Celebrity Gossip Jamie Lynn Spears Pregancy SCANDEL!!! must READ

kim1891 posted on Dec 22, 2007 at 02:37PM
I just thought I would ad some input on the hole Shocker that Jamie Lynn Spears is pregant because im the same age as her and it would be catastrophic if me or one of my mates got preggers but I feel sorry for her mom shes had to deal with alot, kids shaving there heads doing drugs gettin knocked up everything!
Dont shot me but i also feel sorry for her boyfriend because in the UK and some of the states in the USA the age of consent is 16 and thats how it should be having to wait untill your 18 is harrrrrsh anyhu cya


Celebrity Gossip 2 replies

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over a year ago psm88 said…
its pretty shocking really aint it

her bf isnt gettin charged i heard now

its sad how girls get themselves pregnant so young

not a good example to her nickelodean show viewers is it

i think its quite sick that shes signed a $1m photo deal for first baby pics

thats a disgrace on the mags part and almost making teenage pregnancy is a good and positive thing
over a year ago NaFiNsLiLaNgEL said…
Well see people makes mistakes everyday, but with jamie lynn being pregant may be a bad impact on a young kids, but y'all have to realize that everything happens for a reason. My family is like that. but I know jamie is going to be a great mom because like she said she didn't tell her parents because she needed time to think about future. that means she cares for the baby and want to see whats the best for her and the baby. you don't see alot of young girls to think about their future knowing whats the best for the baby n themself.

besides its jamie's decision bc its her life. i wanted to let jamie know i support her 100% bc AGAIN everything happens for a reason!