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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

If you could ask Stephenie Meyer a question/s what would it/they be?

1. If Bella is as stupid and lame as she says she is, then why is everyone falling in love with her?
2. Why do you think it's sensible that someone falls in love with someone else because they smell good?
3. Why do think vampires should sparkle?
4. Why do you think that bears count as vegetables?
5. Why does Edward constantly sound like a Shakespeare wanna be?
6. Why do you think real life should have happy endings?
7. Why did Edward and Bella fall in love so fast?
8. Why didn't Bella get creeped out when Edward said that he watched her sleep?
9. If Edward really loved Bella, then why did he hang around him even though he knew he was a danger to her?
Nice ideas!
bubbly_making posted over a year ago
i agree!! i love number 5 =P lol
eli218 posted over a year ago
I luved these questions too!
louvreangel posted over a year ago
 MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight  best answer

LoveforSeverus said:
1. Where'd the plot of the story go?
2. Were you on acid when you made vampires sparkle?
3. How do you live with yourself knowing people compare your crappy piece of literature of something as truly amazing as Shakespeare?
4. Why do you refuse to take criticism?
5. Why didn't you give your characters any flaws unless they were blonde? And even then the flaw was only being a complete bitch.
6. Why does it seem like you ripped of Harry Potter and countless other books that are why ahead of your level.
7. Why do you think two people could fall "irrevocably" in love with each other in, what was it?, about two weeks?
8. How many times did you refer to a thesaurus while writing Twilight?
9. Along with the fact that you so obviously had said thesaurus, did you also have a dictionary to look up meanings of some of your "big" words?
(ex: chagrin, masochist)
10. Do YOU like nechrophelism and bestiality? Because that's the very basics of what Twilights about.
11. Why do you want to send a message to teenage girls that if they're dumped, they should jump off a cliff to hear his voice again?
12. Why do you approve of Ikkle Sethie going through all your mail and your computer and basically EVERYTHING around you to make sure it doesn't offend Twilight?
13. Why do does it seem like Bella's physical description is just You-100lbs?
And Lastly
13. Why does Twilight just seem like an overlong, crappy fanfiction?
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posted over a year ago 
LOVE IT!!! Especially 3,5,7,11, and 13.
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
I'm voting this as best answer I would ask all of them.
huddysmacked posted over a year ago
Totally the best answer and I agree with all of them! I'd like to ask them all!
louvreangel posted over a year ago
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Friendly_Girl said:
1: Why are all the male protagonists in your books abusive? (Edward, Jared etc) and why are your books so sexist?
2: Why are Bella and Edward so unnaturaly obssesed to each other? Do you know that healthy, normal ralationships are not like that?
3: Do you have an issue with blonde people???
4: If Bella is not pretty, why is everybody in love with her?
5: Why does Bella love Edward, apart from him being perfect looking?
6: Do you support pedophilia?
7: When a guy dumbs a girl, should she develop schizophrenia and/or commit suiside?
8: Do you think that a young person shoud dump college like it's nothing important?
9: Do you think that a girl should be a virgin before her marriage and if she's not it's wrong?
10: Do you think that if a teenage girl doesn't have any life besides her boyfriend, it should be considered normal?
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posted over a year ago 
Who's Jared?
HecateA posted over a year ago
Jared is one of the main characters on her book called "The Host"
Friendly_Girl posted over a year ago
Nice ideas :) I loved 2, 7 and 10 :)
VampireQueen12 posted over a year ago
Lol, I'm not totally an Anti I just had to get it out of me XD Thanks BTW :)
Friendly_Girl posted over a year ago
huddysmacked said:
1. Are you sure it was a dream you had when you first met Edward or was it just a hallucination due to the drug you obviously took?

2. Do you feel good when teenagers go saying "UMIGUD! Twilight iz zooo gud! Its better than that Shekaspare shet"?

3. Why did you destroy the hope that teenagers could read good literature? Now they basically compare everything to Twilight and sometimes refuse to read anything else because "It won-t be as good as Twilight." Which certainly is a lie.

4. Why on Earth make such terrific MONSTERS glowing ANGELS?

5. Did Stephen King crept you out so much when you were little that you decided to change the vampires look/personality/menu?

