Damon & Bonnie Episode Chit Chat and Discussion!!

BB8fan posted on May 05, 2011 at 04:51PM
This is a forum created for the sole purpose of discussing episodes! In an attemtpt not to spoil different timezones, this is our new home for discussing the episode in between commercials, and after it airs! If you come here, you WILL be spoiled! Let the talking BEGIN!! :D

Damon & Bonnie 266 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 266

over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I honestly think Matt and Jenna are in danger of dying in tonight's episode.
over a year ago BB8fan said…
Me too, but like I said on the wall, I will be PISSED OFF if they kill Matt off!!! SUCH a cop out if you ask me! Jenna would be a BUMMER to, but Matt is a HUGE part of the books and I will NOT be happy about his departure!!
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
They better NOT kill off Matt. They seriously can't kill off Matt, he is a HUGE part of the books and the TVD series, especially the later books. I really think that in the books, Matt and Caroline are going to become closer.
over a year ago BB8fan said…
Oh WOW. Matt and Caroline in the books would be cool! But anyhow, I gotta go! :( Gotta help my Dad with some yard work for a bit, but then I'll be back! But probably not back to the forum, till tonight after I watch the episode! See you later, Apple! :)
over a year ago silvina19 said…
omg! i think the same!!! i want so much them to be together in the books, thats why i am so into matt and caroline in the show too ..

about the dead i dont think matt is going to die but i losing hopes every minutei with jenna, really dont want her to die!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago elena1 said…
Thanks for the creation of the episode's forum
over a year ago uluai said…
I want Matt and Caroline in the books too, if they kill matt it will be a mistake,a big mistake, and i LOVE Matt :(
over a year ago Lempicka said…
Thanks for this BB8fan :)
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
They're going to destroy Stefan's character....
over a year ago aceg said…
Thank you @BB8fan for creating this dicussion forum
over a year ago kivajayelle said…
They'd HAVE to destroy Stefan's character in order to allow for DE to take place.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I swear to God, if the writers/show make Stelena's relationship/love a huge set-up by Klaus since the beginning, I will fucking boycott this show. That would be a HUGE fucking slap in the face to TVD book fans and most of all, to Stelena book fans. They better fucking not even go there.
over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
They bettter NOT ruin stefan's character!!!! i will be one pissed off girl!!
i dont think matt is gonna die...i mean he's in the books :S
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
"Channeling the power of 100 dead witches really kind of has changed Bonnie [Kat Graham]—changed her permanently. I think we're going to see a more fearsome, more powerful side of Bonnie this week." - Joseph Morgan

Hmmm, interesting. Apparently Bonnie is supposed to take on Greta in tonight's episode and Greta is a very powerful witch.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
@ApplePie: I agree. I am terrified of this whole "SE was a set up by Klaus" bullshit and how I keep hearing Klaus compelled Stefan to go after and fall in love with Elena. Its like WTF? And now everything thats been happening for the last two seasons was all made up and a big joke, according to Nina. Seriously?

