Brandon & Kelly Quotes

mcewen_girl posted on Jan 03, 2009 at 08:19PM
I just found some cute Brelly quotes and thought I'd share! If any of you have found some you can post them here, they could be ideas for the the motto!

Kelly & Brandon, at the spring dance-
Don't you think we make a great couple?"
"I guess I don't... it's like I know you too well or something."
"What if we were complete strangers?"
"I'd probably be in love with you."
"Can't you fake amnesia or something?"

This is not dancing, this is following instructions... you know the last time I really danced was with you, two years ago at the spring dance — was I that bad?"
"No, you know what I was thinking about? When I made a move on you."
"I thought I made a move on you?"
"No... but did you do one thing good that night. You told me that if we were perfect strangers you would be in love with me."
"I did say that didn't I? Tell me something, do you remember everything everyone's ever said to you?"
"Not everyone."

"For the last few hours I've been thinking how much nicer it is square dancing with you than hiding out with Lucinda."
"If that's a line you know how to pick 'em."
"It's not a line." [they kiss]

"I can't play this dating game any longer."
"...Maybe if you just made yourself a little less irresistible next time?"

I don't know if I should let myself feel the feelings that I'm starting to feel, think the things I'm starting to think."

"It's no trip around the world, but I think we could take quite a journey together."

"I want you to know my obsession with you will last much more than fifteen minutes."
Brandon Walsh to Kelly

"Whoever said all the good ones were taken obviously never met you."-Kelly to Brandon

"I like being in your world, Brandon. I want to stay in it."

Brandon & Kelly 2 replies

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over a year ago georgiapeach91 said…
"Whoever said all the good ones were taken obviously never met you."-Kelly to Brandon

This quote is so cute!
over a year ago mcewen_girl said…
Haha yea it really is!