Bleach RP This is the RP!

VioletShingami posted on May 12, 2009 at 12:20AM
OKAY! I am TIRED of waiting! Lets start already!

Bleach RP 3369 replies

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over a year ago VioletShingami said…
A young black haired girl walks down a road in the soul society.Her name is Lini:
Lini stops as a strong wind blows."This is pretty interesting.The soul society messed up by the plan of one man.Now I have to go and get a captain.(hmmp)I just hope its not some pervert!.Lets get this over with."
last edited over a year ago
A young black haired girl walks down a road in the soul society.Her name is Lini:
Lini stops as a st
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
A orange hair girl is in some room.Her name is Kiari:
Kiari finshes packing her bag.She is in the real world place."why?"she asked."Even if it is Lini that came to get me.Why do I have to go to back?And get a new captain?This is the worst!I hope I don't get any stupid sucky captain!"
A orange hair girl is in some room.Her name is Kiari:
Kiari finshes packing her bag.She is in the re
over a year ago annvie9 said…
At 11:24 AM, little Yumiko Mizuni wakes up, with a bed head.
"Oh cwappy. The meeting's in 6 minutes!"
She hurriedly prepares herself. With the help of shunpo (flash steps) Yumiko arrives at the Captain's meeting that will introduce her. On the same day, she will find herself a vice-captain.

[Out of Character: Supersilver, you watch Kenshin, huh? xD]
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
yes i love it actually is one of my favorite animes if u want 2 watch it but is bloodier than bleach
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over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini walks to the meeting hall door.She takes a deep breath."here we go!"
over a year ago The3rdL said…
Yuujiin watches as the other Captains enter the meeting hall, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Captains late for a meetings, things sure have changed since I've been away Captain Yamamoto"
over a year ago annvie9 said…
"Today, we shall introduce our newest captain," The Captain-Commander's voiced boomed in the hall. "She has passed the tests, and two captains here can verify it. Please, step in, Yumiko Mizuni, the newest 9th Division captain."
Yumiko slides open the door and steps through. Her heart beats fast as she takes in every face of each captain. She had seen a few portraits of them, but she was very excited to meet them in person.
She began to speak, her eyes still on the captains, "Thank you, Captain-commander. As you all now know, I am Yumiko Mizuni. I feel that Soul Society has been weakened by the Aizen scandel, and tried to become a captain as fast as I could to help people. If you get to know me..." And she went on with her speech. She was never really that good with speaking in front of people, but she tried her best, and scratched her head without knowing so many times.
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over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini listed next to the door as she heard someones voice speaking."I wonder....."She said.As she heard someone walking down the hall and turned her head.
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
Kiari walked down the hall as she thought bout who her new captain was.She loked down the hall and saw A familar black head looking at her.OMG she thought."LINI!"She cried,loudly.
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
"OMG KIARI!"She ran to Kiari hugging her and staring to squeal.
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
Kiari was hugging Lini and stared squealing when she asked her."Are you to get a new captain?"
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
"yeah.You too?"
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
"Yup! Thats so kool!"Then she she looked scared as she looked at the big captains door.
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini followed her gaze and her smiled dropped at the gaze of the door."oops...."she whispered.
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
A young red headed girl walks down long hall ways, everything is pure white. It seems as though nothing is normal here like in the soul society,Hueco Mundo's cold desert and black skies are just the opposite. The young girl looks out the window, into the endless sea of sand "Its just beautiful here Aizen-sama". "I wonder who they found to replace me? proable some weakling......" she said to herself.

