Daniel Desario and Kim Kelly Updates

an icon was added: Daniel & Kim over a year ago by Bibi69
a photo was added: Freaks and Geeks Covered in Colors over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a pop quiz question was added: According to Kim, what famous female singer is "a witch"? over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a pop quiz question was added: What was the name of Kim's dog with epilepsey? Hint-she mentiond him in the episode Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers. over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a pop quiz question was added: Why was Kim mad at Daniel in the episode Noshing and Moshing? over a year ago by rrhb669
a video was added: Lady L over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a video was added: The Parisian Night Suit over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a video was added: Bill Haverchuck Gets Down and Funky!! over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a video was added: Nick and the Magical Disco Styling of Eugene over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a link was added: Another F&G Review over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a video was added: Harris and Daniel over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a pop quiz question was added: What is Kim's brother's name? over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a pop quiz question was added: What was the name of Daniel's character in Dungeons and Dragons? over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a pop quiz question was added: What was the name of Daniel's girlfriend when he broke up with Kim? over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a video was added: Freaks and Geeks Theme Song over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a video was added: Daniel the Punker over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe
a poll was added: Who has a better family? over a year ago by ilovebilliejoe