Chell Updates

a photo was added: Chell over a year ago by l1ly0tter
an answer was added to this question: Do you think Chell is the daughter of Cave Johnson and Caroline? over a year ago by l1ly0tter
a comment was made to the poll: Which one do you prefer? over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a comment was made to the poll: Does Chell look better in Portal or Portal 2? over a year ago by Tawnyjay
a pop quiz question was added: Chell had made a Science Project in Portal 2. over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a video was added: I have a Surprise for you.... over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a pop quiz question was added: What Test Subject number is Chell? over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a video was added: Outside Aperture over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a video was added: Matryoshka Chell and GLaDOS over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a question was added: Do you think Chell is the daughter of Cave Johnson and Caroline? over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a poll was added: Does Chell look better in Portal or Portal 2? over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a video was added: Ninja of the Night Chell over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a poll was added: Which one do you prefer? over a year ago by h2ogirl123
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favorite character in Portal/Portal 2? over a year ago by Tawnyjay
a poll was added: Who is your favorite character in Portal/Portal 2? over a year ago by Tawnyjay