Chair Family Wall

Displaying wall entries 41-50 of 514

Martym said …
Guys, please vote, our lovely Chair is apparently the worst couple ever: link Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
Good lord there are many blind faggots out there. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
^Hell yeah over a year ago
cintia_cs commented…
LOL! Haters are pathetic :/ over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
Got my die-hard medal Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
congrats! ;) over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
congrats love :) over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thanks love ;D over a year ago
S8rah said …
Love the spot look<3 Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thanks :D over a year ago
S8rah commented…
No problem:) over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
link Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 said …
What the actual fuck, Chuck. THE REAL CHUCK WOULDN'T HOOK UP WITH AN UGLY PUBLICIST. Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
it's called payback !! I have no problem with that , the only problem I have is with Blair.... over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
even so I can't bare to see them both with anyone else! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
choose to ignore them :D over a year ago
delenadarti said …
So, i'm making my 2° hot guys' video and i've included Ed, Jensen, Jared, Ian, Paul, Chace and Chad, who else you should i add? Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
*melts* that's torture enough! lol :P JK, Joseph Morgan maybe? over a year ago
Martym commented…
Kellan Lutz? Hmm. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
yes yes and yes!!! over a year ago
turnaism said …
My life is destroyed
My exam starts from 10th March and my birthday is on 11th March..........
This means no birthday....................I'm gonna die. Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Awwwwww *hugs you* don't worry, Atie Kinns, We'll throw you a birthday here! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
*joins hug* yes! well all be here for ya! over a year ago
turnaism commented…
*hugs you guys back* thanks girls.I love you all. over a year ago
Kackahaluzova commented…
Better then write it on friday the 13th ;) over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 said …
I'm trying to resist sending Jessica twitter hate because of what she did to Ed, someone stop me.. xS Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Calm, Rosa, haha. Maybe Ed saw something at her[or maybe he's blind] over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
I think my words are a bit too strong to be said here, Marty. xD over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
hihihih :^ over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
This is how we think the Valentine’s Day episode should have gone:

Chuck: I love you.
Blair: I love you too, but I can’t be with you.
Chuck: Why?
Blair: Because God…um, a dowry…uh…the writers…Huh, I can’t remember what the latest is.
Chuck: *side eyes Blair* Solid argument.
Blair: Oh, fuck it. *mauls Chuck*

Pianos and walls are destroyed.


read it :D it will cheer you up! Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
muahaha it did make me feel better, especially the destroyance of the pianos/walls part haha xD over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, destroy everything please, but put a camera there, we want to see everything! Why can't we have an hate sex scene,pleaseee? over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
yesss hate sex scene, season four memories :') chuck should be really pissed off with blair about dan and then they smash the kitchen table or something over a year ago
delenadarti said …
i just saw the episode and i...i don't even know why i'm here, in just 42 minutes i lost the little amount of respect i had for Blair and that fucking scene in Chuck's bedroom was too much for me, i felt disapointed, sad and angry, i had to stop watching the episode for like 5 minutes cuz i couldn't take it and now after watching the promo for the next episode i'm starting to think that maybe i'm done with this couple Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
July, the stupid writers are trying to play with our minds and make Dair fans happy. But it'll come better times for CB, I still have hope. Btw, you'll always gonna be one of us, even if you'll stop ship Chair. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
this is so wrong! stay strong hun :/ over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
i'm so sad right now, but still, thanks girls it's just that faith has never been my thing... over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
trust me passes. see my early post, I felt so disappointed after the last episode, but the I saw the bigger picture...we willl be strong together *hugs her* over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
I need a hug... Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
*hugs you* what's wrong? over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
^^^ what? my ears are ringing :)) I can't even pronounce the word sex in the same sentice with Dair just because I see them as friends and friendship ...there's no sparks.. over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
^ You tell 'em gurll. over a year ago
modernfan said …
Happy Valentines day girls! Posted over a year ago
big smile
marlanido said …
Happy valentines day girlies ! Posted over a year ago
modernfan commented…
thanks Aria, u 2! over a year ago
marlanido commented…
welcome thxx sara ! over a year ago
Martym said …
Dark times are coming, darlings... Did you saw the 5x16 promo? Dair kissing everywhere,bleach.I'm going to vomit now, excuse me. * back* They can go have stupid kisses everywhere, Chair is endgame! And they have journey. Do you know what a couple with journey + endgame means? That means epic. ;;) Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
I feel so ill right now Marty. over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
in good times or in bad we should all listen to Blair : “Here’s my advice. Have a little faith, and if that doesn’t work, have a lot of mimosas.”

*goes looking for ingredients* Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
haha we all needed that quote! all this dair-ness is really making me sick. I mean, how can you watch GG, watch Chair and still not ship them? It nauseates me. over a year ago
modernfan said …
Just got my dedicated! :D Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Congrats,Sara! <3 You deserve it. over a year ago
modernfan commented…
*thanks over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
No problem, Sara ;) over a year ago
turnaism said …
Pleas Guys vote for CB<3Even if your a DE shipper.please please.They are losing to Dair!! Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Gah this cb/dair shipper war is getting so crazy, sometimes I think it's worse than the tvd one, at least that one has toned down .
they are bashing us left and right, it's so exhausting :/ Posted over a year ago
cintia_cs commented…
I wouldn't call it a war because CBers are not bashing them back.. not that I know of anyway. ;) over a year ago
cintia_cs commented…
And I hardly think it's worse than the whole SE/DE/DB madness.. over a year ago
escada commented…
well Im DE/CB fan and I have to say I respect many Dair and SE fans, of course some of them bash my ships, but isnt like DE and CB fans arent agressive. well I have to say DB fans often bash DE. They are kinda always agressive. over a year ago
uniquezandy said …
Does anyone else think that Elenas character in the last few episodes resembles Katherine? With the curly hair... playing both boys by leading Damon on then going to Stefan? Maybe it is Katherine... because Elena's character isn't the same as before.. Plus it would b intresting to see it was Katherine all along...
p.s Damon and Rebekah's scene was... unexpecting.. but cool. What do you guys think? Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
I think Elena is just being a hypocrite. And no, I didn't like the Damon/Rebekah scene over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
DR's scene was hot! over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
She's being a hypocrite now, she can't hate on Kat for doing the same as herself. And I was expecting the D/R scene because we had spoilers about Damon and a hot vamp. But I didn't expect Damon to look so hot! xD over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
Ii don't know what's going on with Elena, give her time ,as for the Rebekah/Damon thing! it was totally hawt! over a year ago
HermioneRon343 said …
Got my Die-Hard medal here. ♥ Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Congrats, Nastia.<3 You totally deserve it. P.S : I love your icon. ♥ over a year ago
HermioneRon343 commented…
Thank you, Marty ♥ I love your icon too. ♥ over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Congrats! over a year ago
luisz9 said …
link , vote for chair Posted over a year ago
delenadarti said …
You know guys, i've always been so sure that one day, Elena's love for Damon was going to be bigger than her love for Stefan but after last episode, i'm not sure anymore, deep inside she's still this sweet girl infatuated by the new guy at school...☺ Posted over a year ago
escada commented…
well then I hope She will grow up. She really needs to :) over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
She's so immature, it's surreal. "I love you" - " maybe that's the problem". I'm like seriously, gurl, lol. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
she sais that she didin't mean it, twice...but I agree she was in the wrong! at least we got to see a hot Daomon scene and this brought back season 1 Damon,which I missed so much! over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
the scarf the scarf the scarf!!! *excited* Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Where?Where is my favourite scarf? over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
it will make an appearance in the next episode!!! over a year ago
escada commented…
Oh, He is goint to be a badass or what? :) over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
So the writers pretty much acknowledged that Blair has changed and not in a good way and also they said that they don't take CB shippers for granted and that we should be patient because it will all be worth it in the end / tweets - check the photos section :D Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
The sun is on our street, haha. over a year ago
Martym commented…
Maybe they changed Blair like that to show us how she's without Chuck and how she's with him. Hmm. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Finally. I just hope the GG writers are telling the truth. Maybe they just wanted to make us feel bad, so in the end we'll feel better than ever for our Chair. If it's the other way around, for Dair's good, I'm going to die. I hope this photo turns out to be eitehr fake or a dream or a mirage or something over a year ago
Martym said …
I saw that thing on tumblr, someone tweet on twitter the GG designer and said that: " I know what are you doing, dressing Blair always in pink when she's with Dan and always in red when she's with Chuck". And then it was something about how Blair & Dan had before a fake/scheme scene with her in pink, remember everybody? :) We still have hope. Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
yay! hope it's true over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
So It was freaking Dan??? and after all of that he still blamed Chuck! so hypocritical! I'm really starting to dislike the guy :/
.... Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
omg tell me about it :/ and he was an absolute bitch to serena, why is he messing with ma gurls! But I also think Blair is being stupid. She clearly had the chance to be with Chuck but she tossed it away because of some dumb agreement with God, I mean what the actual hell why did she go away with Louis the creeper? over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
I'll tell you why Dan sent the video: That way Blair won't be with Louis, she'll blame Chuck for sending it, so she'd be with...Dan. Yeah, his method sucks/ over a year ago
KatieSalvatore said …
I am in the middle of season 3 of the show, since the first episode I fell in love with this couple, now they're having their best moments, and I love them more and more every day. As soon as I found this club I joined, because everyone here also ships one of my favorite Gossip Girl couples and are so amazing. I lvoe this place already ♥ Posted over a year ago
KatieSalvatore commented…
*love over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
aww great to hear that ♥ and you will keep loving it, we take care of our own :D over a year ago
Martym commented…
You should totally keep watching. You can fan-girl with me all the day about their scenes, they're my bbs. <3 Welcome to our spot, I'm Marty and we're glad to have you here. over a year ago
tvdlover said …
Can't wait for tonight. I hope they will be together again. Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
But they're not back together, it's the total opposite :'( over a year ago
delenadarti said …
WTF is this?!

link Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
There are no curse words to satisfy me right NOW !!! over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
It's a joke right?... RIGHT??!! AAAARRRRRGH!!!!! awrbaskcvuyersnascdfgwo!!! Advice: Do not come at least 10 meters within the radius closer to me because I will really explode over a year ago
lexara23 commented…
disgusting ugh i really hope it is a dream otherwise i am so done with GG over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
I just can't wait for Blair and Chuck to get together again, I'm getting tired of watching GG without them being together. :( Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Agree, i am losing interest ! the story-lines are getting more and more ridiculous ;( over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Yup. GG is not its old GG without Chair anyways over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
maryam- we have to hold it together ...they will eventually...but yeah GG went off the rails sadly over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
Watching Supernatural and hanging with my CB family~ The best way to spend the last day of freedom ♥

SCHOOL TOMORROW!! :'( Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
:(( I'm sorry for you, Smiley.Tomorrow no school for me because of the snow! :) At what season are you at SPN? over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
.........>.< *is jealous* still season 1. I was going to buy it on DVD today but they ran out of SPN. They Had TVD, GG, Nikita and every show you can think of but not SPN! DX The guy ahd a bunch of shows I'm dying to watch but I disagreed to buy anything except SPN. So I have to suffer from the slowness of my player to watch it. over a year ago
marlanido commented…
^maryam i know!!!!!<3 over a year ago
Martym said …
Girls, we should support our lovely Chair :
Please vote! :) Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Voted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Voted too :) over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
Voted.♥ over a year ago
HermioneRon343 said …
Amazing spot look! ♥ Posted over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
Agree.♥ over a year ago
Martym said …
The spot look is changed! :) Here's the our first spot look and remember you can nominate for our February girl! Posted over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
OMG! I swear i'm dead from how beautiful it is, i love it! =D over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, Smiley did a very good work with the banner. <3 over a year ago
flowerdrop commented…
love the spot look <333 over a year ago
big smile
twilightlover73 said …
Me: *watching Supernatural*
8 year-old bro: *comes in* Diana Diana! Check out what's on my iPod right now!!
Me: hold up *pauses when it shows Sam* come here. Is this guy cute?
Bro: *nods* Yup. Now can you just-
Me: Wait. *pauses when it shows Dean* Now is this guy cute?
Bro: Hmm, no. He's hot!
Me: *stunned* where did you learn that word from?
Bro: I always hear you when you're screaming at your computer for no reason saying "DAMON, CHUCK, DEAN, SAM, CAN YOU GET ANY HOTTER?!"
I just love my bro(: Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Awww he is so cute <3 I do the same with my 9 year old cousin but you can add Ronaldo to the top of the list :) Watching a real madrid match with him is getting more and more embarrassing :D over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
Awww! I wish I had a brother/cousin like yours, mine are all so god damn annoying. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thank you guys <3 Though I still hate him for waking me up in the middle of the Ed&Ian dream over a year ago
turnaism said …
Happy One month Anniversary everyone!!!! Posted over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
happy anniversary guys, love you <3 over a year ago
cosmicstars commented…
Happy Anniversary ♥♥♥ Adore all your icons BTW ;) over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
Happy Anniversary Girlies!!!! over a year ago
YJaded said …
Blair: Isn't there someone else you could torture?
Chuck: Probably. But I choose you.

Remember that quote?! Now it is more like :

Chuck: Isn't there someone else you could torture?
The writers:Probably. But we choose you. Posted over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Exactl;y. over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
^ this so much. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
^ lol that sums it up pretty good actually :)) over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
Guys, something very scary just happened. Like, the saddest and scariest thing that ever happened to me or to anyone else. It was like.. BOOM! And I was like DON'T KILL ME!! Anyways... I... I... I...
How-what-when-where-NOOOO!!! It really killed me. Anyone else feeling the urge to go and screw the writers?!?! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Right now, I'm trying to be calm and think about that beautiful divorce thing. And that Chuck will visit Blair and Dan. :) And talk about writers,they like to torture us. And I hate them. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
the writers are so screwing with our heads right now! they know we will never give up on CB and they so like to tourture us...stay strong! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
^ Yes I heard some good stuff about 5x19, hope its true! over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
Anyone else think it's about time we make a pick for the banner? I mean, we did submit our suggestions, so... Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
I made the pick, sorry I didn't have so much time with school. :) And about icon, I want to make some more tommorow... I hope it's okay. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Its okay, Marty. Yeah, sure. I was just wondering, I mean, in 3 days its our 1 month anniversary after all :) over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
one month :D wow! over a year ago
charmed_phoebe said …
Girls! It's been about - 30 degrees in Bulgaria, I think my brain's frozen! xD Other than that, I'm on vacation now, so if any of you want icons { of anything}, I'm ready to take requests!! :) Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
I know how you feel, I was in Russia just about 10 days ago. Speaking of icons, I love yours, jerk. over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
Hehe, it's funny cos it's so hot in the summer... Why thank you, bitch :D over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
minus 5 in Italy and I'm snowed! over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Yeah, its boiling hot in summer and freezing cold in winter. Out world is so screwed up right now over a year ago
YJaded said …
Are those writers F****** kiddin' me?!! I could strangle someone right now !
I don't know why i have that crazy wish to shave Blair's hair all off !! Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Woah, woah, woah hold the cake hole there. I didn't watch the episode yet ;P over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Ahem Ahem, please do ! i need to know what you think ASAP !! over a year ago
YJaded commented…
^yup agree on that, everything is peachy for lonely boy! over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 said …
yaaay I got my die hard :) love you guys so much <3 Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Congrats hun, we love U much much MUCH more xx over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
Love you right back, hon :) Congrats! over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Congrats, Rosa! We love you too. over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 said …
louis is a biiiiiiiitch :| Posted over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Yeah,Tell me about it? over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
I actually felt sorry for him at first, then I wanted to slap him. Poor B :'( over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
OHEMGEE. CHUCK IN A WEDDING SUIT . *dead* over a year ago
Martym said …
Girls, I made a banner for CB's spot and I'm new in Opera and my mouse is stupid. Is moving everywhere, I wanted to copy a photo for the banner. Everything was okay, when I finished the banner the photo when Blair is trying to give Chuck a candy was on my desktop. I was like "you two are everywhere! ", haha. Posted over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Love is everywhere.And,CB is everywhere over a year ago
modernfan commented…
u probably presses 'use image on desktop' it happens all the time to my :D over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, Sara... That happend. over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
So I was looking for Dean and Sam Winchester images to make icons. I was sure I'd be able to walk, talk, move, smell, hear and breathe when I look at the images.... and then I found this link

I am 100% serious right now, I am getting really dizzy and about to faint. I just stared at him for 5 minutes that seemed like a second.... DOES HE HAVE TO BE MARRIED?!??! Gosh I can just look at him for ever and ever.... Posted over a year ago
modernfan commented…
omg Smiley are you trying to kill me!? He's...he's just...he a... you know what I mean. over a year ago
Martym commented…
The eyes and I'm not even a Dean girl. Jensen is really hot, haha. over a year ago
marlanido commented…
^haha yeah & she is super lucky :) over a year ago
modernfan said …
I'm watching videos Aria listed as favorites on YT. I have no idea how that happened but I'm in love with most of them! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Can I see this? over a year ago
marlanido commented…
ah cool lolz like a week ago i watched your datherine playlist awesome taste girly:) & marty yeah just type misscolorful16 in youtube and my faves shauld pop up lol:P over a year ago
modernfan commented…
hehe thanks! I've seen ahs yesterday so I couldn't stop watching Tate and Violet videos. I'm so in love with Tate right now <3 over a year ago
marlanido commented…
same here!!! over a year ago
uniquezandy said …
Hi :) im new to this spot coz a friend of mine (twilightlover73) recommended this spot because its like family and really nice. i hope i can become a part of it. Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
You joined!! You joined, you joined, you JOINED!!!! I hit my head at least 10 times in the ceiling right now over a year ago
Martym commented…
Hey Marie! I'm Marty, nice to meet you! And welcome to our spot. <3 over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
Hey Marie! Welcome to our family, I'm Rosa. over a year ago
big smile
turnaism said …
Guys today is an Epic Day!
Life is Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, life is wonderful. But what's going on? over a year ago
turnaism commented…
not gonna's a secret ;) over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
yaay! I love romantic stories! mine don't work out but oh well, I live off of others happiness! over a year ago
big smile
babe1492 said …
I just got The Vampire Diaries on dvd today girlys ! :D
I can't wait to watch it to see who I'm going to start shipping ;D Posted over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Yay!I'm sure you're gonna love it! over a year ago
modernfan commented…
*agree over a year ago
PrincetonBaby11 commented…
over a year ago
modernfan said …
I don't want to repeat myself or something but when are we going to post a banner? :) Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
We have two banner submitted for now, I'll make some icons too. over a year ago
modernfan commented…
ok :) over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thanks Laura! love yours too <3 over a year ago
Martym said …
Ughh, I need someone to talk right now. What's going on with my tv shows favourite couples. First of all, they're trying to scarry me with that Dair crap and say that they don't fixed the endgame. And making Chuck again a villain and everything. So, they're trying to mess again with my OTP.
2. All the Stelena heart-breaking scenes.
3. Spencer & Toby break-up.
4. I begin to watch The Secret Circle and when I begin to like Nick/Melissa, they kill him .
I'm so lucky. Posted over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
What can i say bb, what can I say ? I feel the same about Forwood and now there's some real business going on OUAT appears tha they want to make us sad ;\ But atleast, we are together on this :) <3 over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, bb. They really want us to be sad with all this drama. But I think in the end everything will be okay. Yes, we are togheter in this forever. <3 over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
I also feel the same way, though I ship Delena and Stelena, I still want some Stelena. And Forwood, Ezria, Spoby, and of course Chair. And them killing Nick is one of the reasons I stopped watching TSC, he was one of the main characters and they just killed him, and just after he and Melissa started having chemistry. We're in couple crisis. At least we have each other right? over a year ago
Martym said …
link Vote for CB, girls! <3 Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
Am I the only one totally pissed that Ed is STILL dating Jessica Szohr?

I like the Fact that Ian is dating Nina
I accepted the fact that Jensen is married
But I can't handle that Ed is dating this... this.... this parody of a human!!! He's suppose to be ours, not hers!! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Ed is still dating Jessica...? over a year ago
marlanido commented…
lol sara i agree :( over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Ed and Jessica are NOT dating again. Trust me ! over a year ago
big smile
marlanido said …
*warning spam*
i wauld love if you guys wauld join my photo editing contest!
link Posted over a year ago
modernfan commented…
of course! over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
definitely <3 over a year ago
marlanido commented…
thxx hun! over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Who knew some promo pics would cheer me up that much :D that's it! I need professional help :))) Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Haha nothing wrong with you hun!! When i saw them I jumped so high i think I've hit my head against the ceiling ! over a year ago
big smile
laurik2007 said …

please vote guys Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Please vote, even if you're a Delena fan and you love them better than Chair. Think about Chair, the writers can see these polls! Delena have a lot of time to win the endgame,but Chair have one more season! over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Voted and i agree with Marty, CB need the votes much more. over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
Chair > All. End of. over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
<333 over a year ago
YJaded said …
Vote for CB in these 2 picks:



:D Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
done :d over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Thanks love, you are THE best xx over a year ago
big smile
marlanido said …
so happy to be here after my stupid math exam its like a nice reward after my hard work!!! Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Oh God, I hate math DX nw it's a relief isn't it? :P over a year ago
marlanido commented…
aww thxx smiley i know haha:) over a year ago
marlanido commented…
i just realised i mixed u up i was super tired lol:P over a year ago
YJaded said …
another round vote for CB:
link Posted over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Done. over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
done :) over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Not anymore i inboxed lots of chair fans to vote :D over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
*gets back to life in an Arnold Schwarzenegger way* I am back.