last edited over a year ago
A young red headed girl walks down long hall ways, everything is pure white. It seems as though nothi
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini looked around as she put her ear to the door."I can't hear anything!"
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over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini unwrapped her arms from Kiari and looked around.I hope they didn't hear me,she thought.
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over a year ago rusty746454 said…
Kuro walked in her usual slow gate across the white floor. She wondered 'what would Aizen-sama want at this time and so suddenly'. She gentle pushed open the door, her hands were in her pockets as usual. "Hey cap'n what do you want at this time of night?". "Its always night Kuro...." he's slyly with a grin. "You know what i meant, now just get on with it" she began to get irrated. "I would like you shunpo to the soul society, i hear they have found some replacements for us." he closed his eye's for a slight pause. "I doubt they will be any trouble for us but i still would like to know some information." "So in other words you just want me to snoop around and be noisy?" she said kinda cocky. "Yes pretty much but i want you to pay attention to Yumiko Mizuni the most....she seems to have some skill." and with that she shunpo off, almost instantly ending up in the soul society. They might call Yoruichi 'the goddess of flash' but kuro was the true owner of the title. "well..well.. look what we have here...a couple of leiuntants...hmp...if i follow them long enough i should find the captain...what was the name again....o yea *yawn* Yumiko Mizuni."
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over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini looked up at the feeling of being watched.She moved in front of Kiari."Whos there?"She said feircley.
Lini looked up at the feeling of being watched.She moved in front of Kiari."Whos there?"She said feir
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
*kuro's eye's go wide* "wow she has some potenial, i never thought she would be able to detect me so easily" she said quietly to herself while hideing behind a building, waiting for her suspicions to pass. "I should keep a distance and i am going to have to control my reiatsu around this girl" she shunpo at least 2 mile's away. "I wouldnt want this to get ugly so i will take every caution i can"
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini still sense the strange reiatsu buts it was farther away now.She calmed down and straightned up as she looks around.What?What was that?,she thought.
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
kenshin is the in menos forest and kenshin says:I`m tired of this place is strange, I have lived here 200 years and do not found somebody powerful.
I do not remember anything. I want to challenge someone, but i need to go out from this stupid place
kenshin is the in menos forest and kenshin says:I`m tired of this place is strange, I have lived here
over a year ago annvie9 said…
Yumiko kept going with her speech, but she felt a pang of weird reiatsu "the scandal with Aizen..." I sense a strange reiatsu "...we have been weakened greatly..." not too far away. I wonder if "...Soul Society needs replacements..." the others could sense it? "...and I shall help." And with that, she ended her speech.
Yamamoto said, "Thank you, Captain Mizuni."
The reiatsu has weakened.. It has gone further away, but I should alert the other captains.
"Excuse me," she interrupted, "Is it just me, or is there a faint, but rather alien reiatsu a bit far away?"
"I can sense it." Captain Ukitake said.
"Strange." Shunsui muttered.
"It's an arrancar. I've felt it before." Hitsugaya voiced.
"Captain Mizuni, it looks like you have your first mission to do. Please investigate it immediately." Yamamoto boomed.
"Yessir." Yumiko replied.
She went walked briskly toward the door, and opened it, and closed the door behind her. The captains in the room behind her were saying things like, "She could've just shunpo-ed".
She turned around, to find two rather small girls, standing in the hallway.
Yumiko smirked, "So one of you must be my new lieutenant."
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
"hmp....they noticed me" kuro was now sitting on a building watching the captain and the two girls. "I was testing the captain on how good she could pick up reiatsu and may i say Yumiko you have passed with flying colors." She slightly turned her head towards the moon. "I scene something else is coming.....something with blood lust..." she also noted at the time that "snooping" would be much harder with the captains on alert. Paying more attention to there conversation " only one on them will be your lieutenant huh that kinda cruel...maybe your like gin in that way. Although the one with the black hair has shown some promise....i still don't know if she is to that level....but i could also just be miss understanding maybe one will become somebody else's lieuntenant "she said. 'wait why in the hell do i care? well i guess i better get started....from what i have gathered so far she has some talent in the art of kido but not enough to threaten lord aizen...hmp and i still wonder where that blood lust is coming from....meno's forest maybe?'. All of the sudden she heard foot steps they were louder than most "O joy its the old fart Yamamoto...i am going to get no where on my 'research' if this keeps on happening!" and as usually she shunpo-ed off but this time more briskly so that she could here there conversation.

