Burgundy/Cabernet Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Burgundy or Cabernet, which name do you think is better for her? over a year ago by zhuu
fan art was added: Burgundy and Dewott over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Which episode is Burgundy's debut? (First appearance) over a year ago by Kawaii-Charm
a photo was added: Burgundy over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a pop quiz question was added: How many Pokemon does Burgundy have? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a poll was added: Burgundy or Cabernet, which name do you think is better for her? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a pop quiz question was added: Which episode is Burgundy's debut? (First appearance) over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette