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Damon & Bonnie Question

Am I the one here that thinks Delena fans hate Bonnie, because they know the Bamon will happen

I know its kinda biased, but omg Delena fans are driving me crazy. Calling her little bitch..You can't just hate a character so much for nothing. I think they know that Bamon will happen.
 elinochka posted over a year ago
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Damon & Bonnie Answers

jereimy said:
Well, I think maybe some delena fans hate a little Bonnie because she is one of the strong character female in the show ( with Katerina ) and she is much better than Elena.

Elena is human and Bonnie is a witch who want to deal with everything alone, Elena has stefan and damon, Bonnie is on her own, although Elena is kind and good person she is not a good friend wiht Bonnie and she didnt understand her at all.

And well delena fans love elena, and they think elena is strong and she can handle Damon when the reality is that Elena can handle Damon because he is in love with her not because she is strong and independant woman as Bonnie.

Well that is what I think about her "Hate" about Bonnie.
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posted over a year ago 
elinochka posted over a year ago
^ I agree Bamon WILL NOT HAPPEN! Delena WILL!
Delena13 posted over a year ago
@Delena13: Okay smartass, u made your comment and showed us how stupid you are, now you can get the hell out of this spot (:
louvreangel posted over a year ago
chairlover19 said:
I have some DE friends in fanpop who love Bonnie and some of DE friends who hate Elena but they love Bonnie,Still they ship DE, because the ship taste and character taste are way too different, I don't like Serena at all but I ship Serena/Nate because they match with my ship taste , I like Jenny but I don't like Jenny/Nate,although I agree some of the crazy DE fans hate Bonnie for Bamon thing but not all, some might actually not like her character and some love her.
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posted over a year ago 
louvreangel said:
Well I think the same actually. I think, they cant stand the idea of Bamon happening. That is why they hate Bonnie too. In my opinion, because they think Elena is the only one fitting Damon, Bonnie is a little slut who will take Damon from his precious Elena!

DE fans totally drive me crazy too. Their we-know-everything attitude, arrogant behaviour makes me punch them sometimes! They can keep hating Bonnie, or they can keep their Bamon-hating attitude, I dont give a damn anymore. Because even if they admit it or not, Bamon's gonna happen.

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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you ;-) !!!!!
hinata26 posted over a year ago
loooool you're right loooool wooow i can't stop laughing with your "we-know-everuthing attitude" looool you're so funny
kindhiya posted over a year ago
@hinata: im glad someone's agree with me ;) - @kindhiya: am i? thanks:)
louvreangel posted over a year ago
lool oh yes you are
kindhiya posted over a year ago
katesbon said:
not the only one they only hate her because of damon and they know its invetiebel ,but they give us a crap about that is not the reason when asked why they make up stories and ask every delena fan they will tell u how much they love beremy!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Well said a lot of beremy's fan are delena too!!! Is it a coincidence ? I don't think so.
hinata26 posted over a year ago
i'm a delena shipper and i have to say that bonnie/jeremy is one of the most forced, chemistry-less pairings i've ever seen in any show.
ATLsportsLOVE posted over a year ago
well then we can agree with something :P
Thedarkeststar posted over a year ago
bamon4eva997 said:
I know i get so mad when they talk crap about bonnie we dont call elena names even if she broke dear matt's heart when she picked stefan. plus i dont know why the want delena elena is happy with stefan dont they want her happy. if damon ends up with elena, bonnie ends up with someone she loves and stefan is happy i will accept it (okay i would be mad and throw the book but maybe in 10 yrs i'll accept it) because everyone will be happy and if they are ture fans they would want everyone to be happy i hate it when people say if bamon happen l.j smith is a bad author if she was a bad author i would not be waiting for midnight. us bamon fans notice that damon was happy with bonnie so that is why we love bonnie because she makes damon happy and vise versa same with stelena.
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posted over a year ago 
Lannieluv7 said:
Yes i do. I saw a poll where you pick your least favorite book character and Bonnie was the least favorite.How can you hate Bonnie she is the sweetest of the bunch!
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posted over a year ago 
team_tonks said:
I'm a Delena fan and I usually like Bonnie, the only times I don't like her is when she acts like she's better than everyone else, which she's been doing a lot more in recent episodes, like a lot of the characters, and to be honest, that's not Bonnie it's just bad characterisation on the writer's parts.

Despite being a Delena fan I have nothing against Bamon fans, I like Bonnie and Damon but I see their relationship completely differently to a lot of Bamon fans. In the books, I only saw Damon acting like a protective sibling (as well as being flirty like he is with everyone), but everyone looks at relationships differently, so it's not fair to insult any group of shippers for liking different relationships or different characteristics of the couple.

For me personally, I think Bonnie deserves better than Damon. She deserves someone who can make her happy and smile, and take her mind off the supernatural when it gets too much.

Please don't put all Delena fans into one category as Bonnie haters, they may have reasons, other than disliking Bamon, for not liking her character. I know a lot of Delena fans who love Book Bonnie (like me) but feel sad that show Bonnie's character is not as sweet and likeable as the great character in the book.
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posted over a year ago 
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