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Books to Read Question

Book's to reccomend (Book lists)

Anything really as long as it is good. Preferably with some romance in it and Fantasy but its ok without.
 ruby1000 posted over a year ago
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Books to Read Answers

house_of_nightx said:
well if ur asking me i read alot of books mostly about Vampires,Werewolfs etc.
so i would recomened out of my top books at the mo:

1. Morganville vampires
2.Heros of olympus:the lost hero
3.Percy jackson and the lightning thief
4.The secret circle trilogy
5.Night world.
6.vampire academy.
7.The house of night
8. the vampire diaries
9.wuthering heights
10.Jane eyre

if u want to know more just tell me if u want to know more about morganville vampires click the link to go on her site for the sample first chapters on all of her books

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posted over a year ago 
mimialliwell said:
For romance I would reccomend:
The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks
Time Travelers Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin
Impossible - Nancy Werlin
The Sky is Everywhere - Jandy Nelson

For fantasy I would recommend:
The Study Series or its spin-off the Glass Series - Maria V. Snyder

Hope this helps xx
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posted over a year ago 
ruby1000 posted over a year ago
Raka said:
I wud prefer " Twilight " . IF u like it thn read the rest twilight saga books.

And u may also try some Shakespeare.
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posted over a year ago 
Twilight is so last year
-POKERface posted over a year ago
Wht does it mean??
Raka posted over a year ago
have u read ROMEO AND JULIET??
plasmicchick posted over a year ago
if you are asking me then no not yet.
ruby1000 posted over a year ago
ppv said:
Jane Austen - any of her six novels
Elizabeth Gaskell - North and South
Margaret Mitchell - Gone with the Wind

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posted over a year ago 
mitchie19 said:
Nicholas Spark's books are great.


Dear John
The Last Song
A Walk To Remember. (Haven't read it yet, but I know it's a very good reading.)

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posted over a year ago 
plasmicchick said:
for one book i wood have to say KEEPING THE MOON its so sweet but there is no fantasy just about a girl and love; CIRQUE DU FREAK ay its a good book series (there r 12)i have read them twice; THE SUMMONING (book series is called the darkest powers) very very good it is a series u cant put down; THROUGH VIOLET EYES i just recomended that book to my aunt i hope she likes it (also a series); SUICIDE NOTES its really good and shocking no action though...i can name tons more if anyone wants to ask me =D
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posted over a year ago 
yes more. Anything you have.!.!.!.?.?.?
ruby1000 posted over a year ago
is cirque de freak scary?
night-rain posted over a year ago
ruby1000 posted over a year ago
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