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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question


Twi-Hards: Are you going to watch Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2?!

Antis: Are you going to watch Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2?

Wow, our movies are coming to an end, but it still lives on! XD
 zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight  best answer

Drisina said:
I am a fan of both lol so i will go to see both definetely.
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posted over a year ago 
Whoo! *Votes Best* Me too! High Fives!
LinaHarrow posted over a year ago
TrueTwi_hard posted over a year ago
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rachaelwsz said:
"Antis: Are you going to watch Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2? "

Probably. I need to feed my curiosity.
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posted over a year ago 
o__o I wonder how they're going to make it PG13, because there's so much sex and gore in the book...
teamsalvatore98 posted over a year ago
and nuedity, but without the sex
teamsalvatore98 posted over a year ago
what possible violence...? oh, renesme's birth. so what? it's probably gonna be "R"...maybe or they'll just cut all of the unnecessary crap out (meaning no movie)
Sasume posted over a year ago
haha yeah^^
redhawks posted over a year ago
MileyBandGeek14 said:
I'm an anti and fuck no!!!!!! I'd rather kill myself!!! I'm gonna see Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!:DDDDDD
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I'm an anti and fuck no!!!!!! I'd rather kill myself!!! I'm gonna see Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!:DDDDDD
posted over a year ago 
justliveitlive posted over a year ago
MileyBandGeek14 posted over a year ago
Neytiri1045 posted over a year ago
tdafan121 said:
I'm an Anti, and HADES NO.
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posted over a year ago 
LabraLege said:
I'm Anti, GOD NO.
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posted over a year ago 
katiecain said:
I'm a fan, I'll definitely be seeing Harry Potter because I love the movies. However, I doubt I'll be seeing Breaking Dawn because even though I like the others, I didn't like that book and I think the film will be even worse.
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posted over a year ago 
tellymaster said:
I'm an Anti, and I'm probably going to see Breaking Dawn. It's been a thing with me and one of my friends to go see it because we both hate it and we can make fun of it. ;)
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posted over a year ago 
sounds fun
luv_warriorcatz posted over a year ago
Sasume posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
Since I'm a "Twi-hard"...

No, I most likely won't. I've never been that interested in Harry Potter. Perhaps I'll see glimpses of it due to future clips on YouTube or it happens to be on television when I go and visit someone.

But chances are, I won't.
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
I'm an anti, and I'm going to see Breaking Dawn. It's a thing I do with my mom every year.
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posted over a year ago 
aww.. me too ^.^
XbloodyXroseX posted over a year ago
IzzyOzera said:
i'm an anti and i'll probably go with my friends because they all like it, but i plan to download Buffy to my ipod and put it on during the birth scene, and when Caius comes on i'm going say "OH MY GOD!!! IT'S LUCIUS MALFOY, oh wait no sorry false alarm false alarm" then go back to eating popcorn :D
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posted over a year ago 
I MUST do that too!
MephilesTheDark posted over a year ago
HecateA posted over a year ago
NymphadoraXD said:
I'm an Anti and Merlin's pants NO!
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posted over a year ago 
! Merlin's pants! :D
justliveitlive posted over a year ago
Sasume posted over a year ago
justliveitlive said:
Antis: Are you going to watch Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2?

