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Death Note Question

BE HONEST: If you found the Death note lying around and you didn't know anything about it or the series, what would you do with it?

Don't lie or L will come and haunt your dreams!!!!
(Well, maybe that's a good thing...)
Cool answers everybody! :) Honestly, if I found it, I would think that it was a cool detailed little notebook and use it as a regular notebook. Hopefully I wouldn't write my friend' name in it.
emilyroxx posted over a year ago
if i found it, i'll set aside in my drawer
geneve posted over a year ago
The first name i'd write in the Death Note journal, would be Mitt Romney!
fassmackey posted over a year ago
 emilyroxx posted over a year ago
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Death Note Answers

MasterOfFear said:
I already got a Death Note. I wrote all the names down of everyone who's ever hurt me.
But unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work (or maybe i just don't read the obituaries enough to notice)
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posted over a year ago 
cloudstrifefan said:
I'd probably do the exact same thing Light does,except I hopefully wouldn't end up dying.Besides,Light doesn't know he's in a series does he?
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posted over a year ago 
ultrasonic34 said:
I'd write Justin Bieber's name in it. *evil laugh*
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posted over a year ago 
yes it must be done then add lady gagas name in there too
PrinceRhaegar posted over a year ago
ultrasonic34 posted over a year ago
GINSDARKANGEL posted over a year ago
flaming-wave666 said:
I would just leave it there. I don't take stuff that's not mine or that I've never seen before. But just to make sure what is it i would write Justin Biebers name in it then take a leave. U_U
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posted over a year ago 
YEEESSS!!!! High five on that one!
Blazingstar posted over a year ago
I hate Justin bieber
izbia150 posted over a year ago
near_ty1222 posted over a year ago
B10 said:
I'd Right In It,Kinda Like A Journal. I Would Also Right The People I Hate Names In It.
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posted over a year ago 
Loli-Chan said:
I'd write in it but then i'd freak out with the shinigami i mean those things look scary. If ryuk popped up out of now where i might die of shock lol. Then i might do the same thing as light killing off bad guys and what not.
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posted over a year ago 
raikagebee said:
To be completely honest i definitely think i would use it and kill people who i really disliked and i would probably after a while get obsessed with it and kill loads of people, so kind of inbetween BB and Kira lol
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posted over a year ago 
Lawli-gagger said:
Honestly, it'll scare me.
First thing I see?
I'd run.

L is ALWAYS in my dreams ;)
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posted over a year ago 
Good !
Renjio posted over a year ago
Sparky04 said:
Hmm, Honestly? I'd read the instructions and think it was a joke. But, just in case in wasn' a joke, I'd freak out and try to burn it or bury it. Better yet, I'd give it to a shinigami and say "I don;t want it, take it away!" I wouldn't even try to use it.
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posted over a year ago 
Gackt said:
Well, if no obvious owner was present I would pick it up. If you consider it, the name itself throws people off but even Light himself states that the note draws humans to it, in the way that it is a guilty pleasure of curiousity. With your reasons to not pick it up, it could possibly be some perons collection of a hitlist, or it's an ordinary notebook, scary but just trash, why else would it be on the ground? Still, to see it fall from the sky, my curiousity would nag me to find out what it was. If I was capable of finding out the Death Notes potential I would use it to kill, it's original purpose, criminals on the most likely or people who I thought deserved that fate, not without reason, though. It wouldn't be abused in it's use.
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posted over a year ago 
yana_sasuke said:
ill RIGHT names in it hehhehe
just a view LOL
mmmm mabey to meat L heheh :P
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posted over a year ago 
nene72 said:
Wouldn't ever want to find one as unfortunately I don't think that I'd fall into my initial temptation to destroy it. I think I would be like link and end up using it and eventually abusing it.
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posted over a year ago 
emochick1242 said:
I would proably write down every persons name who has ever made fun of me and who I hate.
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posted over a year ago 
PrinceRhaegar said:
idk id probably draw in it for a while but when i found out what it was i would totally abuse its power
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posted over a year ago 
shyboy77 said:
nothing i will not use it there is no point to causing harm to other people it's just wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
really? dude come on
PrinceRhaegar posted over a year ago
its entertaining though!
PrinceRhaegar posted over a year ago
I am totally with you on that one, high five. ;)
RoughSketch posted over a year ago
Wrath98 said:
L haunt my dreams i aint scared and i would probally use most likely
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posted over a year ago 
Hagashi_Yuki said:
can u pomise that if i lie L will haunt me?
i'll destroy the book....
(that's a lie ofcourse)...
i see L in my dreams to night...
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can u pomise that if i lie L will haunt me?
i'll destroy the book....
(that's a lie ofcourse)...
i see L in my dreams to night...
posted over a year ago 
Lawli-gagger posted over a year ago
sorry i don't get ur point...???
Hagashi_Yuki posted over a year ago
If its yours.... can i have your doll....???
Ninjacupcake posted over a year ago
BAAAHH.... sorry that was sooo of the point but thats really the only thing i got out of this...
Ninjacupcake posted over a year ago
Blazingstar said:
First I wouldn't be dumb and write a bunch of names of my enimies down I would try and find out more about it first and experiment with it then well I would do what light did and kill only the really bad people