I'm still in Lebanon and I made my dad pay 70 dollars for a one week access to the internet because what kind of vacation is it without my cupcakes {if you're still wondering, it's you idiot! I wuv you} :D
I made some picks during the 15 minutes time I had to go on, they're based on what happened to me here {the Smiley Adventures one??} See what I did there? I tell you what happens to me and make it fun! I'll add more. ILY♥
Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Aww smileyyy we wuv U much more <3 <3 haha love the new adventures especially those involving a hot guy :) We miss you pumpkin xx over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Smiley!We wuv u 2.Loving your adevnture picks.We miss you. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
I miss you guys too! Thanks and yeah Yousi it's my favorite as well :P I'm on my way to make more. over a year ago
mrsalexrybak commented…
We wuv you too,is it good in Lebanon? over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
64 fans, that's awesome. <3 Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, we're growing up so fast.<3 over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
<3 over a year ago
turnaism said …
Girls just came home from the check up with Dr.Chuck.*giggling*
It was gr8 Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
*envious stare* me next xD over a year ago
YJaded said …
Just for fun, vote for chair my girls:
link Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Done. <3 over a year ago
YJaded commented…
*Hugs & Kisses* over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Done. over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
As much as it hurts to say it....
Guys, I'm traveling tomorrow and might not be on for the next week. I'll try the hardest I can to get internet in my hotel room, but I can't promise you anything.
Just in case it doesn't work, bye guys. I'll miss a lot of people on here, but I'll miss my family the most ♥ Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
we are family ♥ have a great time hun, floss after each meal. :) over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
Bye Smiley, have a great holiday hun :) <3 over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
Have a safe trip <3 over a year ago
Martym said …
So, girls, who's on the spot right now? Posted over a year ago
modernfan commented…
just got here. 5th time this day :D over a year ago
YJaded commented…
^yeahh!!! i always say that :D no more shorties with 6inch thick glasses over a year ago
modernfan commented…
Yousi, I have a teacher with 6 inch tick glasses but he's huge! I wish he was short. This way, he looks creepy. over a year ago
turnaism said …
*Watching Mr.Bart and Learning how to walk in heels*
I'm Okay.I'm okay. Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Ouch ! Watch out Atie..we've all been there..Thank god that lesson is for free ! I have dr.chuck on the phone, he is requesting a thorough PHYSICAL examination :) over a year ago
modernfan commented…
Oh that can be unpleasant. But when you go through all the lessons, you'll be walking way more gracefully. :) over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Marty I agree that Dr.Chuck is anything but poor and innocent and Sara I hope i get graceful as soon as possible over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 said …
Its 7 am, and I'm on the Chair Fam spot. *example of my dedicatedness* I couldn't resist not being online for too long! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Haha, if I would be good at get up in the morning, I'll be here forever, haha. over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Lol, Me too though i have only one opened eye right now :D over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
I completely understand you, Rosa. I completely understand you. over a year ago
modernfan commented…
I can't get uo at 7 am. I'm way too sleepy. Maybe that's because I lay about 3 am. xD over a year ago
big smile
turnaism said …
YAYAYAYAYAY! I finally got my Dedicated Medal *jumping in the air like a crazy person* Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
wooo! *high fives* well done girly, you deserve it <3 over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Thankies*High fives you back* over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Thanks Smiley. over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
Guys, I'm starting to worry.....
I mean, this spot is not as active as before..... I don't want it to be left out or something, we're a family, and whenever I come to this spot and see that almost nothing has changed, I just feel kinda.. well.. very sad, you know. There are a lot of spots like that who people never go on anymore, I don't want this spot to become one of them, and I'm sure you guys do not want that either. Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Leave me to learn at geography and I will be right here with some new picks. I've got an idea because of you, haha. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
*sigh* that is why I go off and then come back in the evening after being bored all day over a year ago
turnaism commented…
*sigh*Me 2.Me 2 Smiley over a year ago
big smile
HermioneRon343 said …
School so distracting! Maybe sometimes I'll fade, but now I'm here. How are you guys?? Posted over a year ago
turnaism commented…
School is such a pain.We're good.wbu? over a year ago
HermioneRon343 commented…
I'm great:) Soon the weekend! Yay! over a year ago
Martym commented…
Ughh, school is really a pain. -.- Glad to see you here! I'm tired, girls maybe I won't be there too much because of the homework & blah blah. over a year ago
Martym said …
Girls, something is missing... Hmm, do you all remember that little/big girl in her big/small world, right? Does anybody knows where she is?

Smiley? S-sssssmiley? Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
*screams for smiley* getcho ass back on your computer seat, gurrl. over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Smileyyyyyyyyyyy ? going out with ed behind marty and mine's back ?! :D don't forget your familyyyy :) over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Smiley.Where are you girly?We miss you. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
*is back with a lot of blood* sorry guys, I just told Damon about the Doctor Chuck/Klaus problem, and believe me, he dealt with it alright. Both he and Doctor Chuck say 'hi' and ask you not to scream when you get the 'hi'. Okay, for real now, I barley had time to "getmah ass back on my computer seat", I was shopping, for what you ask? I'm going skiing to Lebanon {You might not know this country} so after about 3 days I might not be on, just letting you know. over a year ago
big smile
MutantRainbow37 said …
Yay I got my dedicated even though revision is slowly de activating me.. Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yaaay! Congrats, Rosa! <3 You deserve it. over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Hey!Congrats Rosa.You deserve it girl!!!!! over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
Thanks girls <33 over a year ago
delenadarti said …
Worst episode in GG's history, that's all i can say right now...what a crappy writing Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Agree with you! over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
I completely agree :/ I'm scared the writers are running out of ideas now. over a year ago
YJaded said …
So sad for my chuckles :'(
screw those stupid writers !!! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
No spoilers, Yousi. I haven't see the episode yet. How are you? :) over a year ago
YJaded commented…
oops !! sorry :) i am fine hun :) How are you love? Go watch it right now so we can talk about it together Marty !! over a year ago
YJaded commented…
I am so pissed girls :s how did blair change from being smart to being really really DUMB !! over a year ago
Martym said …
“You got to have hope, right? We’ve been in it so long now… just to give up? We can’t just give up!” - Ed Westwick <3