Hell no. I stopped at movie one, after witnessing the horrendous acting.
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posted over a year ago 
Kassaremidylynn said:
I m Antis and I say...
When hades freezes over, then...
Probably not even then.
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posted over a year ago 
hahah :D
g4eva posted over a year ago
Hades freezes over. Bloody brilliant!
HecateA posted over a year ago
partypony posted over a year ago
scarxtardis said:
I'm a fan of both, so definetly yes to both!
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posted over a year ago 
GemonkDruid said:
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
I'm an anti, and HELL TO THE NO.
I'll get all the info I need from it from watching spoofs.
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posted over a year ago 
Invader-Tak said:
Harry Potter maybe...
I hate Twilight so much I've only seen the 1st movie once! Definitely NOT for breaking dawn.
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posted over a year ago 
November99 said:
I'm an anti, and maybe for both. I don't like Harry Potter that much, and I might go see Breaking Dawn for the fun of it.
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posted over a year ago 
523906 said:
not harry potter but i am going to see breaking dawn because so far all of the twilight movies have been really funny
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posted over a year ago 
CSI_Rachael said:
I'm and Anti and most likely no cause I really don't fancy having to watch the scene where Bella has the baby because it sounds horrific, however my best friend is a massive twi-hard and R-Pattz fan and has managed to drag me to the past 3 so she'll probably try and force me to see it and I'm really bad at saying no :(
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posted over a year ago 
Neytiri1045 said:
Im definetly going to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows =D
About Breaking Dawn... I don't think so, I have tried to see the other three movies and I just can't stand it... and besides, TWO movies of breaking dawn... GOD no!
I understand why they did the two part thing with harry potter, I've read the book and seriously, so many things happen that they can't fit in just 1 movie!!! It's not the same with Breaking Dawn.... just no.
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posted over a year ago 
chuckylover911 said:
Im a fan of both so im going to watch bothe of those movies and additional movie parts!
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Im a fan of both so im going to watch bothe of those movies and additional movie parts!
posted over a year ago 
teamsalvatore98 said:
Both, both. I even saw HP twice, the day it came out and the day after. I love Harry Potter, and I don't get why there's so much hate between the two series. :]
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posted over a year ago 
Sasume said:
I'm an Anti. I couldn't sit throught those movies if you tied me to a chair...I would've maybe saw ONE but when I heard it's gonna be two movies, heck no! Harry Potter forever!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
i'm gonna see the deathly hallows cuz i was proud of the first part :)
Sasume posted over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said:
I'll see Deathly Hallows probably like 10 times. Because it will be the best movie ever!!!!!

I'll see Breaking Dawn even though I hate it and will be wincing all the way thrrough. Out of curiosity. plus, then I can tell the Twitards how bad it was.
I can't believe they made it into 2 parts.
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posted over a year ago 
g4eva said:
I am an anti and Well I dont know
I wanna watch it cause Im curious and so I can make fun of it
but I was almost puking while reading the book so how am I gonna stand the movie ???
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posted over a year ago 
ISABELLA92 said:
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posted over a year ago 
cassie-1-2-3 said:
I will see Breaking Dawn
I will not see Harry Potter
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posted over a year ago 
alisonfaith297 said:
i am a huge HP fan. and i personally hate twilight the movie franchise and why not throw in the books too. cos the movie has totally ruined it. but i'm gonna skim through breaking dawn... wanna see the half human vampire baby..
and already counting down to hp so excited.
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posted over a year ago 
gonna wasted 2 hours of my life
alisonfaith297 posted over a year ago
1-2vampire said:
I'd rather not.
I've seen Twilight because I used to like it.
And I've seen Eclipse because my school decided that for cinema and bowling trip we will watch that and I'd already paid so I made the most of it (I dressed up as a Hogwarts student)

DH part 1&2 is like the end of an era.
BD part 1&2 is like the end of a few short years of fame.

No, I will not be going to watch Breaking Dawn.
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posted over a year ago 
partypony said:
I am an Anti.

I will watch Deathly Hallows 1&2.
I will not watch Breaking Dawn 1&2.

Heck, I haven't even watched any of the Twilight movies. And I'm not planning on it somewhere in the future.
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posted over a year ago 
maryksand said:
I'll try to make it clear... I consider myself an Anty and I'm also a big Harry Potter fan. I watched DH part 1 and I am NOT going to watch Breaking Dawn and see Jacob imprinting on a baby which is gross and horrible, just like the whole Twilight thing in general. But honestly, I am not a fan of how JK Rowling wrote her last book and that's why I can't say I liked DH movie. What I hate about Twilight is that in this book stalking = fine. In her last book JK Rowling tried to sell Severus Snape as a hero, though he was a stalker for Lily and wanted to kill her husband and newborn son due to be with her. So, basically, JKR sends us same wrong massages as Twilight does, only she doesn't say that being like Snape is ok and only gives him a credit for helping Harry, which is of course better than what Twilight is doing, but not something that I can approve.

