Buffybot Updates

an icon was added: BUFFYBOT&BUFFY♥ over a year ago by buffyl0v3r44
a pop quiz question was added: out of these characters who's name did the Buffybot pronounce wrong? over a year ago by buffyl0v3r44
a pop quiz question was added: what episode did the Buffybot first appear in? over a year ago by buffyl0v3r44
a pop quiz question was added: what season did the Buffybot first appear in? over a year ago by buffyl0v3r44
a pop quiz question was added: who made the Buffybot? over a year ago by buffyl0v3r44
a pop quiz question was added: who asked for the Buffybot to be made? over a year ago by buffyl0v3r44
a link was added: Buffybot Character Bio! over a year ago by buffyl0v3r44
fan art was added: BANNERS! over a year ago by buffyl0v3r44