Isn't him the best? He's, he's. Posted over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Of course he is :D over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Yup. And by the looks o it, he ships chair too! :D over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
of* over a year ago
big smile
mariatsaltaki7 said …
WOW!!! I just got my dedicated!!! So happy!!!I love this spot!! <333 Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Wow, congrats hun xx over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Congrats! trully deserve it. over a year ago
mariatsaltaki7 commented…
Thank you so much!!! <3 over a year ago
Martym said …
GIRLS!!!! *crying like a baby * I'm back from that stupid place named school, it was my first day. I wanted to stay more in holiday. *hug everyone, I see * .
So, how are you? Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
*hugs you back* YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!! It's ok, we all hate this place. We missed you!!! over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, I am alive!!! I missed you all too.<3 over a year ago
YJaded commented…
I am sure you'll do great :) Exams suck!! i know, i used to only study on the last month before the exams.Ughh!! I am fine Marty don't worry, i kicked ass today just exhausted ;) i am eating pizza hut right now, pizza is my cure lol over a year ago
turnaism said …
So guys I talked to Dr.Chuck over the phone.And he said the disease we have it' do I put this?'s..uh..incurable.I'm sorry Girls :( Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
*looking after Smiley* Are you sure, Atie? Maybe it was Klaus o.o over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Well... look at the bright side. I mean, its a chair disease isn't it? over a year ago
turnaism commented…
^Yeah we're lucky! over a year ago
marlanido said …
omg*scream* i got my die-hard without getting my dedicated!!<33 Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Calm, my sweetheart. Congrats, congrats, you deserve it, Aria <3 over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
congrats hunny <3 over a year ago
marlanido commented…
aww thxx so much girls<33 over a year ago
big smile
YJaded said …
Kristen Bell talks Gossip girl:

Insider: You've also supply the voice of Gossip Girl -- a show that currently has split fans into two camps: ones that want Blair with Chuck and ones that want her with Dan. Where do you fall?
Kristen: This is just my opinion as Kristen Bell, but I can't get enough of Blair with Chuck. Obsessed.

I love you Kristen !! you have taste :) Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Wow...... okay, the new celeb officially on my list of favorite celebrities is *drum roll* Kristen Bell! over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Kristen Bell rocks!!!!! over a year ago
YJaded commented…
First i saw Ed's awesome interview then i read this !! My heart can't take all that Chair lovin' day :D I had to share with my girls xx over a year ago
turnaism said …
That Awkward moment when you're chatting with a friend and you say "Hey why don't you join the Chair family?They're like the best"
And she says "Sweetie I'm a Dair shipper"
And you're like "Oh,Okay o_o" Posted over a year ago
turnaism commented…
True story! over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
:'D over a year ago
Martym commented…
Auch,haha. over a year ago
LunaLovegoodxx said …
Fan #54. Hi guys I'm Molly :D Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Hey, I'm Marty. Welcome to our spot! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
welcome ! I'm Laura over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Welcome Molly :) I am yousi :) over a year ago
Martym said …
Girls, maybe I'm stupid, but look what I was thinking about:
Chuck Bartholomew - C.B > Chuck & Blair
Blair Cornelia - B.C > Blair & Chuck
" We're Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck." Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Oh my goodness.... Chair really are the perfect couple! over a year ago
turnaism commented…
*Present* Sorry for being so late I was out shopping lol over a year ago
YJaded commented…
I miss you girls :) but work is brutal :( *Hugs and Kisses* over a year ago
modernfan said …
When can we expect the banner? :) Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
idk:)) new here...what's the prognosis guys? over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
We decided to choose someone every month to make the banner for. You can choose the one for this minth already it's in the picks. You can start submitting suggestions for the icon in the forum. Once the pole is closed and the girl is picked, we'll make a banner for whatever and include whatever she asks :) over a year ago
YJaded said …
The Canadian promo has made me sad :( When are those stupid writers are going to stop messing with our CHAIR ??!! Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
it's more heartbreaking that anything !!! guess I'll have my eyes close for the most of it :) over a year ago
YJaded commented…
^ after all this long wait, they are literally slapping us on the face !! over a year ago
Martym commented…
Dair isn't going to happen because they don't have time and they aren't going to make Ban endgame, it's stupid... They have no journey, just a season? Chair is endgame, don't worry, my girls, we'll get it. over a year ago
turnaism said …
This spot is addicting! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Agree with you, haha. Doctor Chuck doesn't find the pills yet for this sickness. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Haha, heck yeah. I think it's because Blair doesn't want him to, well she ships Chair doesn't she? :P over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, yes. I'm coming. over a year ago
FallenLove said …
Number 52! Hi Everyone, I'm Alexa. :D Posted over a year ago
HermioneRon343 commented…
Welcome in CB Family! I'm Nastia. over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Welcome to our family.I'm Atie! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
welcome hun :D I'm Laura over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Hey Guys :D I'm finally here! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Hi Laura! Welcome, so happy to have you here. <3 over a year ago
YJaded commented…
welcome love xx over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
glad to be here :D over a year ago
JulienBangel said …
48th :D Chair is forever <3 Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Welcome, I'm Marty! <3 over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
I totally agree and welcome, I'm Rosa. We'd love to know more about you, there's a forum where you can introduce yourself; link<3 over a year ago
HermioneRon343 commented…
Welcome, I'm Nastia. over a year ago
HauntingViolet said …
I'm Fan #45 Posted over a year ago
marlanido commented…
welcome, im aria<3 over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
Hey! Welcome, I'm Rosa :) over a year ago
turnaism commented…
Welcome to our spot.I'm Atiha.But you can call me Atie. over a year ago
Martym said …
Girls... I don't think I'm okay...

