Chiodos Updates

a comment was made to the poll: What's Your favorite Chiodos song? over a year ago by Xarchel
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What genre(s) is Chiodos? over a year ago by mushymushroom67
a photo was added: Chiodos Bone Palace Ballet Album Cover over a year ago by Iheartscene17
a video was added: Caves (Oficial Music Video) over a year ago by Iheartscene17
a link was added: Chiodos's Official Twitter Page over a year ago by Iheartscene17
an answer was added to this question: What is your favorite songs from Chiodos? over a year ago by chiodos_fan69
an answer was added to this question: Did Craig Owens seriously leave the band?? over a year ago by chiodos_fan69
a comment was made to the poll: Have you seen Chiodos in concert? over a year ago by chiodos_fan69
a question was added: Did Craig Owens seriously leave the band?? over a year ago by the-boy-wonder
a question was added: What is your favorite songs from Chiodos? over a year ago by schrei17