Cynder Updates

a wallpaper was added: Cynder 10 months ago by shamad
fan art was added: Cynder over a year ago by shamad
an icon was added: Pixel Cynder Icon over a year ago by MoonlitTerror
a photo was added: Cynder (3D Cube) over a year ago by shamad
a comment was made to the article: My Cynder Opinion over a year ago by Jdplcynderfan
a poll was added: Cynder is the best dragon in world? over a year ago by Jdplcynderfan
a comment was made to the poll: Hwo is the sweetest dragon? over a year ago by glelsey
a poll was added: Is Cynder your favourite character in the entire Spyro franchise? over a year ago by glelsey
an article was added: Little Cynder Things over a year ago by glelsey
a comment was made to the photo: Cynder! over a year ago by Bluecherry6765
a comment was made to the poll: Which version of Cynder is your favourite? over a year ago by cynder90
a poll was added: Which version of Cynder is your favourite? over a year ago by glelsey
a comment was made to the poll: Would Ember and Cynder Get Along if They Met? over a year ago by glelsey
a comment was made to the poll: Hottest and greatest personality over a year ago by glelsey
a comment was made to the poll: do you think spyro and cynder are right for eachother? over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Cynder beat Spyro to saying ''I Love You...'' at the end of Dawn Of The Dragon?(I say yea no duh!) over a year ago by cynder90
a pop quiz question was added: What was evil Cynder's greatest desire? over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: WHICH PART OF CYNDER DO YOU LOVE THE MOST? I KNW I KNMOW IT IS ALREADY POSTED BUT IM POSTING IT AGAIN. over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: Would it be awesome if they made a game called Spyro: The Legand Reborn over a year ago by cynder90
a reply was made to the forum post: My opinion of Cynder over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: Do you like cynder as a.... over a year ago by cynder90
a poll was added: Hottest and greatest personality over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you like more? over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: what is the best combo in the romance with spyro,cynder,flame,ember? over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: Which of the following do you love most about Cynder? over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: here is a question i would answer yes to.if you had a chance to enter spyros world at any cost would you? over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you like better? Spyro or Cynder? over a year ago by cynder90
a comment was made to the poll: Which one of Cynder's elements is your favorite? over a year ago by DragonGirl2001
a comment was made to the poll: whichs is the cutest over a year ago by DragonGirl2001
a comment was made to the poll: Who would like to join a fan game. over a year ago by DragonGirl2001
a comment was made to the poll: Spyro and Cynder match made in heaven? ( my opinion: yes!!!) over a year ago by DragonGirl2001
a comment was made to the article: Critical analysis: Cynder doesn't deserve all the hating she gets. over a year ago by Chris83199
a comment was made to the article: My opinoin of Cynder haters over a year ago by Chris83199
a comment was made to the photo: Guide You Home over a year ago by kishita19
a link was added: Evil Cynder Fanpop Club!! over a year ago by zylice
a poll was added: Who would like to join a fan game. over a year ago by Belitinog
a comment was made to the poll: Who got the coolest powers? over a year ago by Belitinog
a pop quiz question was added: What did the gray weird cheetah called Cynder over a year ago by cynderxspyroxox
a poll was added: Would it be awesome if they made a game called Spyro: The Legand Reborn over a year ago by ricoiswsome
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by ricoiswsome
a comment was made to the poll: Who is greater? (I think Cynder) over a year ago by ricoiswsome
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Cynder is sexy? ( i think she is sexy ) over a year ago by ricoiswsome
a comment was made to the screencap: beautiful cynder over a year ago by dragonboy99
a comment was made to the video: The Legend of Cynder and Alice Official Trailer! over a year ago by ninjago47586WE
a reply was made to the forum post: Article on why poor Cynder doesn't deserve all the hate she gets. over a year ago by Northspeed
a comment was made to the poll: If Cynder was never exposed to the darkness, how do you think she would have turned out? over a year ago by glelsey
a comment was made to the photo: aint cynder cute over a year ago by spyromaster2
a comment was made to the poll: What do you think Cynder will look like in the upcoming Spyro movie? (If she's featured) over a year ago by zylice
a pop quiz question was added: why did cynder help spyro over a year ago by cynderspyro2341
a comment was made to the video: the legend of spyro dawn of dragon over a year ago by zylice