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Damon & Bonnie Question

Bonnie & Damon are getting along now in show, they are working together, then why writers are trying to give all of their scenes in the background?Is it me or anyone feels that way?Why only DB fans are treated that way?

Now I heard that Damon will have a Bath-tub scene, I'm hoping it's DB bath-tub scene from Nightfall(a girl can dream..)but if it's our (Damon/Bonnie's )bath-tub scene has been given to any other couple other than DB,I think I might stop watching the show. They can't give our couple scene to other, it's so wrong to DB fans, what's our fault that we are treating like this way??!!!I mean every couple is giving scenes whether it's SE, DE, TC or JB, why DB fans are ignored here, not just ignored, I can't even think Damon/Bonnie's bath-tub scene have been given to any other couple.
*is getting scenes*
lorastefens posted over a year ago
so there is going to be a bathtub scene??
Smartlooks posted over a year ago
I agree stefanswifey the whole show is circled around Bamon and the show wouldnt be anywhere without Damon because he is the most popular charcter and even KW said he wish he could go back and reshoot season 1 so over charcters where shown more of but they focused on Damon/Elena thats all they care about
OrlaghxCullen posted over a year ago
 lorastefens posted over a year ago
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Damon & Bonnie Answers

nsk said:
ok im patient...but if the writors DARE give the bathtub scene to an another couple it would be like an insult to the DB fans , and im not melodramatic or whatever
i hope its just a stupid rumor
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed :D
OrlaghxCullen posted over a year ago
-RandomChick- said:
I SERIOUSLY agree It's REALLY starting to piss me of som of the other scenes arn't even worth it like R and D WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT ROSE!? I wouldn't stop watching it but I have noticed this and it's getting annoying ...
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posted over a year ago 
You know, I don't have any problem with any other couple getting scene but not giving my couple the scenes they deserve is getting really annoying.What's our fault that we are not getting the if they give DB bathtab scene to any cpiole, this would be a slap to DB fans' face , JP & KW are seriously cruel to DB fans.
lorastefens posted over a year ago
-.- Gd -.- jking! :)
-RandomChick- posted over a year ago
*phew* That was a close one lol
nasraDsalvatore posted over a year ago
ducky8abug said:
Polite indifference is hard to swallow. A text message or a mere mention with no physical contact tells me that the executive producers and co-writers are responding to our requests but don't necessarily care about the development of Bonnie and Damon. They don't give a rat's flying ass. Don't get me wrong, I've been patient but there is only so much patience I can dispense without snapping back; and I'm sick of accepting a few measly crumbs. I want more to feast on. I want something meaty to sink my teeth into, and KW and co do not seem interested in giving us what we crave; and good God almighty, I'm starving here. I'd give my eye-teeth for a Bamon sandwich right about now.