6. Do you realize you could have saved THOUSANDS of trees if you would have just published Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse/Breaking Dawn as a short story?
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posted over a year ago 
nice questions :) I love 2 , 4 and 6 :)
kwlski4ever posted over a year ago
Saved trees? Yeah. In my opinion, there is way too much space between the front and back covers of the Twilight books.
Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
love number question 3 hilarious lol
nicole_23 posted over a year ago
CG I totally agree with number 4.
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
snoznoodle said:
1. You've made the boyfriends of thousands of your fans seem inadequate because they don't sparkle. Are you happy?
2. You've made your fans define the perfect man as "sparkly" and "dead" and "LAME!". Are you happy?
3. Do you compare your husband to Edward? Is it ok he doesn't sparkle?
4. How have you hooked so many fans into books which have no plot?
5. Do you know what a vampire is?
6. Do you know that good vampires don't sparkle?
7. Do you know that your vampires suck because they sparkle?
8. If Bella is such a dull person, why do so many guys fall in love with her?
9. Does this mean I have to have a low self esteem and a dependence on men to find true love?
10. What made you think Jacob falling in love with a baby is a good idea?
11. Why didn't you just put Jacob and Leah together and leave Renesmee to be a baby?
12. What part of Bella being bruised and battered on the night of her honeymoon and loving it do you think is appropriate for 12 year-old girls to read?

I could go on and on. This is actually very easy for me and somehow I think therapeutic.
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posted over a year ago 
bubbly_making said:
What (near fatal blow to the head) inspired you to write Twilight?
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posted over a year ago 
I know the answer to this one. It was that freaky dream of her's.
Queenoftard posted over a year ago
-BlazeTheCat- posted over a year ago
-BlazeTheCat- posted over a year ago
eli218 said:
Well you already wrote the questions i would ask her so i'm only gonna add

What were you thinking when you invented Renesmee???

Why does every girl in Twilight NEEDS a boyfriend???

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posted over a year ago 
Those are some good ones!
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
Mysteriamoon said:
1. Sparkles? Really? What the crud?
2. What would really happen if Buffy and Edward met? How about Buffy and Alice?
3. Alice's story about being in an insane asylum... Did you write that from personal experience?
4. Did you ever have a boyfriend steal your body glitter (and therefor become the inspiration for the sparklies)?
5. Do you know what a Mary Sue is?
6. Was your editor drunk when she let Breaking Dawn through to be published?
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posted over a year ago 
"body glitter" hahahahahah that's sooooo funnyy!!!!! =D lol
eli218 posted over a year ago
LOL i LOVE your questions xD
volleyblue13 posted over a year ago
number three is the best lol
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
newmixgirl said:
What were you thinking when you were writing Breaking Dawn?
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posted over a year ago 
Oh yes. That too!
rachaelwsz posted over a year ago
That would be my first question.
italiangirl976 posted over a year ago
It would have been better if it ended at page 355, that's where Bella's heart stops.
Lord-Voldemort posted over a year ago
mejustme said:
How much medication were you on while writing Breaking Dawn?
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posted over a year ago 
and can I have some
boolander25 posted over a year ago
Funny boolander25 !
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
Ha! Funny!
turtle_libra posted over a year ago
rachaelwsz said:
You have actually already mentioned a few that I would have asked. Anyway..

1. Why do her vampires sparkle? Well, obviously SMeyer wanted her vampires to be different from the traditional ones but why 'sparkles'?

2. Why did Bella fall in love with Edward? And why did it happen so fast?

3. Do you support pedophilia?

4. How is it possible for Bella to be pregnant with a vampire? *I know SMeyer already gave her 'explanation' but I really see no sense to it (even though it's fiction)*

5. Why ruin such a great character? (Jacob in New Moon)

6. Why Renesmee? WHY???

These are the few I can think about right now. I'm pretty sure that I have more questions that that. =P
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree with number 2.
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
number 3, lol. i think smeyer is pro paedophile and anti gay
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
Why not extreme sunburn? Maybe not bursting into flames but sticking to some semblance of reason!
Lord-Voldemort posted over a year ago
vskparaimer said:
Stephenie, WHY????????

