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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

i think im going to leave this club

i thought this club was supposed to be a Critical Analysis of Twilight. which now sounds to me like a cover up for bashing spot. which is what it really seems like it is now. i am a twilighter. now your gonna claim i am leaving because i just dont like things that are against twilight. wrong. all i see are hateful comments and answers to SM and her "crazy" fans. excuse them for being passionate about something they love. and it seems like so many people's joys on here are to say hateful things about twilight all day long. which makes me very turned off to this club. its not a joy to go on here. to have to feel like so many people think im an idiot because i like twilight. and that i have no taste in books. a lot of people say twilight is overrated. well i think harry potter is overrated but you dont see any critical analysis of that. which i wouldnt join still because i know it would turn into a bashing spot. which im not for. so, guess this is bye to this club.
I was going to answer, but Mermaid-Tail pretty much covered everything already. xD Twilight_Dream, I'm sorry that being here makes you unhappy. I really wish there was more I could do. =( But I can understand why being here would be discouraging for you. I know what it's like to love something, and how it feels to see a lot of negativity about it. If you truly feel this club isn't for you, I completely understand and I totally respect that. Thank you for giving it a try, at least, and for giving your fanbase a good name by being so respectful to everyone. =) (BTW, if anyone here has been mean or rude to you in any way, please let me know so I can kick their butts. xD We do have rules here, and I'd like to enforce them as much as possible. Thanks!)
Dearheart posted over a year ago
thank you. i really don't want to offend you and i hope i haven't said anything that has. i guess this club just isn't for me like you said. but thank you for welcoming me. and i don't want to name names. its not really a big deal about that. but thanks so much for your time.
Twilight_Dream posted over a year ago
Oh no no no, you haven't offended me at all! *hugs* And if you don't want to name names, that's fine. I really am sorry if any CAT member in particular has been nasty to you, though. =(
Dearheart posted over a year ago
yea im goin to leave this club i thought it was somethin for twilight becaquse im a huge twilight fan
Taylormyhottie posted over a year ago
 Twilight_Dream posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight  best answer

Mermaid-Tail said:
We've had Twilight fans think this was a cover for a bashing club, the ones I saw changed their minds when they looked around. There are serious discussions where we talk about our dislike for certain plots, but that's expressing an opinion not bashing (which I would consider close minded hate, or refusal to hear an opposing viewpoint). There are also mocking images, but they are intended as a joke, not to offend fans. In fact some of them were even posted by Twilighters. We do not 'get joy' out of saying hateful things, we get it out of interesting debate/analysis. and jokes.
You say so many people here think you are an idiot or have no taste in books for liking Twilight. Please can you link me to any page where someone has said something like that to you? Because we have rules on this spot, and if anyone has insulted you just for liking the books they have broken the rules and do not represent the views of the spot as a whole.

Also, when people talk about the 'crazy' fans, they are not talking about just anyone who likes the books. When we say crazy fans we don't mean people who love the books, who talk about them, buy merchandise, even dress up as characters. By crazy we only mean the ones who have insulted or attacked us, or have done something that makes them seem crazy. It's not an insult to all fans.

This spot has an undeniable imbalance, but we are trying very hard to fix it. The problem is, many Twilighters see the debates (that are so far mainly showing an anti view) and think 'this spot is for antis'. We really want the spot to become fair to both sides, and we want our debates to have a pro opinion. Maybe better than leaving would be to invite some of your pro Twilight fanpop friends to join so you can all express your side in our debates? (*Important* by this I don't mean a call to arms, to come put antis in their place or something. I mean letting more pros know we really do want them to be heard, so they can come and help the spot have a balance of opinions)

