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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

For those of you who have read "Breaking Dawn"...

Why is that particular book the "suckish one"? I've read how some Twilight fans became anti when they read it, and I just wanted to know: what is it about that book that made so horrible?

*NOTE: I know all about the Jacob and Nessie thing, Renesme never should've existed, and there was supposed to be some epic war but it never happened. I find these things ridiculous but I see them as no different from the other plot holes of the other books.
I hate the whole series. I think it is incredabily stupid. It has no plot.
redhawks posted over a year ago
I absolutely agree with you
timeandfate posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

LifesGoodx3 said:
Basically everything you mentioned. It annoys me to no end that Jacob ended up with Nessie. You see, I'm Team Jacob. I feel like pairing him with Bella's & Edward's daughter is a slap in the face to everyone on Team Jacob.

Also, I really wanted to see that big fight. But literally, it turned out to be a discussion. All that suspense, it's supposed to build up to something big right? Well it didn't. That was a HUGE disappointment.

Another thing, Leah and Rosalie are apparently the "bitches". Bella hates them both... They have a reason to be the way they are & I love both. But because they have some remorse in their lives & something to complain about, Bella hates them. She doesn't understand that everyone does not have a "perfect" life like she does.

& Yes, I see the appeal of a happy ending. But I feel like to get to a happy ending, you have to have some loss. Bella had no loss. She gets everything she wants.
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posted over a year ago 
AstridGoof8219 said:
Almost everything. In my opinion, Breaking Dawn was the worst of the books. My order of how horrible is:
4. Eclipse
3. Twilight
2. New Moon
1. Breaking Dawn

Mainly what I hated about it was this. Teens get hitched. Teens go to island for honeymoon. Teens get knocked up and during, dead guy bruises Mary-Sue girl. Mary-Sue girl gets preggers with demon child. Demon child nearly kills Mary-Sue girl when born. Mary-Sue girl's ex-bf falls for demon child. Mary-Sue girl becomes sparklepire. Huge war with sparklepire royalty is expected. It then turns out to be just circle time and they just talk. Sparklepire royalty leaves and dead guy, Mary-Sue girl, Mary-Sue girl's in-laws, Mary-Sue girl's ex-bf, and demon spawn live happily ever after.

It's pathetic and Bella's stupid character never changes.
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posted over a year ago 
Nice summary............I'mma vote this best answer.......but this is true............i agree with you.
Karipoof posted over a year ago
shadowsgirl252 said:
Jacobs part is so boring
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posted over a year ago 
Mysteriamoon said:
The ending was too neat. Everyone got what they wanted (or what they deserved). There was very little plot. The battle wasn't a battle. Bella can't pick baby names. Jacob is rude to blondes. Rosalie is blonder than usual. To me, the entire book felt like an advertisement for Stephenie Meyer's causes (anti-abortion, sex only after marriage, peace offerings, etc.).

The story drags on. And on. And on. And... *zzz*

By Breaking Dawn, Meyer's writing was getting better, but her plot was dragging. That's one of the hardest thing for authors: coming up with new plots. So Meyer put in a tidy, predictable ending.
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posted over a year ago 
boolander25 said:
Well I thought it was OK. I mean I REALLY HATED how there was no major bad-ass vampire fight, but I liked it. It was cool to see how vampire really acted through the narrators eyes. That was my favorite part, when Bela wakes up and sees like 50 billion colors, I thought that was great.
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posted over a year ago 
that was pretty cool... xD
amymeymy posted over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said:
Well, I thought, it was good, but the second time, BORING!

The reason why is because all the enemies are dead. So, they bring BACK the Voulturi for no good reason! We know the Voulturi for goodness sakes! They've been there since New Moon.

(BTW, Its Renesmee.)
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posted over a year ago 
me too!
amymeymy posted over a year ago
sid1123 said:
i soo agree wid u this book spoils da series 4 me i wish the movie izz never made n tat jake n nessie thing its sooo can sum1 b wid there moms ex.....
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posted over a year ago 
amymeymy posted over a year ago
tomfeltonfan44 said:
Jacob's part is boring and when they were supposed to fight with the volturi all they did was debate.And most of all the ending wasn't that fantastic.. It was okay, i guess but Stephenie Meyer can do better
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posted over a year ago 
chagrin91 said:
I hate the fact that there is just nothing soo special in it i mean everybody is happy at the end nothing happens and everybody gets what they want.That totally suckx and the Nessi and Jacob thing oh man How can anybody do that??
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posted over a year ago 
amymeymy said:
It was soooooo boring!!! You spend the whole book getting psyched about this great fight that's going to happen, and you want to know who wins, who's gonna die (with fingers crossed) and if they're gonna kill Renesmee or whatever.
But no.
They have a chat with threatening glares.
Plus, honeymoon? Snore-worthy.
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posted over a year ago 
mari_giovani said:
"I've read how some Twilight fans became anti when they read it"

Yep, i'm one of those ppl!
Why? honestly, that book nearly made me gag while reading it. It almost felt like someone else had written it, the whole thing was rushed and at the same time boring and stupid; none of the chracters felt like themselves. And the "lets all hold hands and live happilly ever after" annoyed the hell outta me! Sorry, i'm a Joss Whedon fan, and happy endings suck!!!

For me, the strange ones are the ones that like that "book" and the ones that are turning it into a movie! Seriously: teenagers getting married, dead man making baby monster, baby monster killing mother at birth and noone does nothing, girl that loves the sun being turned into vampire, mommy's ex falling for baby monster, beggining of war because of the baby monster,....need i go on?? It sucks, period.
*lol i love saying baby monster, gives the shivers every time!!* ;P
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
I wasn't a big fan to begin with, but Breaking Dawn turned me off entirely. Besides the things you mentioned (and the gigantic mistakes and plot holes) it was boring, unrealistic, seemed like it was made to appease the fans (not that it did), didn't make sense, and was disappointing.

There were so many parts that could have been exciting to see drug out - the wolves reaction to Jacob's imprinting, the interaction between the Cullens after Nessie was born, the interaction between the new allies - but weren't. Instead, we're presented with 100 pages about how much more sexier Edward looks now, Bella running and hunting once, and the long conversation between the two "armies." There was no fight scene, no explanation for the broken rules, and the wolves were declared as shape shifters which was never brought up again. Everyone was paired off and ended on a happy note.

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posted over a year ago 
Karipoof said:
I think most fans think it's suckish because they were disappointed in how Stephenie Meyer ended the series. She did not stick to some traits she created for characters. For example, she created Edward to be a gentle character and yet on his honeymoon, he tore pillows,broke Esme's headboard and injured Bella. Also many of the fans do not favour Breaking Dawn because they wanted the second book, which was in Jacob's perspective, to be in Bella's perspective. Many fans wanted to read about the pregnancy from Bella's perspective(by fans I mean the Twilight crazed fans at my school who read Breaking Dawn).

Also many fans did not enjoy Breaking Dawn because it disappointed them. Some of the fans were entirely pissed at the ending of Breaking Dawn, because there was no fight. The Volturi believed what Edward and Bella told them and left. Many of the fans also think Breaking Dawn is not the fictional vampire romance they expected it to be. Some of the fans didn't like Emmet's sexual innuendo. This information is based on what I have gathered from conversations about Breaking Dawn. It is solely based on opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
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