Bushisms Updates

fan art was added: Shaheed Bilour over a year ago by webcam
a photo was added: Bashir Bilour over a year ago by webcam
a comment was made to the video: Nookular Weapons over a year ago by TurtleShroom
a comment was made to the video: George W. Bush VS Saddam Cartoon over a year ago by TurtleShroom
a video was added: Nookular Weapons over a year ago by TurtleShroom
a video was added: Four Thousand Hours over a year ago by TurtleShroom
a comment was made to the poll: There's no question that the minute I got elected the strom clouds on the horizon were getting nearly directly overhead. over a year ago by TurtleShroom
a comment was made to the poll: Do you like Bush?!?!? over a year ago by TurtleShroom
a comment was made to the poll: "Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning." over a year ago by TurtleShroom