"I fear the accancar are gathering information from us" Yamamoto said
'well no duh old man....what the hell are we supposed to do?' she said irritated yet again.
"Yes captain i fear so. All we can do for now is wait and see if they make a move" chokiro sasakibe said looking around for any sign of a person following them.
'dont worry you wouldnt even know what hit ya....'
last edited over a year ago
"hmp....they noticed me" kuro was now sitting on a building watching the captain and the two girls. "
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
Kiari looked around confused.First she sensed something werid,then lini moved in front of and it was gone.Now this captain popped up and she knew it wasn't hers cuase hers was a guy.What was going on?
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini turned around at the sound of a familiar girl voice saying"So one of you must be my new lieutenant."She turned around and saw a girl who had to be 14 or 15 with a captain shikai on.Yumiko Mizuni, a girl Lini knew for a while."Only if your the 9th division captain."She said with a smirk,then got serious."But anyway,did you feel that, Yumiko?"
Lini turned around at the sound of a familiar girl voice saying"So one of you must be my new lieutena
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
"hmmm...hoooo...heee...hmmm" she humed the same tune over and over again. She was in the soul society libary looking through documents. "Yoruichi....o here we are" the folder she pulled out was slightly newer looking than the others. "9th division captain'yumiko mizuni'" she read over what they knew about her. *yawn* "I know Aizen-sama you didnt want any trouble but i am getting a little bored..." she looked down at her zanpakuto. "I dont think a little fire would make you that mad...hey maybe i could even stage it and make it look like someone else did know i never liked you yoruichi..maybe you should take the blame"she said with a smirk. She shunpo-ed off to make plans, she wouldnt be doing this any time soon. So she would disappear for now.
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over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini was curious as she tryied to sense the werid reiatsu again.Where was it?,she thought.She kept trying though it felt father away now.
over a year ago The3rdL said…
“We all felt the reiatsu.” Yuujiin said as he exited the meeting hall
“But you need not concern yourself, that’s for your Captain to do”
Then his eyes fell upon a small girl with red hair.
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over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini turned around."Interesting.So do you know what or who it was?"
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
Kiari turns around when she heard a mans voice.She saw a man staring at her."Um..."She turns red."Are you my new captain?"
Kiari turns around when she heard a mans voice.She saw a man staring at her."Um..."She turns red."Are
over a year ago The3rdL said…
"When I was a Lieutenant we would address our Captains more respectively."

Yuujiin ignored the two girls turning toward the newly appointed Captain. "I have felt this reiatsu before, be on your guard and keep that young one close"

Turning back to the two girls, he walked over and placed a hand on each there heads. "The Lieutenants where taller back in my day as well.

He then kneeled down towards the red-haired girl and said "I am Captain of the 3rd Division Yuujiin Shizuka, we have much work to do Kiari"

"When I was a Lieutenant we would address our Captains more respectively." 

Yuujiin ignored the tw
over a year ago annvie9 said…
Yumiko said seriously, "Mmkay, Lini-san, I've already been assigned a mission, and you're coming with me. I shall meet the rest of the 9th squad later. We need to go investigate the arrancar reiatsu that everyone felt. It's pretty far away, but I expect you to be able to shunpo well.
"The arrancar is about 2 or 3 spirit miles away. In that direction," Yumiko pointed. "Ready?"
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
"awww shit looks like there coming after me...." she said with a annoyed look on her face. "Ugh.....i am not in the mood for this" she thought for a moment. "It seems as though that blood lust i scened earlier has arrived. Perhaps....i could lead them to who ever that is....they would proable fight each other and then i could slip away without them even knowing it. O yes and also i could observe her abilities...hmp it seems like a win win for me" she said slyly. "i don't like that man at all...."she looked at the grayish brownish haired man"he could be trouble." she scenced they were getting closer. "well looks like i am off...the soul society...what a joke" hatred filled her voice.
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"awww shit looks like there coming after me...." she said with a annoyed look on her face. "Ugh.....i
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini eyes the man talking to Kiari as she says to her captain."Yeah.Im ready."She turns to her captain.
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
Kiari watched as The man turned toward the other girl.She felt
herself blushing at the insult.She watched with wide eyes as he
placed a hand on her head thinking,its not my fault im short!She
sttutered as She answered"How do you know my name?"Her eyes wideden.
"You must BE my new captain!!!"
Kiari watched as The man turned toward the other girl.She felt 
herself blushing at the insult.She w
over a year ago annvie9 said…
"Well, let's go then." Yumiko said. Then she quickly shunpo-ed her way to where the reiatsu was.
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
lini Shupo-ed after her,eyeing her zanpakuto then her captain's.Lini got excited about have a practice match with her captain!
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over a year ago The3rdL said…
Talking to Kiari
"Yes I am, I have observed you these past few days. Kira Izuru has been demoted to 3rd seat and you will be my new Vice-Captain. I hope you can do a better job than he did."
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
"Yes Sir!"Kiari said blushing and winking!"Trust Me to get the job done right!"
"Yes Sir!"Kiari said blushing and winking!"Trust Me to get the job done right!"
over a year ago annvie9 said…
Soon enough, Yumiko was 38.3 yards away from where the reiatsu was, but then it disappeared.
"Looks like the arrancar fled." She muttered.
Aww, why did it have to go away? I really wanted to see one!