short and easy to remember :)
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posted over a year ago 
Ahh! You stole my question... s
mimifaith posted over a year ago
;))))) sorry, undesired effect
vskparaimer posted over a year ago
kwlski4ever said:
1. Where in the WORLD you got the name "Reneesmee" ?!?!?!?
3.Since when pedophilia and stalking were 'hot' ?
4. What in the world made you publish some crap that you wrote based on a dream of yours ? O__o
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, oh, I can answer the first one! *Jumps up and down*
Queenoftard posted over a year ago
Steph had difficulties finding a name to fit her, because she was supposed to be so super speshul and amazing. No normal name was good enough Royal Demonspawn. Then she came up with the wicked idea of making up her own name. Combining the names of Bella and Edward's mothers (Rene and Esme), she came up with Reneesme. Also, The LochNess Monster's middle name Carlie, is a combination of Charlie and Carlisle, the fathers of Bella and Edward.
Queenoftard posted over a year ago
The Lochness monster has a middle name? Sweet!
HecateA posted over a year ago
ILuvSweeneyTodd said:
"May I punch you in the nose and tell you to get a grip and realise your books are total crap?!!!"


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posted over a year ago 
I like it!
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
HA! Sorry. That was too enthusiastic a 'ha' but I mean it, that's one thing I wish I could ask. XD
Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
nicole_23 posted over a year ago
italiangirl976 said:
"What the hell were you smoking when you can up with vampires that sparkle?"

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posted over a year ago 
Add "Please share!"
huddysmacked posted over a year ago
^LOL. xD
rachaelwsz posted over a year ago
bookworm12345 said:
1. Y is this book so boring
2. Wat on earth possed u to make vamps sparkle
3. Y is there no plot till the last 50 pages
4. Y is Bella so deppressed
5. Y do u suck at writing
6. Were u trying to curropt the minds of teens
7. Y r u writing the book from Edwards pov couse that's like saying I can't think of anything to rite so I'll tight the same thing again
8. Y is Edward so emotinaless
9. Y r ur caracters so dull
10.ur books r a descrass to litature
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posted over a year ago 
I love them all!
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
abitofaLunaTic said:
How on earth did you pass your college course on feminism?
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posted over a year ago 
What?! Seriously?? Biotch! How the hell did she write Bella?
mimifaith posted over a year ago
^^Ha ha! She keeps saying that she aced her college courses on feminism.Apparently to her, feminism is the right to "choose" and since Bella's "choice" was to give up college, a career, a social life, and friends for a boy, it's still feminism. Now, I've only passed 10th grade civics, but I thought feminism meant right to equality.
abitofaLunaTic posted over a year ago
Umm...Mary Sue. Duh. (answer to mimifaith's question)
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
Free_Spirit said:
okay hem hem
1. Do you have problems
2. Do you think its alright with the idea of phedophelia
3. Do you also agree with stalking
4. Have you ever been to a pe class?
5. if so how the bloody hell can edward produce sperm?
6. Why do you make it seem as though everyone besides the cullens that approach bella are somehwhat annoying cause they act like normal teenagers.
7. Why is the movie so bad?
8. Why didn't you even read a vampire book BEFORE you wrote a vampire book
9. Why did you give everbody happy endings and make breaking dawns ending unrealistic
10. Oh and also what drug did you use to get your publisher to actually publish this?
..thats what i would ask lol
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posted over a year ago 
LOL loved number 8
nicole_23 posted over a year ago
Love numbers 3,6,8, and 9.
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
Go number 10!
-BlazeTheCat- posted over a year ago
-Alohomora- said:
Why did you ruin my life?
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posted over a year ago 
Along the same lines, "Why did you waste time I could have spent reading better books?"
Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
yep. i agree -Alohomora-
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
tymple said:

1. why in the world did you think twilight was a good idea

2. are you porposly trying to torcher people
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posted over a year ago 
Alycat4848 said:
What the hell do the book covers have to do with anything? An apple, a flower, a ribbon, and chess wtf?
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posted over a year ago 
The titles too. I can explain (if I don't die laughing first): apple-"forbidden fruit like in the Adam and Eve story is supposed to represent Edward and Bella's forbidden love", I'm not sure about the flower or the chess, but the ribbon: "it shows Bella being torn between Edward and Jacob, as it does her humanity and her longing to be a vampire". I know. Cheesy, right?
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
^^ dying from...laughter!!! How corny can your get?! :D
ILuvSweeneyTodd posted over a year ago
@Alycat Flowers don't bleed? What? The green is Jacob, the white is Edward, rah, something like that.
HecateA posted over a year ago
xxXsk8trXxx said:
1. Why did you turn vampires in to fairy princesses?

