Classic french plays Updates

a video was added: Promo-reel NEVER SAY NEVER over a year ago by Saphir
a video was added: IL BARIERE DI SIVIGLIA - GIOACHINO ROSSINI(subtitled) over a year ago by Saphir
a video was added: Cyrano de Bergerac de Franco Alfano (subtitled in english) over a year ago by Saphir
a video was added: Cyrano De Bergerac ✪FREE FULL MOVIE✪ Drama / Romance over a year ago by Saphir
a video was added: Molière - Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme - Comédie Française 1958 over a year ago by Saphir
a comment was made to the poll: Did you liked the movie Molière (2007) over a year ago by Saphir
a poll was added: Did you liked the movie Molière (2007) over a year ago by Saphir
a comment was made to the photo: Hotel de bourgogne-beginning scene of Cyrano de Bergerac over a year ago by Saphir
a question was added: What do you think of plays in other languages such as Shakespeare's plays? over a year ago by Saphir
a photo was added: Hotel de bourgogne-beginning scene of Cyrano de Bergerac over a year ago by Saphir
an article was added: Free french plays to consult(the guide) Les pièces à consulter gratuitement(le guide) over a year ago by Saphir
a link was added: IL NE FAUT JURER DE RIEN d'Alfred de Musset over a year ago by Saphir
a link was added: On ne Badine pas avec l'Amour d'Alfred de Musset over a year ago by Saphir
a link was added: La esmeralda de Victor Hugo over a year ago by Saphir
a link was added: Le Malade imaginaire de Molière over a year ago by Saphir
a link was added: Cyrano de Bergerac de Rostran over a year ago by Saphir
a link was added: Candide ou l'optimisme de Voltaire over a year ago by Saphir
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favorite french play writer ? over a year ago by Saphir
a pop quiz question was added: Which one of these authors is it impossible that Corneille had ever encounter him during his lifetime? over a year ago by Saphir
a pop quiz question was added: What is a synonym of "la langue française"(french language). over a year ago by Saphir
a pop quiz question was added: What is the first name of Racine? over a year ago by Saphir
a pop quiz question was added: What is the first name of Corneille? over a year ago by Saphir
a link was added: Learning french club over a year ago by Saphir
a link was added: Link to the french club over a year ago by Saphir
a pop quiz question was added: What is the real name of Molière? over a year ago by Saphir
a question was added: What is your favorite french play and why? over a year ago by Saphir
a question was added: What do you think of modern french plays? over a year ago by Saphir
a poll was added: Who is your favorite french play writer ? over a year ago by Saphir
a poll was added: What kind of french plays do you prefer? over a year ago by Saphir
an article was added: THE MIDDLE CLASS GENTLEMAN (Le bourgeois gentilhomme de Molière) over a year ago by Saphir