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Damon & Bonnie Question

Hope for Bamon?

I'm not the only one who saw Damon's face when he caressed Bonnie's face and closed her eyes.He was upset.But,both he and Bonnie had made that plan so he knew she wouldn't be gone for long AND Elena and Stefan were gone from the room by then.It seemed like it hurt him too think of her being dead.
My Bamon hopes are on high.
Is there anything other little things you noticed?
 Megan206 posted over a year ago
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Damon & Bonnie Answers

ducky8abug said:
I think this episode proved that the CHEMISTRY is OFF the FUCKING RAILS. Bamon is sex on a slippery, fucking stick. God, I loved them!

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posted over a year ago 
Haha.I agree!
Megan206 posted over a year ago
Lol, that true!
IxluvxCB posted over a year ago
aceg said:
The scene shows such a tender and caring side of Damon which only direct towards Bonnie during last episode. In comparison to the last scene, Damon is in his treadmark "switch off emotion" self, but I noticed Damon's slightly uncomfortable change in his tone/expression at the mention of "I will choose you over witch" part. It gives me the vibe that he said one thing and mean another.

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posted over a year ago 
Actually,I was thinking about that.Damon's always closed himself off and I think he's more confused about how he REALLY felt about Bonnie. He was purely 'interested' in Elena too annoy Stefan and he keeps it up so people won't know he cares for Bonnie. But,it's gone too Elena's head.(Sorry,but ever since Midnight,I've noticed her bitchy traits.)
Megan206 posted over a year ago
skysamuelle said:
I think the episode really proved that Damon is quite fond of Bonnie beyond doubt. How much, it's hard to say because damon is hardly very self-aware or honest where his emotions are concerned... but there'was something to that scene.
I think the moment was all more real because it was fake, strangely. Damon was pretending to none, because there was none around to see it, but he touched her with such a gentle, respectful manner than his admairation for her strenght of character really shone throught.

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posted over a year ago 
ese momento iso que yo estuviera segura de bamon el dijo lo ultimo por que aun su relación no es tan intensa como en el libro pero damon demostró que puede ser incluso mas apasionante ami este episodio me resulto increíble ni un pero no me importa lo que dijo damon el que ya la compare con elena es mucho
veronicaaa posted over a year ago
I 100% agree with you both of you :)
Megan206 posted over a year ago
I've gotta agree with skysamulle :) sometimes we become fond of things with even realizing it!!!
redBird posted over a year ago
I totally argee with you Nella!
IxluvxCB posted over a year ago
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