2. Why did you make Edward and Jacob pedophilles? Don't you know that's against the law?

3. Why did you HAVE to make the story sound so emo?

4. Why do you think that every girl needs to mary young and to someone older?

5. Why are you so stupid?

6. Why didn't you use the thesaurus?

7. Couldn't you just have ignored your "inspiring" dream and moved on?

8. Why is Bella a Mary-Sue?

9. Why did you base Bella off of yourself?
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posted over a year ago 
I would so ask #7.
Mysteriamoon posted over a year ago
The thing about #6 is that, well...she DID use the thesaurus. As in, WAY TOO MUCH. =P
Dearheart posted over a year ago
These are great questions! And I love your icon. " Does this look UNSURE to you? "
RavenclawPride posted over a year ago
TeamSiriusBlack said:
What leaves were you smoking when you decided to write a book about a wet dream you had?
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posted over a year ago 
snusnu13 said:
everyone has asked mine but:

Why don't you accept critism for your books and realise that some people DON'T like them?
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, that way she might actually improve.
abitofaLunaTic posted over a year ago
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
mitchie19 said:
My Questions:

>Why Jacob and Renesmee?

>Is it hard to write like The Twilight Saga?

>When doing the Twilight Saga movies, is it easy to choose the stars or the real celebs to play the characters?

That's all, I think.

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posted over a year ago 
IAmPortia said:
Stephenie Meyer, why did you made those books?
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posted over a year ago 
GemonkDruid said:
All of them, and sooooooo much more.
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posted over a year ago 
Monrose said:
Ask her if she have thought about Ian Somerhalder as Ian in The Host.
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posted over a year ago 
Correction: Demand.
Monrose posted over a year ago
Ian Somerhalder is totally smokin'
Emsalee1801 posted over a year ago
Monrose posted over a year ago
Starlight60 said:
1. What was with Bella's horrific pregnancy and child birth experience? What that the only way you believe you could have made those experiences meaningful?
2. Why couldn't she have given birth to Renesmee the normal, natural way. Do you think that a vampire c-section can be construed as a cop-out against depicting women's real experiences of giving birth?
3. Why was Bella's experience of raising a child completely free of difficulty?
4. Does the fact that Bella gets everything reflect a sense of unfulfilment in your own life? Do you think it is realistic to expect that women can have everything?
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posted over a year ago 
PrincessVandal said:
1. What were you thinking?
2. Don't you realize that there are plenty of haters out there?
3. What's with you poisoning innocent teenage girls' minds?
4. Do you honestly believe that love at first sight even exist? I know it's fiction we're talking about, but seriously?
5. Were you on any drugs or any special medications when writing out your stories?
6. How does it feel to know that real passionate readers hate you for your stupid stories?
7. Do you support feminism?
8. What's with the pedophilia and the stalking?
9. Why sparkles? WHY?
10. How did your books even get published?
11. Why were you stealing off some originality from other amazing books, such as the names of the characters?
12. Do you know that your rabid Twilight fans don't even know how to spell online? Is it some annoying fad or some sort of secret code?
13. Do you know how many boyfriends are you hurting? They can't stand Twilight, and they would simply get dumped by their girlfriends because they're not Edward.
14. What were your fans thinking that it's better than any other piece of literature ever created? How is it better than the Bible?
15. Why do you think that your fans say that Bella is a great role model?
16. Do you how highly addictive your books are? I'm an ex-fan and I had experience.
17. Why does Bella have to be you?
18. Did you ever noticed that your books tend to make women highly perverted? You don't want to know what these women do when they're lonely at night.
19. Are those one of the symptoms for obsessive Twilightitis?
20. Why are your books so badly written and so cliche?
21. Why does Bella have to repeat herself when describing Edward, especially when she does that in every other sentence?
22. Why does Bella have to be a Mary-sue and Edward a Gary-stu?
23. Did you know I wrote a declaration against your books? You should read about. I highly recommend it.
24. Why did you have to rape your thesaurus?
25. Do you think you'll still be popular in the next 400 years or so?
26. Do you plan on taking writing classes in the future?
27. Wouldn't it be better for you if you put your stories on fanfiction. net?
28. Do you know when this fad will end?
29. I've noticed that the names Isabella and Jacob are the most popular baby names now. Do you see them becoming the most hated names in the future?
30. What was the purpose for writing out a saga full of lusty romance with tons of plot holes had to do with a pathetic dream of yours???

