Captain Rex Updates

a pop quiz question was added: What are the distinctive markings on the front of Captain Rex's helmet called? over a year ago by Mandalore501
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What was the name of the clone trooper that betrayed Rex's Legion on Christophsis? over a year ago by AaronThomas
a comment was made to the article: Rex and My Fun and Games 2: Rex and Ahsoka Fight! over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the photo: haaaa my man over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a question was added: DOES CAPTAIN REX, INLOVE WITH AHSOKA TANO?? over a year ago by rexsoka14
a comment was made to the photo: Ball game over a year ago by rexsoka14
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: During the Battle of Saleucami, where and how was Rex injured? over a year ago by rexsoka14
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What were they going to call Rex before they changed it to Rex over a year ago by rexsoka14
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How old is Captain Rex? over a year ago by rexsoka14
a comment was made to the article: Rex's Diary 1: The Basics over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the poll: would u rather have a DC-15 or a pair of DC-17 blasters? over a year ago by padani53
a comment was made to the article: Albino Imortals over a year ago by RexSkywalker
a comment was made to the article: Rex and My Fun and Games over a year ago by captainrexbest
an article was added: Rex and My Fun and Games 2: Rex and Ahsoka Fight! over a year ago by rexsgirl123
an article was added: Rex and My Fun and Games over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What was Captain Rex originally going to be call? over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the video: Rexster over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How many differn color hair did Rex have? over a year ago by captainrexbest
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: After Ahsoka says "Rex, old boy, it's time to join the party.", what is Rex's reply? over a year ago by captainrexbest
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: fill in the blank "The name's Rex. But you'll call me 'captain' or _____ " over a year ago by captainrexbest
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How many time did Rex get injuerd in season 1 to 3? over a year ago by captainrexbest
a video was added: Rexster over a year ago by captainrexbest
a comment was made to the article: My book over a year ago by rexsgirl123
an article was added: Rex's Diary 1: The Basics over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the icon: WHEE! over a year ago by rexsgirl123
an article was added: Albino Imortals over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the article: The Reality of Command part 3 over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the article: Hidden Enemy aftermath over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a pop quiz question was added: How many time did Rex get injuerd in season 1 to 3? over a year ago by CC7567
a pop quiz question was added: How many differn color hair did Rex have? over a year ago by CC7567
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How many injuries did Rex have so far out of all 3 seasons? over a year ago by CC7567
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Who does rex defend on umbara? over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a pop quiz question was added: Who does rex defend on umbara? over a year ago by vanilla1234
a comment was made to the poll: What do you think anakin and ahsoka would say if rex told them he was 28 years old? over a year ago by CC7567
a comment was made to the article: Hidden Enemy aftermath part 3 over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a comment was made to the article: Rex and Thunderclan over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a poll was added: is captian rex cute? over a year ago by rexsgirl123
a pop quiz question was added: What was Captain Rex originally going to be call? over a year ago by CC7567
a pop quiz question was added: How old is Captain Rex? over a year ago by CC7567
a comment was made to the answer: Lorna, I dont think there is going to be a new star wars movie over a year ago by WilliamEnsink
a poll was added: who will you chose rex or cody? over a year ago by WilliamEnsink
a comment was made to the poll: do u think rex should be promoted? over a year ago by WilliamEnsink
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: what is lego rex sold with? over a year ago by WilliamEnsink
a pop quiz question was added: what is lego rex sold with? over a year ago by WilliamEnsink
a comment was made to the photo: Rex over a year ago by PenguinStyle
fan art was added: Rex over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
an icon was added: WHEE! over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a poll was added: do u think rex should be promoted? over a year ago by poxfan22
an article was added: Rex and Thunderclan over a year ago by captainrexbest
a poll was added: Do you think Captain Rex should should appear more in Season 3? over a year ago by AaronThomas