My emotions are too many and I can't explain them, I just got my die-hard medal... Is that a dream or something? Posted over a year ago
marlanido commented…
congrats marty you totaly deserve it! over a year ago
Martym commented…
Thanks Yousi. ♥ over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
No prob, Marty. Always happy no help (hehe) ;D over a year ago
Martym said …
"You said it in the car and you said you would never go. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together" - Chuck in 5x11 episode of GG. Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
OMG !! that is so heartbreaking :'( over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
Oh dear, my heart can't take this ! :'( over a year ago
Martym commented…
I think Chuck is going to cry again, nooo. My bb. :( over a year ago
Just_me_12 said …
Fan #40 ;D... Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
Hey! Welcome, I'm Rosa :) over a year ago
marlanido commented…
welcome im aria<3 over a year ago
Just_me_12 commented…
Btw I'm Helle. over a year ago
turnaism said …
Today is Villy's(charmed_pheobe) Birthday.So guys let's all wish her a Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Villy. Posted over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
*Happy Birthday Villy!* over a year ago
HermioneRon343 commented…
Happy Birthday!! over a year ago
charmed_phoebe commented…
thank you girls!!! over a year ago
charmed_phoebe said …
Just joined :) Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Welcome hun :) i am yousi xx over a year ago
marlanido commented…
welcome hun im aria<3 over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
Welcome, I'm Sheri :D over a year ago
big smile
twilightlover73 said …
I am back guys :) I'm getting better (According to the doctor) Thank you guys ♥
And I got my dedicated medal on this spot!!! Gosh I'm more than happy now!! Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
So happy for you, Smiley. Congrats for your medal, you deserve it. ♥ over a year ago
YJaded commented…
hey welcome back :) Thank god you are better :) Congrats on the medal <3 over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thank you guys :) over a year ago
YJaded said …
This spot is becoming my favorite so fast !! Everyone here is quite awesome, Defiantly Chair fans are the best <3 <3 Posted over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
True, very true ♥ over a year ago
marlanido commented…
same here<3 over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, we're the best fan-base on this beautiful world, haha. over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
I agree with all of you :) over a year ago
flowerdrop said …
♥ I got my dedicated medal ♥ Posted over a year ago
HermioneRon343 commented…
Congrats! ♥ over a year ago
flowerdrop commented…
thank you ♥ over a year ago
flowerdrop commented…
thank you both ♥ over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
I might not come on tomorrow guys.
I caught the flu and the doctor said it's pretty serious, I'm going to visit him again tomorrow, he said if it gets any worse I'll stay in the hospital for the night, no Wi-Fi there. Take care :) I might be back, but later than usual. Posted over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
Aww i hope you get better girly, we'll miss you here over a year ago
mrsalexrybak commented…
Get better sweetie! <3 over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thank you guys ♥ means so much. haha, Marty it wasn't because of ice cream.... well it wasn't ONLY because of ice cream... it was also my little bro, he had it first and while we were celebrating new year I accidentally drank from his juice, a few days later, this is what happened, we're both in our beds wiping our noses now hehe :P over a year ago
Martym said …
I'm dedicated fan here, oohhh, yaaay. Posted over a year ago
HermioneRon343 commented…
Congrats! over a year ago
marlanido commented…
congrats<3 over a year ago
flowerdrop commented…
Congrats sweety over a year ago