I can go on all day if I want to.
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posted over a year ago 
You have some really good questions :)
Aguinaga09 posted over a year ago
Ha ha ha! 29... It's really too bad, Isabella is a nice name, but now I detest it and would never name my child or character that (no offence), plus it totally ruins ellatrix Lestrange :( And as for 12, I think it is a secret code.
HecateA posted over a year ago
I LOVE 24!
-BlazeTheCat- posted over a year ago
HecateA said:
1 Does Bella have any other interests (Edward doesn't count) apart from reading Wuthering Heights?
2 You do realise that there are more classes then gym and biology, right?
3 There is more to feminism then "having a choice" right? (thats her definition: so choosing to let a man abuse you is a form of feminism)
4 You know that sunshine goes threw clouds, right?
5 How can you get a papercut from wrapping paper, and even then, how do you get it to bleed without squeezing so a vampire sniffs it?
6 Have you ever had a health class?
7 Have you ever had an AIDS class? (if so, you should know that since vampire venom replaces most body liquids, Bella would've became a vampire before the honeymoon)
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
When is Rosalie Hale's birthday?

I always wonder what her sign is....
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posted over a year ago 
I think she's a scorpius personally.
HecateA posted over a year ago
Do you mean Scorpio? I don't think there's a Scorpius.
November99 posted over a year ago
I think she's either an Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces. Because she died (well kind of) in April of 1933 at the age of 18, her birthdate was in 1915. So she must have been born during January, February, March, or possibly the beginning of April...
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
tdafan121 said:
First, a few simple ones:

1. I read your review of The Hunger Games. Do you admit that it's better than all your Twilight books combined? Beacuse it is.
2. I've written some crazy crap fanfictions based on dreams before, but why couldn't you just forget about 99% of that dream like normal people?

And now for the funnier ones:

3. What were you on when you made vampires sparkle?
4. Why, just WHY?!?!
5. Why couldn't you have just made them all die at the end? Now that would make a good ending! I mean, didn't the last book of The Hunger Games (Mockingjay) end that way? Didn't you say you were "obsessed" with The Hunger Games? HM?!?!
6. Why does Bella think it's OK for Edward to watch her while she sleeps? I think it's creepy.
7. What were you thinking?!?!?!?!?
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
1) Have you ever read a book? Because I'm not sure how you managed to miss that the plot is scattered throughout the entire book, not just the last five chapters.
2) Were you religiously home-schooled? Because there were so many mistakes that wouldn't have been there had you taken a biology class and a decent English class.
3) Why didn't you fire your editor for not doing her job? They are supposed to fix your mistakes, not leave them there.
4) Honestly, do you not realize the messages your sending out to young children? Or do you just not care?
5) Why didn't you just leave Jacob as a werewolf? You announcing randomly that he was a shape shifter did not contribute anything to the story.
6)What does your therapist think of your delusions about love?
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posted over a year ago 
Excuse me, but homeschools DO teach more than decent English & Biology. The real question is, was it a religious homeschool?
November99 posted over a year ago
That's what I meant. I was thinking faster than I was typing.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
deathchick9 said:
1.What were you smoking when you wrote this?
2.Why is Edward such a douche?
3.Why is Jacob a Pedo-Wolf?
4.Why do you Wild animals count as vegetables?
5.Why didn't Charlie get a restraining order against Edward after the Voltara mess?
6.Why did she let it become a movie?
7.Why did she show pat of midnight sun to Robert Patterson? (What the fuck was his name?)
8.Why didn't Bella get creeped out when Edward said that he watched her sleep?
9.Why did she make a manga of it?
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posted over a year ago 
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