If the only reason you were leaving is thinking we all hate Twilight and it's fans, and that your opinion wouldn't be welcomed I hope you reconsider. There are going to be rude people on every spot, but they don't represent the majority of us. If this spot simply isn't for you then I understand, and hope you know that it's not true we hate or look down on Twilighters. Our spot members certainly don't think you are stupid or lack taste for being a Twilighter :)
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posted over a year ago 
wow well said.
kwlski4ever posted over a year ago
November99 posted over a year ago
If it bothers you so much, then you should leave. But I agree with Mermaid-Tail - don't leave with the wrong impression. If anyone has treated you unfairly here, you should let people like her know. I'd be interested to see links where people treated you unfairly as well. BTW, great answer, Mermaid-Tail.
Cinders posted over a year ago
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Plenilunio said:
Goodbye, then.
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posted over a year ago 
Ha! Agreed.
Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
friendsfan101 said:
Well, all right.
I'm a fan of Twilight, and I honestly have no clue what you're talking about.
The people on this spot-in my opinion-have been very nice, and the ONLY people that I have seen them bashing are the over-the-top Twilight fans-you know, the ones who have made the religion "Cullenism", and threaten to kill people if they don't like Edward Cullen? I have not seen them criticize anybody who says that they are fans.
Also, I don't think this is a bashing spot. I think that this really is crytical.

"well i think harry potter is overrated but you dont see any critical analysis of that."

Okay...where did that come from, Twilight_Dream. I believe that the reason HP doesn't have that is because unlike Twilight, it is generally liked by a lot of people, instead of a ton of people who hate it and a ton of people who love it.

If you want to leave this spot, fine. Do it. It's not my choice. But I find it really funny that there are a LOT of us Twilight fans who complain ALL THE TIME that this is a bashing spot, and yet they do nothing about it. They don't make and pro-Twilight picks, or answers, or forums, or anything-the ones who I've seen complain, at least. I don't remember you ever posting anything, so I guess good bye then, but you do realize that you could MAKE pro-Twilight stuff, right, instead of just sitting here and complaining about it?

Okay...switching to nice mode: I guess I could see why you want to leave. There is a lot of negativity around Twilight, and I'm sorry that you don't like going on this club anymore. So..good bye.

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posted over a year ago 
i HAVE tried making positive stuff about twilight. but it always gets flooded with negative comments. can you see how that might bring me down? so i did NOT just sit there and complain. i tried being positive. but its hard with all this negativity here.
Twilight_Dream posted over a year ago
All right. =( I guess good bye then, I'll miss you.
friendsfan101 posted over a year ago
friendsfan101: I love your mature answer! Glad to have you here.
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
Thank you! =)
friendsfan101 posted over a year ago
abitofaLunaTic said:
I'm sort of going to address something you wrote - a 'Critical Analysis of Harry Potter' spot. If you look around the Harry Potter spot, we do criticize HP sometimes so I don't think there's a need for a separate CAHP spot.
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posted over a year ago 
Plus if you say you don't like Snape for instance you don't get attacked by hundreds of rabid fans.
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
We just think you're crazy. X) But yeah lol, as long as you're not too rude us Snape fans don't mind.
LadyLilith posted over a year ago
rachaelwsz said:
Sorry, but I can't say that I entirely agree with you about what's going in the club. And your statement about Harry Potter.

