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Books to Read Question

Any humorous books that you recommend?

The only books I've read which are genuinely funny are Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (haven't got round to the rest) and Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging. I gave Pride and Prejudice and Zombies a go too but couldn't take the fact the author just seemed to cut out Austen's sentences and added in parts about zombies and ninjas. It killed me.

What do you recommend? I love a good laugh but haven't really found that many funny books.
 snoznoodle posted over a year ago
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Books to Read Answers

italiangirl976 said:
I though the book Got Fangs? by Katie Maxwell and the squeal were pretty good.
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posted over a year ago 
dianoga32 said:
You should try any (or all!) of the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett. They are hilarious and very clever. My favourite one was Wierd Sisters, it's a funny take on Shakespeare (mostly Macbeth) and it made me howl with laughter!
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posted over a year ago 
tuttleAC said:
^I second Discworld. I'll also suggest any Kurt Vonnegut book, especially Slaughterhouse-Five and Breakfast of Champions.

Personally the funniest book i've ever read is Catch 22 so you should give it a try. ;)
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posted over a year ago 
dragonrider said:
The funniest book I had ever read was called: Angus, thongs and full frontal snogging. It's basically a diary. The girl's life is so funny.
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posted over a year ago 
Ah yeah read the first book - loved it. Loved the movie too.
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
The movie wasn't like the book.
dragonrider posted over a year ago
DeadlyRose said:
Some of my favorite ( and we're talking laugh out loud on the bus kinda funny)

Incompetence - by Rob Grant
Fat - Rob Grant

The above 2 are off the wall funny, with quite a bit of british humor thrown in. He reminds me a littl of douglas adams, and if your looking for something more Pun-ish Piers Anthony writes a series called the Xanth series a mix of humor and fantasy with sometimes a little mundane thrown in. very good as well

I started with Fawn and Games, but if you want to start in order the first one is A spell for charmelion.
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Some of my favorite ( and we're talking laugh out loud on the bus kinda funny) 

Incompetence - by Rob Grant
Fat - Rob Grant

The above 2 are off the wall funny, with quite a bit of british humor thrown in. He reminds me a littl of douglas adams, and if your looking for something more Pun-ish Piers Anthony writes a series called the Xanth series a mix of humor and fantasy with sometimes a little mundane thrown in. very good as well

I started with Fawn and Games, but if you want to start in order the first one is A spell for charmelion.
posted over a year ago 
cressida said:
Strangely the first book I thought of after reading your question was Lynne Truss's "Eats Shoots and Leaves". Freaking hilarious (and yet is a book about grammar)! I recall laughing so hard that I cried.
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posted over a year ago 
bookworm12345 said:
kinda funny but truly my favorite book maximum ride its amazing!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Monrose said:
The Shopoholic-series by Kinsella. Hilarious. I really didn't think I could laugh out loud at a BOOK, but I did. More than once :D
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posted over a year ago 
Kaddison said:
Give Christopher Buckley's Thank You For Smoking a try. It's basically the story of the spokesman of the tobacco industry -> satire is dripping from the pages; it is one of the few contemporary good comic novels. And if you like comic absurdity, you should read Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
I am currently writing a paper for my finals on humor in English literature and it includes both books. So they're kind of a safe bet :)
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posted over a year ago 
SilverStarlight said:
An Abundance of Katherines! It's sweet and romantic, but it's also hystaricaly funny.Easily the best book in the history of ever.
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posted over a year ago 
EalasaidWooster said:
I would recommend Gerald Durrell's Corfu books - "My Family and Other Animals", "Birds, Beasts and Relatives" and "The Garden of The Gods". Three of my favourite books, all very funny and set on the beautiful Greek island of Corfu. Reading them is like getting a free holiday :)

I would also recommend PG Wodehouse's Jeeves books, such as "The Code of The Woosters", "Right Ho, Jeeves" and "Joy in The Morning", as well as many others. These books are all about Bertie Wooster and his valet, Jeeves. In the books Bertie and his friends get themselves into sticky situations that only Jeeves, th brain of Britain, can get them out of.

Hope this helps :)
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posted over a year ago 
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