Bobby and Alex Updates

a comment was made to the answer: What do you mean 'they didn't end up together'? They ended up together :wub: She had to fire him (aww what a pain that was for her). It was done. Then... over a year ago by slimshadylover
a comment was made to the poll: Have you ever thought of your dream Alex Bobby encounter? (Tell me about it if you have, comment) over a year ago by Robby_Swan
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by Robby_Swan
an icon was added: ~Goren*Eames~ over a year ago by nikki8green6
a comment was made to the link: GOREN AND EAMES are BACK!!! New season this May!! over a year ago by colwellhouse
fan art was added: Goren & Eames Banner over a year ago by nikki8green6
a link was added: GOREN AND EAMES are BACK!!! New season this May!! over a year ago by SelinaKyle
a photo was added: Happy Valentine´s Day over a year ago by SVU_Smacked
a screencap was added: Loyalty over a year ago by Jeffersonian
an answer was added to this question: I kind of expected it, but is anybody else annoyed that they didn't end up together? over a year ago by locifan63
an answer was added to this question: I kind of expected it, but is anybody else annoyed that they didn't end up together? over a year ago by bogoalexea