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posted over a year ago 
near_ty1222 said:
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posted over a year ago 
it would be funny if this stuff existed and u wrote down how justin dies of hair folical bacterial growth and he dies from some mysterious disease that eats away hair...
Ninjacupcake posted over a year ago
Im just sayin...... teehee!!!
Ninjacupcake posted over a year ago
ME TOO : )
izbia150 posted over a year ago
taismo723 said:
I'd probably doodle and stuff, then sign my work. XDDD
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posted over a year ago 
Umm........ Dude it's a "death note" not a doodle note your supposed to kill people with it!
Blazingstar posted over a year ago
ummm... "Blazingstar", did u get the joke??? He said he'd doodle then SIGN his work.... thus killing HIMSELF!!!!
Ninjacupcake posted over a year ago
kuchiki019 said:
I'll use it as my note book XD but wen i understand all about the notebook maybe i got scared for a while wen i see ryuk! XD but that was awesome to manipulate humans i play w/ them boOo! XD
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posted over a year ago 
Sasori_Kitten said:
If i did not know anything about the series
I would probably wright my name in it so I don't
lose it...*Dies*
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posted over a year ago 
yellomello said:
To be honest, alot of the world's petty fanciful tryannts and oppressive dictators would be dead right now...
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posted over a year ago 
*snickers* yellomello.....hehe...jk
Ninjacupcake posted over a year ago
wolfmaster3000 said:
in all honesty I would do exactly what light did oh cool a note book , death note ? you can't be serouis test it out , FUCK it works to have some real fun :)
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posted over a year ago 
AmandaKilljoy said:
I think, honestly, I would do the same thing that Light did. It's a nice idea, thinking of a world without crime, and If one didn't know that it could all mess up so easy, and that the Deathnote obviously corrupted whoever used it, a lot of people would do that.
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posted over a year ago 
izbia150 said:
i can't not know death note it's to awesome : )
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posted over a year ago 
Narusasu4EVER said:
I'll probably pick it up,i am a very curious person,so i would like to know what is this!!!Then when finished reading the rules i'd probably try it by writing a name and when see that it works i would start writing names on it!!!!I JUST NEED A DEATH NOTE SO MUCH!!!!
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I'll probably pick it up,i am a very curious person,so i would like to know what is this!!!Then when finished reading the rules i'd probably try it by writing a name and when see that it works i would start writing names on it!!!!I JUST NEED A DEATH NOTE SO MUCH!!!!
posted over a year ago 
zinkul said:
I would probably see if this works, and if it would work I would be too scared to use it anymore... I don't think I would like killing people.
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posted over a year ago 
YannCookie said:
Keep it, but not use it. Why?
1, When the Shinigami shows up I would freak out at first. But then having a secret pet no one can see would just be awesome. And hopefully they'll be as caring as Rem but hilarious as Ryuk!
2, The "Neither go to heaven or hell" rule. If it was not for that, I'd possibley test it out.

