song with NO meaning like THAT gets more famous than SING over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Kris, I was trying to compare true music to annoying pop culture. And I KNOW! over a year ago
athena305 said …


JEFF BRIDGES. Posted over a year ago
kris10853 said …
My summer is ending tonight *cries* High school is beginning tomorrow *shudders* My nervousness shall start......NOW! What if I get lost!? What if I can't open my locker!? AHHHHHHHHH Posted over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Calm down...You're fine...Just think of this: if you get lost, you'll find your way around eventually. If you're scared of opening your locker, just don't keep your books in there until you're SURE you can do it. Just chill. Keep calm and go to high school. over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
High School is a joke :P It's not that bad, really. over a year ago
harrypotterbest commented…
Lol Fen XD over a year ago
athena305 said …
So I wrote a really terrible article but whatever. Read if you want! Don't if you don't. :) Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
Don't Stop Me Now on replay.

That's how I roll. Posted over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
Can you please come on Meebo? :P over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
Kaykay over a year ago
Fenrir commented…
I love that song! :D over a year ago
IzzyOzera said …
Me and the sorting hat are in a bit of a disagreement. Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
I saw Accio's post, you were put in Slytherin? over a year ago
IzzyOzera commented…
yeah... I mean I have nothing against Slytherins it's just I've always been Hufflepuff... over a year ago
athena305 commented…
I really hope I get sorted into Ravenclaw...But I have to get my email first! over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
Why iz I falling asleep? =.= Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
I slept from 6 AM to 6 PM Saturday XD over a year ago
1-2vampire said …
Okay... anyone with Skype. PLEEEEEEEASE add me :D (I have two contacts...)
I'm nerdfightermadeline :P Posted over a year ago
GemonkDruid commented…
I will... when I get home lol over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
I will too! When I download Skype :P over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I WILL!! over a year ago
1-2vampire said …
"I was just on my way to a gay gypsy bah mitzva for the disabled..."
Oh River... ;D Posted over a year ago
TempCC commented…
xDxD over a year ago
GemonkDruid said …
I know something that you don't. ;] Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
what? WHAT DO YOU KNOW! over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I KNOW WHERE YOU GO TO SCHOOL!!! over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
^What? o.o over a year ago
Italktosnakes said …
Izzy told me to say that she's been sorted into Slytherin, and that he whole life has been a lie D: x Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely said …
Watching Doctor Who. I'm sorry, but I just have to share it with somebody. It's the year 5 billion something, the last day on earth, and all these aliens are in a station orbiting the Earth, waiting to see it die, and they have a jukebox, and they're like "let us moarn the earth with a traditional ballad" And they put the song Toxic by Briteny Spears. I just find it TOO hilarious!! Posted over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
"The End of the World" is fan-TAST-ic over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
That hurricane actually didn't do much damage to me, only a few leaks, but a wire came down at my neighbor's house, and another neighbor's basement was ruined, and my aunt has her basement flooded and she has no power :P I didn't lose power once! And I'm so glad I don't have a basement :D Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I'm glad for once I live in an apartment! NOTHING was ruined, damaged, broken, NADA! over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
AND we still have power, thank god over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
My friend just got her power back :D over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I'm just glad all my family and friends in NYC are okay over a year ago
Lunalovely said …
Okay guys, I made a Skype, and I need contacts!! I'm lunalovely97 Posted over a year ago
wotcher-tonks commented…
I have to download it like now xD over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
I'll add you, look out for an emma.ko-hay ;) over a year ago
emilyroxx commented…
I have no idea how to work it... it's my parent's account, but I think it's Bgandl... over a year ago
athena305 said …
A list of things I can't stand:
1. Pottermore (as of now)
2. 500 error thingy
3. War
4. Annoying people in my class who think they know everything about politics and then try to talk about it (aka talk trash about other politicians when they dont even know why)
5. People who come to my house for a sleepover AND DON'T FUCKING LEAVE (sorry for the language I'm just POed right now)
6. The fact that wall posts can only be a certain amount of letters
7. Harry's gone. And I have no resurrection stone Posted over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
OH YAH. we're getting two bunnies on tuesday (I only heard about it today myself o_O) and my sister has agreed to let me name one Bellatrix <3 it was the only HP name she'd agree to... but, you know, you take what you can get :p she's naming the other one Drizzle, I don't particularly mind that either (Y) Posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Epiiiiiic :D over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
ohhhhh yah :p over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
ohhh yah :p over a year ago
Italktosnakes said …
I was thinking- we should do a proper secret santa :D Like, we all end up with one person and we can send stuff to them by mail :D And I know some people would be uncomfortable with giving deets where they live, but then you could make a PO Box, or I'm sure you can jsut send it to the closest post office and the you collect, you know :) Anyone who's interested comment on here, and we can sort something out ^^ x Posted over a year ago
lucius_malloy commented…
I'M SO IN xD over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
YEEES over a year ago
Italktosnakes commented…
Awwwwesomeeee :DDD x over a year ago
lucius_malloy said …
Gred_and_Forge commented…
I don't have Skype and I don't know how to use this bloody webcam thingy on my mac :/ over a year ago
1-2vampire commented…
I NEED YOU ALL ON SKYPE over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
I have to use a fake account then but sure over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
Just watched Doctor Who for the first time.

Mind. Blown. Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I'm watching it now over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
what's your URL ? over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
9th rocks :P over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …

I'm getting kinda scared now. I don't want them to blow in :S

Wait a second- *regains strength* TONKS SHALL NEVER BE SCARED! Posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 commented…
Lunalovely commented…
Mine too!! And this isn't even the worst!! over a year ago
kris10853 said …
AVPT!!! Ohemgee!!! With Evanna Lynch!?!?!? This is the vest news of my day :D Posted over a year ago
kris10853 commented…
Best* over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Wait. What? over a year ago
athena305 commented…
athena305 said …
Sorry for spamming the wall so much but I have somewhat of a predicament.

See, there are some people on fanpop that keep the same icon. They just don't change it. I'm not sure if I want to do that or change every month or two.

So it's been about a month and a half since I changed icons. I figured that if I wanted to be an icon changer, now is the time to decide.

I need your help to decide (this sounds like a bad infomercial. Are there good ones, though?). So check out my pick please! Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
I've actually gotten used to yours. It's always there. like i see the pic before the Username and i can tell its you, dont change it over a year ago
athena305 commented…
I'll definitely take that into account. Because for some reason, i really like this picture. over a year ago
wotcher-tonks said …
Guys, if my power goes out, I just wanted to let you know...

I JUST LOST THE GAME. Posted over a year ago
Lunalovely commented…
FUUUUUUU-!! over a year ago
athena305 commented…
You little-You little-SHLAGGERRRR! over a year ago
athena305 commented…
Good answer. over a year ago