Also, love story. Though I absolutely love Ron and Hermione story and it's a great story about equal relationship between a strong female character and a brave risky passionate boy, I think Harry/Ginny is an insult to all the love stories and they are pretty much as awful as Edward/Bella and in fact, even worse. Ginny was his fangirl for years and years and it turned out that she "never gave uo on him" = never developed as her own person. She was obsessed with this famous boy and didn't grow up. In the beginning of the last book the only thing she cares about is him not meeting some cute Vella during his life dangerous journey, she is full of jealusy and inconfidence. This is definitely not a good role model for young girls and JKR almost repeated an epic fail that Bella is. Thankfully, not totally.
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posted over a year ago 
Actually, Ginny did get a lot stronger in the books. I mean, she could be in the same room as him without flushing red and she could stand up for herself and who she was. In my opinion, Ginny managed to grow up fine. And 'never gave up on you' just means that she always had a thing for him, it just never stopped. And Severus knew inside of him that killing James and Harry was wrong, he asked Dumbledore to hide them all, in the end. And he only stalked her when they were little kids. I mean, he was young, he didn't know any better adn with the example he got at his house...
HecateA posted over a year ago
I could have bought Ginny's growth if it had been well developed but IMO it wasn't. She turned into a Mary Sue all of a sudden, whom everybody loved and every single guy wanted to date; she would insult her sister in law just because it annoyed her that Flear was pretty and foreign and a new person to their family and JKR wrote it as if doing so is completelly fine. So basically book 6 Ginny Weasley was even more immature and bitchy than Bella Swang. Severus IMO was obsessed with Lily; then after her death he turned her son's life into hell by bulling him just because Harry "dared" to recemble James. In my opinion, it really was a bad massege, but it is only my opinion.
maryksand posted over a year ago
Team_Carlisle said:
i like both but hell no to both
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posted over a year ago 
theblondegirl said:

I think BD might just be one of the most hilarious theater experiences EVER. And I'll be interested to know how they actually manage to pull off the Renesmee/Jacob thingy without giving people PedoWolf- vibes!

And Harry Potter will naturally be awesome and I will be there weeping because it's going to be the last film!
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posted over a year ago 
MadamOcta13 said:
I'm a Pot-Head, and there's no way in heck that I'm seeing Breaking Dawn! :-P
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posted over a year ago 
Gred_and_Forge said:
Anti: I probably won't see Breaking Dawn because if it's anything like Eclipse, I do not want to waste my money. I don't want to see a sex scene between Edward and Bella, even if they tame it down (ew, gross much?). Nor do I want to see all these vampires all joining together for an epic....!!!....conversation??? >.< I'd wait until it comes out on Showtime or something because they constantly play Twilight and New Moon anyways.
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posted over a year ago 
tomfeltonfan44 said:
I doubt anyone will allow me to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 and part 2. Since I am a die hard HP fan i will go and see harry Potter part 1 and part 2.
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posted over a year ago 
Emmalie1935 said:
Me, as a Twi-Hard wont watch the Harry Potter movies.. I've just never been into Harry Potter.
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posted over a year ago 
-Grace- said:
Ahaha, I love both series, but I hated the last book of both ^_^ 'Will see both, though.
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posted over a year ago 
Iheartdrwho said:
I've already watched Deathly Hallows :( but haven't read any of the books
And I'm not a fan of the Twilight movies, only the books...So potter movies and Twilight book series.
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posted over a year ago 
BJA said:
Twihard here:
YES i saw it the day after it came out, part 2 i mean. It was awesome, i LOVED it.
I know, it's so sad but aint no one gonna forget the two series.
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posted over a year ago 
HecateA said:
I've seen Part 2 of Deathly Hallows twice now, cried once when they showed... Never mind.

I'm not planning on going to go see Breaking Dawn because I'd just ruin it for the actual fans and I don't believe in that. They weren't there with their Team Jacob and Edward gear when I went to see my movie, I won't be there with my scarf and Hufflepuff shirt to spoil theirs.

If I get invited I might tag along, but I won't steal a seat from a Twihard, or use my money on that movie.

Hope you all enjoyed your respective movies or both!
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posted over a year ago 
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