[This piccy is Yumiko when she was alive. Yeah I found it on Google xD]
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Soon enough, Yumiko was 38.3 yards away from where the reiatsu was, but then it disappeared.
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
" bad."Lini said,with a smirk.She I eyes her captain's back as she put a hand on her sword.The wind just started to blow.

(Ill post a pic of my grl later cause she was young and I want something to happen with her past.)
" bad."Lini said,with a smirk.She I eyes her captain's back as she put a hand on her sword.The
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
damn it this is frikin cool reiatsu mayb I can have some fun kenshin said. hueco mundo...kenshin got out of the menos forest, he turns happy but the reiatsu had dissapeared.He goes to las noches to see the power of the arrancar

damn it this is frikin cool reiatsu mayb I can have some fun kenshin said. hueco mundo...kenshin got
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
yes im so excited soon i can found it
im so close of las noches but i cant feel any decent reiatsu
i want to see the espadas they must to be strong.
yes im so excited soon i can found it
im so close of las noches but i cant feel any decent reiatsu
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
this way is endless man im tired mayb i must to use my shunpo
...ah god
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this way is endless man im tired mayb i must to use my shunpo
...ah god
over a year ago annvie9 said…
Yumiko always had a way of slyness about her. She was pretty sneaky herself, for she had been playing a lot of hide-and-seek when she was little, and in the real world. Most shinigami don't remember those things, but Yumiko does, because she tresured her family, her friends, and her life.
"Hmm? Lini-san, what are you doing? There is nothing to attack, unless you are planning to attack me or the floor. I warn you, that is a rather dangerous thing to do, especially behind my back."
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Yumiko always had a way of slyness about her. She was pretty sneaky herself, for she had been playing
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
shows up at las noches gates "wow who's that guy" she had her hand over her eyes although there was no reason to do so since there is no sun in las noches. She watched the man he was very far away and hard to see "I'll just have grimmjow go see who are visitor is later" she said with a smirk knowing that grimmjow would probable just kill him and with that she turned around.

"hey Kuro" he looked at her lazily
"Could i do something less boring next time..." she said in her whining voice.
"what have you brought me" he always ignored her. She walked up to his throne and gave the file to him. He would usually kill anyone who set foot near his throne but he was used to her not obeying rules entriely and didnt care all that much
"this is all you got go back" he said bluntly
"WTF! i am in no way going back there! make gin do it!"
"No now leave"
"bye..bye..kuro" he said slyly ending up behind her and knocking her out.

"where..." looked up at the huge wall 'Seireitei' "I HATE YOU AIZEN!
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shows up at las noches gates "wow who's that guy" she had her hand over her eyes although there was n
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
Lini smirked as she pulled out her sword.She was remembering times in her past that she snuck up on people."Well captain!I just want to practice.Don't kill me or nothing!"
over a year ago The3rdL said…
"Come Kiari there is something I would like to verify, I assume the mysterious visitor has lost our new Captain."
"We are going to meet up with them.
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
oh who is that red-haired girl is 2 familiar...and this reiatsu is of her?
hmmm...las noches has a blue sky that is strange.why am i asking 2 many questions 2 myself i been alone 2 much time lol.
damn someone can find me is better that I hide myself.
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oh who is that red-haired girl is 2 familiar...and this reiatsu is of her?
hmmm...las noches has a b