I dont even know who dies anymore. So one dies tonight, and then more deaths in the finale? Honestly I'm scared for everyone.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
ItalianAngel89: I hope that's just a rumour and NOT true. That would be absolutely TERRIBLE, considering that Stelena is the true epic love story of the show. They are seriously going to bring down Stelena that low in order to justify Delena happening? If that shit happens, I WILL BOYCOTT THIS SHOW.
over a year ago mishy91 said…
If they have Klaus be the one that compelled stefan to fall in love with elena that will be a lot like true blood. idk if anyone here is a true blood fan, but sookie (main character) falls in love with bill who we find out was ordered to watch her and get information about her for an older vampire. That would be such a cop out.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
over a year ago lorastefens said…
Lacking in creativity much.I don't know why but JP and KW follow True blood and Twilight way too much.Is it only me or anyone thinks that way?If they really follow anything, they should follow TVD books which have more interesting twists and relations.
over a year ago Isabellas_girl said…
Stefan falling in love with Eelena because of Klaus would be horribale.It's like WTF weas all about Stefan falling in love because of who she is and not because of Kathrine and their epic love.It would be such a slap in the face for Stelena fans and all of that would be just to justify Delena happening.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
All I know is they better not damage Stefan/Elena's love on this show, because as someone who has read the books, that would be a HUGE insult to fans like me who have been following Stelena's relationship since the books! Stefan and Elena's love in the books is REAL! Why would they try to fuck with that? THAT IS NO WAY TO JUSTIFY DELENA HAPPENING ON THIS SHOW! Absolutely none. And I would seriously boycott this show because that would be so fucking cheap.
over a year ago lorastefens said…
^ I really want DE like books where Elena has cheated Stefan and used Damon, not this way where JP and KW will ruin Stefan's character to justify Elena or Delena.Pathetic....but lets wait, maybe this spoiler or whatever is false because honestly to make DE and Elena a perfect girl, I don't like what are they trying to do with Damon or Stefan's character in show.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
LoraStefans: I would prefer that too but I have a feeling that they are trying to ruin Stefan's character in order to get DE happening on this show and if they are doing that, I will be major pissed off. You shouldn't have to ruin or bring down a character in order to justify an ill-fated relationship like Delena on a show. It's just pathetic and I seriously and really hope that this whole thing is NOT true and is just some sick rumour created by some sick Delena fan.
over a year ago NaeNae1495 said…
I will go OFF is the destroy Stelena. Really? Stefan was COMPELLED to fall in love with Elena. I hope that was a rumor from Dumb Entertainment cause I just might breakdown. The writers can't destroy Stelena just because some ppl like Delena. That is a total F*$# you to all Stelena fans. PLZ, No!!!!
over a year ago ILuvTV101 said…
i think stefan is FAKE! When hes not running off eating animals , hes actually worse then damon when he drinks human blood. He acts like a total physco. And if they compelled him.. its like his whole life has been a lie. Katherine compelling him... Now Klaus complelling for him to fall inlove once again. >:|
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
^ EXACTLY. They better not go that route at all. That would be so cheap and it would destroy the original concept of Stefan/Elena's love story, in which L.J. Smith created over 20 years ago.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
ILuvTV101: Stefan is NOT fake. Don't say that about Stefan.
over a year ago ILuvTV101 said…
if hes compelled to fall in love , and acts like a complete physco on human blood, then i would say YES!
over a year ago Bangelusfan said…
I...doubt...it!!!!! Stefan is not the one to blame here!
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
That's NOT his fault! That is Klaus' fault! Klaus is an extra powerful vampire, Stefan has no way around such a thing. Please stop the Stefan hate, seriously. I have to deal with this kind of shit from the DE fans and now I have to deal with the same thing from Bamon fans? Fuck this shit, it's not worth it.
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over a year ago ILuvTV101 said…
im not hating on stefann. Just stating the truth. I doubt he even acted this way in the books.
over a year ago lorastefens said…
Hey hey come down guys..I just want to make Delena happen or make Elena the perfect angel, writers don't destroy Stefan's character or Damon's character because honestly to make triangle happen it's not worth to it to destroy Stefan or Damon's characters.I'm so anxiously waiting for Bamon connection like books that it's hurting me now.Just pray that they don't ruin Stefan/Damon like the way they have started only to justify triangle and make Elena perfect.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I don't even know if I'm prepared to watch tonight's episode. It's all too much to handle and take in right now. I just hope I don't end up going off like last week when Damon pissed me off.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
writers don't destroy Stefan's character or Damon's character..

They already have. Well, Damon's character.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Yeah....and now they're about to destroy Stefan's...
over a year ago lorastefens said…
@Italianangel No only with Elena Damon behaves obsessive way, but with Bonnie or when he is alone I love him, With Elena, he lost his charm and behave emo way which annoy me so much.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Damon is at his worst when he is around Elena Gilbert. He is almost intolerable.
over a year ago lorastefens said…
^ yup and some fans say she brings out his best.Which is quiet opposite.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
^ LMFAO. The people who say that seriously need to take off their DE coloured glasses and stop smoking pot.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Someone died already but I don't know who and Tyler is apparently naked tonight.
over a year ago lorastefens said…
So, Tyler is having sex or sth..??Why is he naked?.omg Michael Trevino is naked...yum, I'm going from this forum, I don't wanna be spoiled :D.
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over a year ago aceg said…
Is it Caroline or somebody else?
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Hum, no I don't think Stefan is fake at all.

And Klaus having compelled Stefan to fall in love with elena would make no sense since we were repeteadly told that SE are soulmates.

Plus, Kevin and Juliie dropped the insane-mother-SL for Bonnie because it was too similiar to a TB storyline so... i doubt they would imitate Sookie/Bill with SE.

so, in short i don't believe this rumour at all.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
^ What?! What happened???!!!
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
okay, to you who are already watching, can you give your streaming link?

or at least explain what's happening please?
over a year ago Blairwaldorffan said…
I heard that Jenna is dead.what happened to Stefan and please tell me sth for Bonnie.I have to wait hour.
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over a year ago beepo123 said…
The way I think (am hoping) they are gonna pull DE off in the show and *cough* get it the hell over with *cough* is by having it take place during the darkest, and most chaotic part of the story. The rumors about next season being darker and Delena centered make sense - dark and depressing relationship = dark and depressing season. I don't think they will destroy Stefan's character, or Elena's for that matter, by making Stefan some wimp who lets his girlfriend cheat on him, and therefore making Elena a slut. The writers are smarter than that. I think either Stelena will break up, or be separated by some supernatural circumstances i.e. the other Originals that are supposed to show up next season. They will hopefully spend next season pairing off Delena together so Damon can get over his obsession and realize he never truly and healthily "loved" Elena, and Elena can know for sure that she is with who she is meant to be with. So I take these rumors about a Delena centered season 3 with a grain of salt, but I know that they will finally, FINALLY get DE over with so the show can get back to focusing on characters developments and exploring Bamon, which I am 100% positive they will. Whew. Rant over. :D
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
over a year ago skysamuelle said…