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posted over a year ago 
Seriously that is really well put! I honestly agree :)
-RandomChick- posted over a year ago
I defintley agree :D
OrlaghxCullen posted over a year ago
Kw and JP are just concentrating on de, as they want to stay focused on the triangle. Well thats how it seems to me. The Bath tub scene was my fav scene out of all the books and it will upset me greatly if they spoil this and i think they will. They are putting in a bath tub scene with some random guest and when it comes time for the DB bath tub scene, it will seem less epic. This to me, is the route they are taking, just to discredit bd and keep the de build up. The tri is boring and throwing in some random girls for damon, has not budged my thinking from that, as they are not characters to invest in. I want kw and jp to throw a spanner in the works and bring on DB.
Realist1 posted over a year ago
KW and JP are concentrating on the amount of Benjamins in their wallets. They don't give a flying rat's ass about your garden variety Bamon fan. Sorry to be so harsh but it's the truth. Money talks and as a result, bullshit walks. Remember the scene following the bathtub scene, where Damon rescuse Bonnie from the car-crash? Well, that was already used to prop DE in the first season. So, it wouldn't surprise me if other parts of their interactions were used to sell a bill of shoddy goods. But I digress...I know it's disheartening but patience and fortitude is needed to withstand the onslaught of future episodes, and as a Bamon fan, it is needed now more than ever. So let's keep on trucking and continue to support our fav as best (as positively) as we can.
ducky8abug posted over a year ago
pattykirsche said:
I cannot accept if they do this. Where did you find this spoiler, Laura?
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posted over a year ago 
Patty, like nasrasalvatore said here, we heard that Ian is doing a bathroom scene but with a random girl.But it's not DB bath-tub scene, it will be Damon will have sex with that girl but not like saving Bonnie and not cute like DB scene.
lorastefens posted over a year ago
This is disgusting. Everybody knows the bathtub scene is between D&B. We should tell KW&JP that.
pattykirsche posted over a year ago
so damon and this girl hook up in the bathroom/shower/bathtub? or is it just a Damon shower scene?
ItalianAngel89 posted over a year ago
katesbon said:
i think the writers are so invested in delina they just want to make them work together but we are not going to see them together and i think its intentional and i am disapointed
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posted over a year ago 
MissAllisonLove said:
yeah... girl.. if they make that.. i will stop watching the show too...
because that's the awesome of bamon.. of how epic they are on the books and show and how special they are... if the producers change this and put a bathtub scene with damon and someone else... i'm pretty sure that the show will loose a lot of fans... Because if they make that, i'm pretty sure that they can make whatever they want and no taking care of what books says... And seriously, I'll really get mad to hell if the books end with stelena and bamon and in the show they make endgame to delena!!
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posted over a year ago 
ScottishChic said:
Well, for starters, there hasn't been ANY DB scenes, like MAJOR chemistry scenes. -Well, not over here yet-. They WILL probably put in a few DB scenes later on but for now, Damon likes Rose, and Elena, and Bonnie likes that Luca guy.
And a lot of others are desperate (not me) that they are wanting a Delena scene to happen, so just be patient. And you shouldn't be so melodramatic, cause it's a show. So calm down and just wait and see what happens. OK?
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posted over a year ago 
I have to agree with ScottishChic. I think some Bamon fans need to just wait and see what happens. Bamon are not going to get a long overnight. Bonnie is involved with this whole Luka and Jeremy thing. Damon is involved with Rose and loving Elena. For now Damon and Bonnie will not get together anytime soon so people should just wait and see what happens...jeez it's only the second season.
HaloSupporter posted over a year ago
Hear hear!!!
ScottishChic posted over a year ago
-RandomChick- posted over a year ago
Gleeklover01 said:
I agree. I want some more DB scenes. I don't like Rose. She gonna die anyway from that werewolf bite. Which means no more Damon and Rose and more Damon and Bonnie. Finally. But if they don't get together I am seriously am going to cry.
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posted over a year ago 
Viadi said:
I think that the show is going to go with the majority here and that is why they are having Damon and Elena together all the time. There seems to be a lot more Delena fans out there than Bamon fans (I highly doubt that) so why not showcase what the majority fan base wants? I have noticed for a couple of episodes that Bonnie's and Damon's scenes are done off camera which sucks!!! But as I stated before, the majority wants Delena not Bamon. I could go on and on and on and say why I think this is so but it still won't make Bamon scenes go front and center. I haven't read the books and don't think I ever will because I really can't see anyone else be Bonnie but who is playing her on television which might be a STRONG reason why the powers that be are not going to push BAMON. It would be great to actually see them getting along or even communicating PERIOD on SCREEN. People see their chemistry along with Damon and Elena's chemistry as well so why not show it? And from what I'm seeing of this show Delena will happen and that is truly sad because Elena supposedly "loves" Stefan with all of her heart but yet and still she is giving Damon the "eyes". And didn't Damon confess his "love" for Elena then turn around and make her forget? So, TECHNICALLY he chose Stefan over Elena. As a result, it boggles the mind why Delena is existing at all. So why is Elena and Damon together all the darn time and why isn't she not with Stefan; he is the Love of her life right? A big laugh....As far as DB fans being treated badly, I agree but it's certainly NOT the first time a television show has dropped the ball with a pairing that could be so epic!!! I am a huge Damon/Bonnie fan but more so a die hard Bonnie fan; therefore, I'll continue to watch the show until Bonnie is killed off or Katerina Graham decides she's had enough or wants bigger and better things.
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posted over a year ago 
I for one, am trying to be optimistic. I liked how they at least MENTIONED that Bonnie and Damon are getting along, it's more than I had hoped for. But as for seeing it unfold on screen, I would like that. It would be nice to see JP and KW solidify the claim. I tend to see Damon's relationship with Rose as a semi-good thing, while it's not Bamon I think it's better than Delena. Rose is not a permanent character, that much is obvious. If Damon's attention is somwhat diverted from Elena then maybe he will see Bonnie in a new light. That's just a theory of course, but I really hope Damon gets over Elena soon. I HATE Delena. Ack.
MidnightRoses posted over a year ago
in a interview from oct 2010 with kevin and candice, kevin answered a question about bamon and he said the reason damon and bonnie have chemistry is cause they hate each other and not to hold your breath for bamon to happen but it is not impossiable
rajalanda posted over a year ago
Well of course it isn't *rolls eyes* bamon is going to happen but right now that idea in on hold
Bangelusfan posted over a year ago
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