But if you think you should leave, then that's your opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
MadamOcta13 said:
FYI: Harry Potter vs. Twilight is a Crytical Analysis of BOTH books/movies. Besides, this club is for people who want to get away from the Twilight hype along with CRYTICIZING IT!!!
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posted over a year ago 
I agree -_-
Gaarasgirl42 posted over a year ago
that seems stupid to me but whatever.......
Twilight_Dream posted over a year ago
what part?
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said:
Well, this is free speech about Twilight. You as a fan need to remember that us non-fans have like NO retreat. I see Twilight wherever I go. NO JOKE! Twilight here, Twilight there, OMG Twilight, Twilight Twilight. Rob is the best, Taylor is so cute blah blah blah! The only time we hear about Harry Potter is when a book is released or a movie comes out. Which is never again for the books,- though hope that changes. And every year or Two years for the movies. If you arent an obsessive Twilighter, than our cynical points of view for the series arent toward you, they are toward those who cant seem to get a grip on reality.
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posted over a year ago 
kwlski4ever posted over a year ago
Neytiri1045 posted over a year ago
× @Twilight_Dream: This is gonna sound harsh but, go cry me a river. There are millions of users on fanpop and millions of clubs. If one user dosen't like a club, then just leave. Making an answer stating why you are leaving was ok, but now whining on other people's answers to your question about how you as a Twilighter were treated so 'unfairly' here at CAT is just annoying.
-Alohomora- posted over a year ago
yunuen said:
I agree but disagree at the same time. I started reading Twilight back when almost no one knew about it... and it was great, but as soon as it started to get more popular, things started to change...and eventually, i hated twilight... i hated all the advertisement and the whole drama pretty much, but then i decided to enjoy what i liked best about it(the book)and ignored the rest. Personally, i think the movie wasn't good compared to the book.
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posted over a year ago 
That's a great way to look at it. Strip back the hype and the ridiculous fans who make it their life and just appreciate the book. I have to say after a while I wasn't able to do that anymore but I'm glad there are some fans who just like it for what it is, not what it does for obsessed Tweens and Hollywood stars :)
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
I dont like the moviemuch... they leave out many sceenes I like most....
MrazBell10 posted over a year ago
and I agree with you
MrazBell10 posted over a year ago
LadyLilith said:
I'm very sorry that you felt so uncomfortable here. =( But some people have clubs that they fit right into, and then other clubs that they don't like as much. Maybe it was just the wrong club for you, like getting a shoe in the wrong size or something.

I hate to see you go, but it'll be better that way. =) Just don't think negatively of us, especially of Dearheart (who is just awesome). Maybe we'll see you around somewhere else. *Gives cookies*
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posted over a year ago 
kwlski4ever said:
If that's what you choose .
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posted over a year ago 
snoznoodle said:
Everyone's pretty much said everything that needs to be said. I'll just add that I have the feeling that a lot of Twilighters think we bash when they make positive comments about Twilight and we question them when really we'd just like a good explanation. It's critical analysis so saying "i luurv Eddykins becuz hez hawt" doesn't really cut it here. We'd like to know why you think he's so fantastic because a lot of us have lot of reasons why he isn't. It's nothing personal. And it definitely isn't insulting you because of your opinion. We genuinely want to know why you love your book so much. Sometimes that goal does get lost though - I can't say that we're all perfect and we do the right thing all the time. But our goal is to keep you around because you like Twilight! Keeping you here is the only way bashing will decrease. But if you have to leave then you have to leave and I'm sorry for that.
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posted over a year ago 
MrazBell10 said:
We're the same....

I think HarryPotter as overratted!!!

I'm a Twilight Fanatic myself and I am really offended that some say negative and hateful things about Twilight.
I think it's really great and fantastic...
And I love Stephanie Meyer too...(though I love Carolyn Keene and Daniel Steel most)
And I like reading it again and again....
especially Breakin Dawn!

If you want to leave this club it's your decision... I'm not going to criticize you for leaving and...

can you be my friend?

My name is
Mraz Bell

♥ ya'
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posted over a year ago 
14jcub said:
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posted over a year ago 
Taylormyhottie said:
im leavin this club
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posted over a year ago 
MissKnowItAll said:
I think you are right(except about HP).

Sadly, this spot has turned into a bashing club in many ways. However, I think it is because of an inbalance, and the fact that there are problems with Twilight.

But thats no reason to behave like some people on this spot do.

So, I'd say you should stay, just to provide a bit more balance. Leaving won't solve anything. But, if you want to leave, then leave. It's you choice.
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posted over a year ago 
Princessawesome said:
This club is just about expressing opinions about twilight. I don't think people should be rude about it, but if they are then there's no reason something so it really doesn't matter what people to get offended. Twilight is not a person or say about it as long as they're not making fun of you in particular. I must say that I agree with you on the fact that Harry Potter is overrated though.
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posted over a year ago 
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