This is all I can guess... but seeming I do KNOW about the series it's kinda hard to think what I'd REALLY do.
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posted over a year ago 
MaelChan said:
If i know myself. i would be really scared at the fiest time. then i would be curious and maybe i try it on some criminal. then i would really be scared and regret it. maybe i would throw it away or burn it and then i wouldnt remember anything..
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posted over a year ago 
MCHopnPop said:
Okay I would honestly just set it aside in my draw or closet or somewhere I really am not the type that likes doing things like that to another another person.
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posted over a year ago 
RedPineapple said:
I'd do the exact thing as Kira...except I would be even more strategic and careful. :3
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posted over a year ago 
Spottedpool said:
i would burn it. the book says that anyone who uses it neither goes to heaven or hell and i want to go to heaven
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posted over a year ago 
seffro said:
1 word: coaster
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posted over a year ago 
Clutch13 said:
To be honest, I'd probably do exactly what Light did but I would be a lil different. World dictators would be mysteriously dying from the weirdest shit. But I would only do a few... Then I would discretely go to the U.S. government. Send an annonymous video offer. I wouldn't tell them about the deathnote, but I would offer my hand as an expert assassin for the right price. Just tell them that all I require is a name and a face. I'd set up a private Swiss bank account for my payments to be directed there. If they take my offer, great, if not, whatever. I'm sure there's plenty of countries that'd give me the go ahead nod. The only thing I'd really need is to put that bank account in someone else's name or forge a false idenity. I'd link it back to an adress that either doesn't exist, or one that does, but investigators might be surprised when they bust into an empty house rigged with trip wires and C4. I could even hire a small work force of mercenaries that do intel work for me. They would be paid very handsomely. There's so much more planning to this, but in the end, I'd be enjoying life on a yacht traveling the world, and just taking it easy...
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posted over a year ago 
A-347 said:
If I didn't know, I'd probably use it as an autograph book for my fave bands. Umm... yeah, you can see how that would be a problem.
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posted over a year ago 
RoughSketch said:
To be honest? Well i would find it scary or "gothlike" at first but as i like notebooks and i almost dont have any paper to draw on i would take it, doodle characters and throw it away, really i would never know anything about it if not a shinigami told me, if a shinigami told me the rules i would have my memory ereased.
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posted over a year ago 
and seriously..ehh..whats with all beiber hate? weird.
RoughSketch posted over a year ago
iloveakatuski said:
keep it most likly use it on kaylynn E. i realy hate her! but ya keep and use it but most lik;y not for the same resons light did
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posted over a year ago 
thalia283 said:
I would pick it up, though I probably wouldn't be that interested in it. I'd probably look it up on the Internet (I do that with everything! XD) discover the series and info and stuff, and test it by killing someone like Kim Jong Un, like people who really deserve to die, but in a way that the world would truly be changed for the better after their death, like if I used him for example, I'd make him announce to his people about how he'd fooled them all this time, he wasn't a god, they deserved better, they needed to trust America, and I'd give up control of the country to South Korea. I probably wouldn't use it too often, but there is a chance I'd get a little addicted and use it for more than I should, but I wouldn't go on a rampage the way Light did, and I would mix up the deaths so it would seem like simply a turn of luck that the world was becoming a better place. That said, I don't agree that what Light did was right. Yes, killing one person to save millions seems logistically and morally correct, but if you take a philosophical angle, is it really our place to judge right from wrong? In the end, i believe the world could do without some people, and I would take it upon myself to erase a few of them, for "fun" I suppose. I don't think the idea of being able to kill people really appeals to me, but I wouldn't be able to give up such an opportunity to have such an effect on the world. I might end up sharing with one person, but there's a good chance considering what its power can do to people, with Light being example A, of course. Does anyone know if the Death Note can cause natural disasters? Because it would certainly help to eliminate large groups of people from earth in order to decrease the population and conserve resources. It's completely wrong and horrendously evil to do such a thing for any reason I think, but I'd probably be okay with doing if I didn't know any of the people. You know, in my head they're just numbers, since I don't know any of them personally. Again, it's wrong to look at it that way, but just in all honesty. But this is illogical to imagine, since the idea of the death note is to target one person, and if their death effects the life of anyone else, they'll simply die of a heart attack, which would relinquish the entire idea, but it would be a nice plus. I'd probably just indulge in writing in it when I was bored, but I would put a lot of planning into each death, seeing as how I would focus on influential people. Though there are a few people I know myself that I wouldn't mind walking off the earth, if you get my meaning.
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posted over a year ago 
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